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Class Phalcon\Mvc\Router

implements Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface, Phalcon\Mvc\RouterInterface, Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface

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Phalcon\Mvc\Router is the standard framework router. Routing is the process of taking a URI endpoint (that part of the URI which comes after the base URL) and decomposing it into parameters to determine which module, controller, and action of that controller should receive the request


use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;

$router = new Router();

        "controller" => "documentation",
        "action"     => "show",


echo $router->getControllerName();







public __construct ([mixed $defaultRoutes])

Phalcon\Mvc\Router constructor

public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector)

Sets the dependency injector

public getDI ()

Returns the internal dependency injector

public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager)

Sets the events manager

public getEventsManager ()

Returns the internal event manager

public getRewriteUri ()

Get rewrite info. This info is read from $_GET["_url"]. This returns '/' if the rewrite information cannot be read

public setUriSource (mixed $uriSource)

Sets the URI source. One of the URI_SOURCE_* constants



public removeExtraSlashes (mixed $remove)

Set whether router must remove the extra slashes in the handled routes

public setDefaultNamespace (mixed $namespaceName)

Sets the name of the default namespace

public setDefaultModule (mixed $moduleName)

Sets the name of the default module

public setDefaultController (mixed $controllerName)

Sets the default controller name

public setDefaultAction (mixed $actionName)

Sets the default action name

public setDefaults (array $defaults)

Sets an array of default paths. If a route is missing a path the router will use the defined here This method must not be used to set a 404 route


        "module" => "common",
        "action" => "index",

public getDefaults ()

Returns an array of default parameters

public handle ([mixed $uri])

Handles routing information received from the rewrite engine


// Read the info from the rewrite engine

// Manually passing an URL

public add (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $httpMethods], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router without any HTTP constraint


use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;

$router->add("/about", "About::index");
$router->add("/about", "About::index", ["GET", "POST"]);
$router->add("/about", "About::index", ["GET", "POST"], Router::POSITION_FIRST);

public addGet (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is GET

public addPost (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is POST

public addPut (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PUT

public addPatch (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PATCH

public addDelete (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is DELETE

public addOptions (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Add a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is OPTIONS

public addHead (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is HEAD

public addPurge (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PURGE (Squid and Varnish support)

public addTrace (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is TRACE

public addConnect (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is CONNECT

public mount (Phalcon\Mvc\Router\GroupInterface $group)

Mounts a group of routes in the router

public notFound (mixed $paths)

Set a group of paths to be returned when none of the defined routes are matched

public clear ()

Removes all the pre-defined routes

public getNamespaceName ()

Returns the processed namespace name

public getModuleName ()

Returns the processed module name

public getControllerName ()

Returns the processed controller name

public getActionName ()

Returns the processed action name

public getParams ()

Returns the processed parameters

public getMatchedRoute ()

Returns the route that matches the handled URI

public getMatches ()

Returns the sub expressions in the regular expression matched

public wasMatched ()

Checks if the router matches any of the defined routes

public getRoutes ()

Returns all the routes defined in the router

public getRouteById (mixed $id)

Returns a route object by its id

public getRouteByName (mixed $name)

Returns a route object by its name

public isExactControllerName ()

Returns whether controller name should not be mangled

Class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations

extends class Phalcon\Mvc\Router

implements Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface, Phalcon\Mvc\RouterInterface, Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface

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A router that reads routes annotations from classes/resources


use Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations;

    function() {
        // Use the annotations router
        $router = new Annotations(false);

        // This will do the same as above but only if the handled uri starts with /robots
        $router->addResource("Robots", "/robots");

        return $router;







public addResource (mixed $handler, [mixed $prefix])

Adds a resource to the annotations handler A resource is a class that contains routing annotations

public addModuleResource (mixed $module, mixed $handler, [mixed $prefix])

Adds a resource to the annotations handler A resource is a class that contains routing annotations The class is located in a module

public handle ([mixed $uri])

Produce the routing parameters from the rewrite information

public processControllerAnnotation (mixed $handler, Phalcon\Annotations\Annotation $annotation)

Checks for annotations in the controller docblock

public processActionAnnotation (mixed $module, mixed $namespaceName, mixed $controller, mixed $action, Phalcon\Annotations\Annotation $annotation)

Checks for annotations in the public methods of the controller

public setControllerSuffix (mixed $controllerSuffix)

Changes the controller class suffix

public setActionSuffix (mixed $actionSuffix)

Changes the action method suffix

public getResources ()

