- Phalcon\Cache
- Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
- Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Apcu
- Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Libmemcached
- Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Memory
- Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Redis
- Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Stream
- Phalcon\Cache\AdapterFactory
- Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory
- Phalcon\Cache\Exception\Exception
- Phalcon\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
Class Phalcon\Cache
| Namespace | Phalcon | | Uses | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Cache\Exception\Exception, Phalcon\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface, Traversable | | Implements | CacheInterface |
This component offers caching capabilities for your application. Phalcon\Cache implements PSR-16.
Constructor. Wipes clean the entire cache's keys. Delete an item from the cache by its unique key. Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation. Fetches a value from the cache. Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. Determines whether an item is present in the cache. Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL. Checks the key. If it contains invalid characters an exception is thrown Checks the key. If it contains invalid characters an exception is thrownInterface Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\AdapterInterface | | Extends | StorageAdapterInterface |
Interface for Phalcon\Cache adapters
Class Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Apcu
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Apcu | | Extends | StorageApcu | | Implements | CacheAdapterInterface |
Apcu adapter
Class Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Libmemcached
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Libmemcached | | Extends | StorageLibmemcached | | Implements | CacheAdapterInterface |
Libmemcached adapter
Class Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Memory
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Memory | | Extends | StorageMemory | | Implements | CacheAdapterInterface |
Memory adapter
Class Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Redis
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Redis | | Extends | StorageRedis | | Implements | CacheAdapterInterface |
Redis adapter
Class Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\Stream
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Stream | | Extends | StorageStream | | Implements | CacheAdapterInterface |
Stream adapter
Class Phalcon\Cache\AdapterFactory
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache | | Uses | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Cache\Exception\Exception, Phalcon\Factory\AbstractFactory, Phalcon\Storage\SerializerFactory | | Extends | AbstractFactory |
Factory to create Cache adapters
AdapterFactory constructor. Create a new instance of the adapter Returns the available adaptersClass Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache | | Uses | Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface, Phalcon\Cache, Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface, Phalcon\Cache\Exception\Exception, Phalcon\Config, Phalcon\Config\ConfigInterface, Phalcon\Helper\Arr |
Creates a new Cache class
Constructor Factory to create an instance from a Config object Constructs a new Cache instance.Class Phalcon\Cache\Exception\Exception
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache\Exception | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception | | Implements | \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheException |
Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Cache will use this class
Class Phalcon\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
| Namespace | Phalcon\Cache\Exception | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception | | Implements | \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException |
Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Cache will use this class