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Class Phalcon\Mvc\Url

implements Phalcon\Mvc\UrlInterface, Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface

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This components helps in the generation of: URIs, URLs and Paths


// Generate a URL appending the URI to the base URI
echo $url->get("products/edit/1");

// Generate a URL for a predefined route
echo $url->get(
        "for"   => "blog-post",
        "title" => "some-cool-stuff",
        "year"  => "2012",


public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector)

Sets the DependencyInjector container

public getDI ()

Returns the DependencyInjector container

public setBaseUri (mixed $baseUri)

Sets a prefix for all the URIs to be generated




public setStaticBaseUri (mixed $staticBaseUri)

Sets a prefix for all static URLs generated



public getBaseUri ()

Returns the prefix for all the generated urls. By default /

public getStaticBaseUri ()

Returns the prefix for all the generated static urls. By default /

public setBasePath (mixed $basePath)

Sets a base path for all the generated paths



public getBasePath ()

Returns the base path

public get ([mixed $uri], [mixed $args], [mixed $local], [mixed $baseUri])

Generates a URL


// Generate a URL appending the URI to the base URI
echo $url->get("products/edit/1");

// Generate a URL for a predefined route
echo $url->get(
        "for"   => "blog-post",
        "title" => "some-cool-stuff",
        "year"  => "2015",

// Generate a URL with GET arguments (/show/products?id=1&name=Carrots)
echo $url->get(
        "id"   => 1,
        "name" => "Carrots",

// Generate an absolute URL by setting the third parameter as false.
echo $url->get(

public getStatic ([mixed $uri])

Generates a URL for a static resource


// Generate a URL for a static resource
echo $url->getStatic("img/logo.png");

// Generate a URL for a static predefined route
echo $url->getStatic(
        "for" => "logo-cdn",

public path ([mixed $path])

Generates a local path

Class Phalcon\Mvc\Url\Exception

extends class Phalcon\Exception

implements Throwable

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final private Exception __clone () inherited from Exception

Clone the exception

public __construct ([mixed $message], [mixed $code], [mixed $previous]) inherited from Exception

Exception constructor

public __wakeup () inherited from Exception


final public string getMessage () inherited from Exception

Gets the Exception message

final public int getCode () inherited from Exception

Gets the Exception code

final public string getFile () inherited from Exception

Gets the file in which the exception occurred

final public int getLine () inherited from Exception

Gets the line in which the exception occurred

final public array getTrace () inherited from Exception

Gets the stack trace

final public Exception getPrevious () inherited from Exception

Returns previous Exception

final public Exception getTraceAsString () inherited from Exception

Gets the stack trace as a string

public string __toString () inherited from Exception

String representation of the exception

Interface Phalcon\Mvc\UrlInterface

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abstract public setBaseUri (mixed $baseUri)


abstract public getBaseUri ()


abstract public setBasePath (mixed $basePath)


abstract public getBasePath ()


abstract public get ([mixed $uri], [mixed $args], [mixed $local])


abstract public path ([mixed $path])