Return the registered resources

public __construct ([mixed $defaultRoutes]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Phalcon\Mvc\Router constructor

public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Sets the dependency injector

public getDI () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the internal dependency injector

public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Sets the events manager

public getEventsManager () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the internal event manager

public getRewriteUri () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Get rewrite info. This info is read from $_GET["_url"]. This returns '/' if the rewrite information cannot be read

public setUriSource (mixed $uriSource) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Sets the URI source. One of the URI_SOURCE_* constants



public removeExtraSlashes (mixed $remove) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Set whether router must remove the extra slashes in the handled routes

public setDefaultNamespace (mixed $namespaceName) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Sets the name of the default namespace

public setDefaultModule (mixed $moduleName) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Sets the name of the default module

public setDefaultController (mixed $controllerName) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Sets the default controller name

public setDefaultAction (mixed $actionName) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Sets the default action name

public setDefaults (array $defaults) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Sets an array of default paths. If a route is missing a path the router will use the defined here This method must not be used to set a 404 route


        "module" => "common",
        "action" => "index",

public getDefaults () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns an array of default parameters

public add (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $httpMethods], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router without any HTTP constraint


use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;

$router->add("/about", "About::index");
$router->add("/about", "About::index", ["GET", "POST"]);
$router->add("/about", "About::index", ["GET", "POST"], Router::POSITION_FIRST);

public addGet (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is GET

public addPost (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is POST

public addPut (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PUT

public addPatch (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PATCH

public addDelete (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is DELETE

public addOptions (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Add a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is OPTIONS

public addHead (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is HEAD

public addPurge (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PURGE (Squid and Varnish support)

public addTrace (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is TRACE

public addConnect (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $position]) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is CONNECT

public mount (Phalcon\Mvc\Router\GroupInterface $group) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Mounts a group of routes in the router

public notFound (mixed $paths) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Set a group of paths to be returned when none of the defined routes are matched

public clear () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Removes all the pre-defined routes

public getNamespaceName () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the processed namespace name

public getModuleName () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the processed module name

public getControllerName () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the processed controller name

public getActionName () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the processed action name

public getParams () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the processed parameters

public getMatchedRoute () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the route that matches the handled URI

public getMatches () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns the sub expressions in the regular expression matched

public wasMatched () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Checks if the router matches any of the defined routes

public getRoutes () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns all the routes defined in the router

public getRouteById (mixed $id) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns a route object by its id

public getRouteByName (mixed $name) inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns a route object by its name

public isExactControllerName () inherited from Phalcon\Mvc\Router

Returns whether controller name should not be mangled

Class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Exception

extends class Phalcon\Exception

implements Throwable

Source on GitHub


final private Exception __clone () inherited from Exception

Clone the exception

public __construct ([mixed $message], [mixed $code], [mixed $previous]) inherited from Exception

Exception constructor

public __wakeup () inherited from Exception


final public string getMessage () inherited from Exception

Gets the Exception message

final public int getCode () inherited from Exception

Gets the Exception code

final public string getFile () inherited from Exception

Gets the file in which the exception occurred

final public int getLine () inherited from Exception

Gets the line in which the exception occurred

final public array getTrace () inherited from Exception

Gets the stack trace

final public Exception getPrevious () inherited from Exception

Returns previous Exception

final public Exception getTraceAsString () inherited from Exception

Gets the stack trace as a string

public string __toString () inherited from Exception

String representation of the exception

Class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group

implements Phalcon\Mvc\Router\GroupInterface

Source on GitHub

Helper class to create a group of routes with common attributes


$router = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Router();

//Create a group with a common module and controller
$blog = new Group(
        "module"     => "blog",
        "controller" => "index",

//All the routes start with /blog

//Add a route to the group
        "action" => "save",

//Add another route to the group
        "action" => "edit",

//This route maps to a controller different than the default
        "controller" => "about",
        "action"     => "index",

//Add the group to the router


public __construct ([mixed $paths])

Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group constructor

public setHostname (mixed $hostname)

Set a hostname restriction for all the routes in the group

public getHostname ()

Returns the hostname restriction

public setPrefix (mixed $prefix)

Set a common uri prefix for all the routes in this group

public getPrefix ()

Returns the common prefix for all the routes

public beforeMatch (mixed $beforeMatch)

Sets a callback that is called if the route is matched. The developer can implement any arbitrary conditions here If the callback returns false the route is treated as not matched

public getBeforeMatch ()

Returns the 'before match' callback if any

public setPaths (mixed $paths)

Set common paths for all the routes in the group

public getPaths ()

Returns the common paths defined for this group

public getRoutes ()

Returns the routes added to the group

public add (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $httpMethods])

Adds a route to the router on any HTTP method


$router->add("/about", "About::index");

public Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route addGet (string $pattern, [string/array $paths])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is GET

public Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route addPost (string $pattern, [string/array $paths])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is POST

public Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route addPut (string $pattern, [string/array $paths])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PUT

public Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route addPatch (string $pattern, [string/array $paths])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PATCH

public Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route addDelete (string $pattern, [string/array $paths])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is DELETE

public Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route addOptions (string $pattern, [string/array $paths])

