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Abstract class Phalcon\Logger

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integer SPECIAL

integer CUSTOM

integer DEBUG

integer INFO

integer NOTICE

integer WARNING

integer ERROR

integer ALERT

integer CRITICAL



Abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface

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Base class for Phalcon\Logger adapters


public setLogLevel (mixed $level)

Filters the logs sent to the handlers that are less or equal than a specific level

public getLogLevel ()

Returns the current log level

public setFormatter (Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface $formatter)

Sets the message formatter

public begin ()

Starts a transaction

public commit ()

Commits the internal transaction

public rollback ()

Rollbacks the internal transaction

public isTransaction ()

Returns the whether the logger is currently in an active transaction or not

public critical (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a critical message to the log

public emergency (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an emergency message to the log

public debug (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a debug message to the log

public error (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an error message to the log

public info (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an info message to the log

public notice (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a notice message to the log

public warning (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a warning message to the log

public alert (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an alert message to the log

public log (mixed $type, [mixed $message], [array $context])

Logs messages to the internal logger. Appends logs to the logger

abstract public getFormatter () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface


abstract public close () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface


Class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\File

extends abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface

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Adapter to store logs in plain text files


$logger = new \Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\File("app/logs/test.log");

$logger->log("This is a message");
$logger->log(\Phalcon\Logger::ERROR, "This is an error");
$logger->error("This is another error");



public getPath ()

File Path

public __construct (string $name, [array $options])

Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\File constructor

public getFormatter ()

Returns the internal formatter

public logInternal (mixed $message, mixed $type, mixed $time, array $context)

Writes the log to the file itself

public close ()

Closes the logger

public __wakeup ()

Opens the internal file handler after unserialization

public setLogLevel (mixed $level) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Filters the logs sent to the handlers that are less or equal than a specific level

public getLogLevel () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Returns the current log level

public setFormatter (Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface $formatter) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sets the message formatter

public begin () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Starts a transaction

public commit () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Commits the internal transaction

public rollback () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Rollbacks the internal transaction

public isTransaction () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Returns the whether the logger is currently in an active transaction or not

public critical (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a critical message to the log

public emergency (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an emergency message to the log

public debug (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a debug message to the log

public error (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an error message to the log

public info (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an info message to the log

public notice (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a notice message to the log

public warning (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a warning message to the log

public alert (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an alert message to the log

public log (mixed $type, [mixed $message], [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Logs messages to the internal logger. Appends logs to the logger

Class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Firephp

extends abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface

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Sends logs to FirePHP


use Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Firephp;
use Phalcon\Logger;

$logger = new Firephp();

$logger->log(Logger::ERROR, "This is an error");
$logger->error("This is another error");


public getFormatter ()

Returns the internal formatter

public logInternal (mixed $message, mixed $type, mixed $time, array $context)

Writes the log to the stream itself

public close ()

Closes the logger

public setLogLevel (mixed $level) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Filters the logs sent to the handlers that are less or equal than a specific level

public getLogLevel () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Returns the current log level

public setFormatter (Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface $formatter) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sets the message formatter

public begin () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Starts a transaction

public commit () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Commits the internal transaction

public rollback () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Rollbacks the internal transaction

public isTransaction () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Returns the whether the logger is currently in an active transaction or not

public critical (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a critical message to the log

public emergency (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an emergency message to the log

public debug (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a debug message to the log

public error (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an error message to the log

public info (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an info message to the log

public notice (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a notice message to the log

public warning (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a warning message to the log

public alert (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an alert message to the log

public log (mixed $type, [mixed $message], [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Logs messages to the internal logger. Appends logs to the logger

Class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Stream

extends abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface

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Sends logs to a valid PHP stream


use Phalcon\Logger;
use Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Stream;

$logger = new Stream("php://stderr");

$logger->log("This is a message");
$logger->log(Logger::ERROR, "This is an error");
$logger->error("This is another error");


public __construct (string $name, [array $options])

Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Stream constructor

public getFormatter ()

Returns the internal formatter

public logInternal (mixed $message, mixed $type, mixed $time, array $context)

Writes the log to the stream itself

public close ()

Closes the logger

public setLogLevel (mixed $level) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Filters the logs sent to the handlers that are less or equal than a specific level

public getLogLevel () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Returns the current log level

public setFormatter (Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface $formatter) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sets the message formatter

public begin () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Starts a transaction

public commit () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Commits the internal transaction

public rollback () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Rollbacks the internal transaction

public isTransaction () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Returns the whether the logger is currently in an active transaction or not

public critical (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a critical message to the log

public emergency (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an emergency message to the log

public debug (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a debug message to the log

public error (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an error message to the log

public info (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an info message to the log

public notice (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a notice message to the log

public warning (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a warning message to the log

public alert (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an alert message to the log

public log (mixed $type, [mixed $message], [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Logs messages to the internal logger. Appends logs to the logger

Class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Syslog

extends abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

implements Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface

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Sends logs to the system logger


use Phalcon\Logger;
use Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Syslog;

// LOG_USER is the only valid log type under Windows operating systems
$logger = new Syslog(
        "option"   => LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID,
        "facility" => LOG_USER,

$logger->log("This is a message");
$logger->log(Logger::ERROR, "This is an error");
$logger->error("This is another error");


public __construct (string $name, [array $options])

Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Syslog constructor

public getFormatter ()

Returns the internal formatter

public logInternal (mixed $message, mixed $type, mixed $time, array $context)

Writes the log to the stream itself

public close ()

Closes the logger

public setLogLevel (mixed $level) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Filters the logs sent to the handlers that are less or equal than a specific level

public getLogLevel () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Returns the current log level

public setFormatter (Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface $formatter) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sets the message formatter

public begin () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Starts a transaction

public commit () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Commits the internal transaction

public rollback () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Rollbacks the internal transaction

public isTransaction () inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Returns the whether the logger is currently in an active transaction or not

public critical (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a critical message to the log

public emergency (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an emergency message to the log

public debug (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a debug message to the log

public error (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an error message to the log

public info (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an info message to the log

public notice (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a notice message to the log

public warning (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes a warning message to the log

public alert (mixed $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Sends/Writes an alert message to the log

public log (mixed $type, [mixed $message], [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Adapter

Logs messages to the internal logger. Appends logs to the logger

Interface Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface

Source on GitHub


abstract public setFormatter (Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface $formatter)


abstract public getFormatter ()


abstract public setLogLevel (mixed $level)


abstract public getLogLevel ()


abstract public log (mixed $type, [mixed $message], [array $context])


abstract public begin ()


abstract public commit ()


abstract public rollback ()


abstract public close ()


abstract public debug (mixed $message, [array $context])


abstract public error (mixed $message, [array $context])


abstract public info (mixed $message, [array $context])


abstract public notice (mixed $message, [array $context])


abstract public warning (mixed $message, [array $context])


abstract public alert (mixed $message, [array $context])


abstract public emergency (mixed $message, [array $context])


Class Phalcon\Logger\Exception

extends class Phalcon\Exception

implements Throwable

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final private Exception __clone () inherited from Exception

Clone the exception

public __construct ([mixed $message], [mixed $code], [mixed $previous]) inherited from Exception

Exception constructor

public __wakeup () inherited from Exception


final public string getMessage () inherited from Exception

Gets the Exception message

final public int getCode () inherited from Exception

Gets the Exception code

final public string getFile () inherited from Exception

Gets the file in which the exception occurred

final public int getLine () inherited from Exception

Gets the line in which the exception occurred

final public array getTrace () inherited from Exception

Gets the stack trace

final public Exception getPrevious () inherited from Exception

Returns previous Exception

final public Exception getTraceAsString () inherited from Exception

Gets the stack trace as a string

public string __toString () inherited from Exception

String representation of the exception

Class Phalcon\Logger\Factory

extends abstract class Phalcon\Factory

implements Phalcon\FactoryInterface

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Loads Logger Adapter class using 'adapter' option


use Phalcon\Logger\Factory;

