Class Phalcon\Debug¶
Provides debug capabilities to Phalcon applications
public setUri (mixed $uri)
Change the base URI for static resources
public setShowBackTrace (mixed $showBackTrace)
Sets if files the exception's backtrace must be showed
public setShowFiles (mixed $showFiles)
Set if files part of the backtrace must be shown in the output
public setShowFileFragment (mixed $showFileFragment)
Sets if files must be completely opened and showed in the output or just the fragment related to the exception
public listen ([mixed $exceptions], [mixed $lowSeverity])
Listen for uncaught exceptions and unsilent notices or warnings
public listenExceptions ()
Listen for uncaught exceptions
public listenLowSeverity ()
Listen for unsilent notices or warnings
public halt ()
Halts the request showing a backtrace
public debugVar (mixed $varz, [mixed $key])
Adds a variable to the debug output
public clearVars ()
Clears are variables added previously
protected _escapeString (mixed $value)
Escapes a string with htmlentities
protected _getArrayDump (array $argument, [mixed $n])
Produces a recursive representation of an array
protected _getVarDump (mixed $variable)
Produces an string representation of a variable
public getMajorVersion ()
Returns the major framework's version
public getVersion ()
Generates a link to the current version documentation
public getCssSources ()
Returns the css sources
public getJsSources ()
Returns the javascript sources
final protected showTraceItem (mixed $n, array $trace)
Shows a backtrace item
public onUncaughtLowSeverity (mixed $severity, mixed $message, mixed $file, mixed $line, mixed $context)
Throws an exception when a notice or warning is raised
public onUncaughtException (Exception $exception)
Handles uncaught exceptions
Class Phalcon\Debug\Dump¶
Dumps information about a variable(s)
$foo = "string";
$bar = ["key" => "value"];
$baz = new stdClass();
echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->variables($foo, $bar, $baz);
public getDetailed ()
public setDetailed (mixed $detailed)
public __construct ([array $styles], [mixed $detailed])
Phalcon\Debug\Dump constructor
public all ()
Alias of variables() method
protected getStyle (mixed $type)
Get style for type
public setStyles ([array $styles])
Set styles for vars type
public one (mixed $variable, [mixed $name])
Alias of variable() method
protected output (mixed $variable, [mixed $name], [mixed $tab])
Prepare an HTML string of information about a single variable.
public variable (mixed $variable, [mixed $name])
Returns an HTML string of information about a single variable.
public variables ()
Returns an HTML string of debugging information about any number of variables, each wrapped in a "pre" tag.
$foo = "string";
$bar = ["key" => "value"];
$baz = new stdClass();
echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->variables($foo, $bar, $baz);
public toJson (mixed $variable)
Returns an JSON string of information about a single variable.
$foo = [
"key" => "value",
echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->toJson($foo);
$foo = new stdClass();
$foo->bar = "buz";
echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->toJson($foo);
Class Phalcon\Debug\Exception¶
extends class Phalcon\Exception
implements Throwable
final private Exception __clone () inherited from Exception
Clone the exception
public __construct ([mixed $message], [mixed $code], [mixed $previous]) inherited from Exception
Exception constructor
public __wakeup () inherited from Exception
final public string getMessage () inherited from Exception
Gets the Exception message
final public int getCode () inherited from Exception
Gets the Exception code
final public string getFile () inherited from Exception
Gets the file in which the exception occurred
final public int getLine () inherited from Exception
Gets the line in which the exception occurred
final public array getTrace () inherited from Exception
Gets the stack trace
final public Exception getPrevious () inherited from Exception
Returns previous Exception
final public Exception getTraceAsString () inherited from Exception
Gets the stack trace as a string
public string __toString () inherited from Exception
String representation of the exception