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Abstract class Phalcon\Acl

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integer ALLOW

integer DENY

Abstract class Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface

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Adapter for Phalcon\Acl adapters


public getActiveRole ()

Role which the list is checking if it's allowed to certain resource/access

public getActiveResource ()

Resource which the list is checking if some role can access it

public getActiveAccess ()

Active access which the list is checking if some role can access it

public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager)

Sets the events manager

public getEventsManager ()

Returns the internal event manager

public setDefaultAction (mixed $defaultAccess)

Sets the default access level (Phalcon\Acl::ALLOW or Phalcon\Acl::DENY)

public getDefaultAction ()

Returns the default ACL access level

abstract public setNoArgumentsDefaultAction (mixed $defaultAccess) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public getNoArgumentsDefaultAction () inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public addRole (mixed $role, [mixed $accessInherits]) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public addInherit (mixed $roleName, mixed $roleToInherit) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public isRole (mixed $roleName) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public isResource (mixed $resourceName) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public addResource (mixed $resourceObject, mixed $accessList) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public addResourceAccess (mixed $resourceName, mixed $accessList) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public dropResourceAccess (mixed $resourceName, mixed $accessList) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public allow (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, [mixed $func]) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public deny (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, [mixed $func]) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public isAllowed (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, [array $parameters]) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public getRoles () inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


abstract public getResources () inherited from Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface


Class Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory

extends abstract class Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface, Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface

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Manages ACL lists in memory


$acl = new \Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory();


// Register roles
$roles = [
    "users"  => new \Phalcon\Acl\Role("Users"),
    "guests" => new \Phalcon\Acl\Role("Guests"),
foreach ($roles as $role) {

// Private area resources
$privateResources = [
    "companies" => ["index", "search", "new", "edit", "save", "create", "delete"],
    "products"  => ["index", "search", "new", "edit", "save", "create", "delete"],
    "invoices"  => ["index", "profile"],

foreach ($privateResources as $resourceName => $actions) {
        new \Phalcon\Acl\Resource($resourceName),

// Public area resources
$publicResources = [
    "index"   => ["index"],
    "about"   => ["index"],
    "session" => ["index", "register", "start", "end"],
    "contact" => ["index", "send"],

foreach ($publicResources as $resourceName => $actions) {
        new \Phalcon\Acl\Resource($resourceName),

// Grant access to public areas to both users and guests
foreach ($roles as $role){
    foreach ($publicResources as $resource => $actions) {
        $acl->allow($role->getName(), $resource, "*");

// Grant access to private area to role Users
foreach ($privateResources as $resource => $actions) {
    foreach ($actions as $action) {
        $acl->allow("Users", $resource, $action);


public __construct ()

Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory constructor

public addRole (RoleInterface | string $role, [array | string $accessInherits])

Adds a role to the ACL list. Second parameter allows inheriting access data from other existing role Example:


    new Phalcon\Acl\Role("administrator"),

$acl->addRole("administrator", "consultant");

public addInherit (mixed $roleName, mixed $roleToInherit)

Do a role inherit from another existing role

public isRole (mixed $roleName)

Check whether role exist in the roles list

public isResource (mixed $resourceName)

Check whether resource exist in the resources list

public addResource (Phalcon\Acl\Resource | string $resourceValue, array | string $accessList)

Adds a resource to the ACL list Access names can be a particular action, by example search, update, delete, etc or a list of them Example:


// Add a resource to the the list allowing access to an action
    new Phalcon\Acl\Resource("customers"),

$acl->addResource("customers", "search");

// Add a resource  with an access list
    new Phalcon\Acl\Resource("customers"),


public addResourceAccess (mixed $resourceName, array | string $accessList)

Adds access to resources

public dropResourceAccess (mixed $resourceName, array | string $accessList)

Removes an access from a resource

protected _allowOrDeny (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, mixed $action, [mixed $func])

Checks if a role has access to a resource

public allow (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, [mixed $func])

Allow access to a role on a resource You can use '*' as wildcard Example:


//Allow access to guests to search on customers
$acl->allow("guests", "customers", "search");

//Allow access to guests to search or create on customers
$acl->allow("guests", "customers", ["search", "create"]);

//Allow access to any role to browse on products
$acl->allow("*", "products", "browse");

//Allow access to any role to browse on any resource
$acl->allow("*", "*", "browse");

public deny (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, [mixed $func])

Deny access to a role on a resource You can use '*' as wildcard Example:


//Deny access to guests to search on customers
$acl->deny("guests", "customers", "search");

//Deny access to guests to search or create on customers
$acl->deny("guests", "customers", ["search", "create"]);

//Deny access to any role to browse on products
$acl->deny("*", "products", "browse");

//Deny access to any role to browse on any resource
$acl->deny("*", "*", "browse");

public isAllowed (RoleInterface | RoleAware | string $roleName, ResourceInterface | ResourceAware | string $resourceName, mixed $access, [array $parameters])

Check whether a role is allowed to access an action from a resource


//Does andres have access to the customers resource to create?
$acl->isAllowed("andres", "Products", "create");