Add a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is OPTIONS

public Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route addHead (string $pattern, [string/array $paths])

Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is HEAD

public clear ()

Removes all the pre-defined routes

protected _addRoute (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $httpMethods])

Adds a route applying the common attributes

Interface Phalcon\Mvc\Router\GroupInterface

Source on GitHub


abstract public setHostname (mixed $hostname)


abstract public getHostname ()


abstract public setPrefix (mixed $prefix)


abstract public getPrefix ()


abstract public beforeMatch (mixed $beforeMatch)


abstract public getBeforeMatch ()


abstract public setPaths (mixed $paths)


abstract public getPaths ()


abstract public getRoutes ()


abstract public add (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $httpMethods])


abstract public addGet (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addPost (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addPut (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addPatch (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addDelete (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addOptions (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addHead (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public clear ()


Class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route

implements Phalcon\Mvc\Router\RouteInterface

Source on GitHub

This class represents every route added to the router


public __construct (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $httpMethods])

Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route constructor

public compilePattern (mixed $pattern)

Replaces placeholders from pattern returning a valid PCRE regular expression

public via (mixed $httpMethods)

Set one or more HTTP methods that constraint the matching of the route




public extractNamedParams (mixed $pattern)

Extracts parameters from a string

public reConfigure (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])

Reconfigure the route adding a new pattern and a set of paths

public static getRoutePaths ([mixed $paths])

Returns routePaths

public getName ()

Returns the route's name

public setName (mixed $name)

Sets the route's name


        "controller" => "about",

public beforeMatch (mixed $callback)

Sets a callback that is called if the route is matched. The developer can implement any arbitrary conditions here If the callback returns false the route is treated as not matched


        "module"     => "admin",
        "controller" => "session",
    function ($uri, $route) {
        // Check if the request was made with Ajax
        if ($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] === "xmlhttprequest") {
            return false;

        return true;

public getBeforeMatch ()

Returns the 'before match' callback if any

public match (mixed $callback)

Allows to set a callback to handle the request directly in the route


    function () {
        return $this->getResponse()->redirect("", true);

public getMatch ()

Returns the 'match' callback if any

public getRouteId ()

Returns the route's id

public getPattern ()

Returns the route's pattern

public getCompiledPattern ()

Returns the route's compiled pattern

public getPaths ()

Returns the paths

public getReversedPaths ()

Returns the paths using positions as keys and names as values

public setHttpMethods (mixed $httpMethods)

Sets a set of HTTP methods that constraint the matching of the route (alias of via)


$route->setHttpMethods(["GET", "POST"]);

public getHttpMethods ()

Returns the HTTP methods that constraint matching the route

public setHostname (mixed $hostname)

Sets a hostname restriction to the route



public getHostname ()

Returns the hostname restriction if any

public setGroup (Phalcon\Mvc\Router\GroupInterface $group)

Sets the group associated with the route

public getGroup ()

Returns the group associated with the route

public convert (mixed $name, mixed $converter)

Adds a converter to perform an additional transformation for certain parameter

public getConverters ()

Returns the router converter

public static reset ()

Resets the internal route id generator

Interface Phalcon\Mvc\Router\RouteInterface

Source on GitHub


abstract public setHostname (mixed $hostname)


abstract public getHostname ()


abstract public compilePattern (mixed $pattern)


abstract public via (mixed $httpMethods)


abstract public reConfigure (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public getName ()


abstract public setName (mixed $name)


abstract public setHttpMethods (mixed $httpMethods)


abstract public getRouteId ()


abstract public getPattern ()


abstract public getCompiledPattern ()


abstract public getPaths ()


abstract public getReversedPaths ()


abstract public getHttpMethods ()


abstract public static reset ()


Interface Phalcon\Mvc\RouterInterface

Source on GitHub


abstract public setDefaultModule (mixed $moduleName)


abstract public setDefaultController (mixed $controllerName)


abstract public setDefaultAction (mixed $actionName)


abstract public setDefaults (array $defaults)


abstract public handle ([mixed $uri])


abstract public add (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths], [mixed $httpMethods])


abstract public addGet (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addPost (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addPut (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addPatch (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addDelete (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addOptions (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addHead (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addPurge (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addTrace (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public addConnect (mixed $pattern, [mixed $paths])


abstract public mount (Phalcon\Mvc\Router\GroupInterface $group)


abstract public clear ()


abstract public getModuleName ()


abstract public getNamespaceName ()


abstract public getControllerName ()


abstract public getActionName ()


abstract public getParams ()


abstract public getMatchedRoute ()


abstract public getMatches ()


abstract public wasMatched ()


abstract public getRoutes ()


abstract public getRouteById (mixed $id)


abstract public getRouteByName (mixed $name)