$options = [
    "name"    => "log.txt",
    "adapter" => "file",
$logger = Factory::load($options);


public static load (Phalcon\Config | array $config)

protected static loadClass (mixed $namespace, mixed $config)


Abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

implements Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface

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This is a base class for logger formatters


public getTypeString (mixed $type)

Returns the string meaning of a logger constant

public interpolate (string $message, [array $context])

Interpolates context values into the message placeholders

abstract public format (mixed $message, mixed $type, mixed $timestamp, [mixed $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface


Class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter\Firephp

extends abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

implements Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface

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Formats messages so that they can be sent to FirePHP


public getTypeString (mixed $type)

Returns the string meaning of a logger constant

public setShowBacktrace ([mixed $isShow])

Returns the string meaning of a logger constant

public getShowBacktrace ()

Returns the string meaning of a logger constant

public enableLabels ([mixed $isEnable])

Returns the string meaning of a logger constant

public labelsEnabled ()

Returns the labels enabled

public string format (string $message, int $type, int $timestamp, [array $context])

Applies a format to a message before sending it to the log

public interpolate (string $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

Interpolates context values into the message placeholders

Class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter\Json

extends abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

implements Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface

Source on GitHub

Formats messages using JSON encoding


public string format (string $message, int $type, int $timestamp, [array $context])

Applies a format to a message before sent it to the internal log

public getTypeString (mixed $type) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

Returns the string meaning of a logger constant

public interpolate (string $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

Interpolates context values into the message placeholders

Class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter\Line

extends abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

implements Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface

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Formats messages using an one-line string


public getDateFormat ()

Default date format

public setDateFormat (mixed $dateFormat)

Default date format

public getFormat ()

Format applied to each message

public setFormat (mixed $format)

Format applied to each message

public __construct ([string $format], [string $dateFormat])

Phalcon\Logger\Formatter\Line construct

public string format (string $message, int $type, int $timestamp, [array $context])

Applies a format to a message before sent it to the internal log

public getTypeString (mixed $type) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

Returns the string meaning of a logger constant

public interpolate (string $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

Interpolates context values into the message placeholders

Class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter\Syslog

extends abstract class Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

implements Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface

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Prepares a message to be used in a Syslog backend


public array format (string $message, int $type, int $timestamp, [array $context])

Applies a format to a message before sent it to the internal log

public getTypeString (mixed $type) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

Returns the string meaning of a logger constant

public interpolate (string $message, [array $context]) inherited from Phalcon\Logger\Formatter

Interpolates context values into the message placeholders

Interface Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface

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abstract public format (mixed $message, mixed $type, mixed $timestamp, [mixed $context])


Class Phalcon\Logger\Item

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Represents each item in a logging transaction


public getType ()

Log type

public getMessage ()

Log message

public getTime ()

Log timestamp

public getContext ()


public __construct (string $message, integer $type, [integer $time], [array $context])

Phalcon\Logger\Item constructor

Class Phalcon\Logger\Multiple

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Handles multiples logger handlers


public getLoggers ()


public getFormatter ()


public getLogLevel ()


public push (Phalcon\Logger\AdapterInterface $logger)

Pushes a logger to the logger tail

public setFormatter (Phalcon\Logger\FormatterInterface $formatter)

Sets a global formatter

public setLogLevel (mixed $level)

Sets a global level

public log (mixed $type, [mixed $message], [array $context])

Sends a message to each registered logger

public critical (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an critical message to the log

public emergency (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an emergency message to the log

public debug (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a debug message to the log

public error (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an error message to the log

public info (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an info message to the log

public notice (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a notice message to the log

public warning (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes a warning message to the log

public alert (mixed $message, [array $context])

Sends/Writes an alert message to the log