//Do guests have access to any resource to edit?
$acl->isAllowed("guests", "*", "edit");

public setNoArgumentsDefaultAction (mixed $defaultAccess)

Sets the default access level (Phalcon\Acl::ALLOW or Phalcon\Acl::DENY) for no arguments provided in isAllowed action if there exists func for accessKey

public getNoArgumentsDefaultAction ()

Returns the default ACL access level for no arguments provided in isAllowed action if there exists func for accessKey

public getRoles ()

Return an array with every role registered in the list

public getResources ()

Return an array with every resource registered in the list

public getActiveRole () inherited from Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

Role which the list is checking if it's allowed to certain resource/access

public getActiveResource () inherited from Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

Resource which the list is checking if some role can access it

public getActiveAccess () inherited from Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

Active access which the list is checking if some role can access it

public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

Sets the events manager

public getEventsManager () inherited from Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

Returns the internal event manager

public setDefaultAction (mixed $defaultAccess) inherited from Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

Sets the default access level (Phalcon\Acl::ALLOW or Phalcon\Acl::DENY)

public getDefaultAction () inherited from Phalcon\Acl\Adapter

Returns the default ACL access level

Interface Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface

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abstract public setDefaultAction (mixed $defaultAccess)

Sets the default access level (Phalcon\Acl::ALLOW or Phalcon\Acl::DENY)

abstract public getDefaultAction ()

Returns the default ACL access level

abstract public setNoArgumentsDefaultAction (mixed $defaultAccess)

Sets the default access level (Phalcon\Acl::ALLOW or Phalcon\Acl::DENY) for no arguments provided in isAllowed action if there exists func for accessKey

abstract public getNoArgumentsDefaultAction ()

Returns the default ACL access level for no arguments provided in isAllowed action if there exists func for accessKey

abstract public addRole (mixed $role, [mixed $accessInherits])

Adds a role to the ACL list. Second parameter lets to inherit access data from other existing role

abstract public addInherit (mixed $roleName, mixed $roleToInherit)

Do a role inherit from another existing role

abstract public isRole (mixed $roleName)

Check whether role exist in the roles list

abstract public isResource (mixed $resourceName)

Check whether resource exist in the resources list

abstract public addResource (mixed $resourceObject, mixed $accessList)

Adds a resource to the ACL list Access names can be a particular action, by example search, update, delete, etc or a list of them

abstract public addResourceAccess (mixed $resourceName, mixed $accessList)

Adds access to resources

abstract public dropResourceAccess (mixed $resourceName, mixed $accessList)

Removes an access from a resource

abstract public allow (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, [mixed $func])

Allow access to a role on a resource

abstract public deny (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, [mixed $func])

Deny access to a role on a resource

abstract public isAllowed (mixed $roleName, mixed $resourceName, mixed $access, [array $parameters])

Check whether a role is allowed to access an action from a resource

abstract public getActiveRole ()

Returns the role which the list is checking if it's allowed to certain resource/access

abstract public getActiveResource ()

Returns the resource which the list is checking if some role can access it

abstract public getActiveAccess ()

Returns the access which the list is checking if some role can access it

abstract public getRoles ()

Return an array with every role registered in the list

abstract public getResources ()

Return an array with every resource registered in the list

Class Phalcon\Acl\Exception

extends class Phalcon\Exception

implements Throwable

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final private Exception __clone () inherited from Exception

Clone the exception

public __construct ([mixed $message], [mixed $code], [mixed $previous]) inherited from Exception

Exception constructor

public __wakeup () inherited from Exception


final public string getMessage () inherited from Exception

Gets the Exception message

final public int getCode () inherited from Exception

Gets the Exception code

final public string getFile () inherited from Exception

Gets the file in which the exception occurred

final public int getLine () inherited from Exception

Gets the line in which the exception occurred

final public array getTrace () inherited from Exception

Gets the stack trace

final public Exception getPrevious () inherited from Exception

Returns previous Exception

final public Exception getTraceAsString () inherited from Exception

Gets the stack trace as a string

public string __toString () inherited from Exception

String representation of the exception

Class Phalcon\Acl\Resource

implements Phalcon\Acl\ResourceInterface

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This class defines resource entity and its description


public getName ()

Resource name

public __toString ()

Resource name

public getDescription ()

Resource description

public __construct (mixed $name, [mixed $description])

Phalcon\Acl\Resource constructor

Interface Phalcon\Acl\ResourceAware

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abstract public getResourceName ()

Returns resource name

Interface Phalcon\Acl\ResourceInterface

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abstract public getName ()

Returns the resource name

abstract public getDescription ()

Returns resource description

abstract public __toString ()

Magic method __toString

Class Phalcon\Acl\Role

implements Phalcon\Acl\RoleInterface

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This class defines role entity and its description


public getName ()

Role name

public __toString ()

Role name

public getDescription ()

Role description

public __construct (mixed $name, [mixed $description])

Phalcon\Acl\Role constructor

Interface Phalcon\Acl\RoleAware

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abstract public getRoleName ()

Returns role name

Interface Phalcon\Acl\RoleInterface

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abstract public getName ()

Returns the role name

abstract public getDescription ()

Returns role description

abstract public __toString ()

Magic method __toString