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Class Phalcon\Crypt

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| Namespace | Phalcon | | Uses | Phalcon\Crypt\CryptInterface, Phalcon\Crypt\Exception, Phalcon\Crypt\Mismatch | | Implements | CryptInterface |

Provides encryption capabilities to Phalcon applications.

use Phalcon\Crypt;

$crypt = new Crypt();


$key  = "T4\xb1\x8d\xa9\x98\x05\\\x8c\xbe\x1d\x07&[\x99\x18\xa4~Lc1\xbeW\xb3";
$text = "The message to be encrypted";

$encrypted = $crypt->encrypt($text, $key);

echo $crypt->decrypt($encrypted, $key);


const PADDING_ANSI_X_923 = 1;
const PADDING_ISO_10126 = 3;
const PADDING_ISO_IEC_7816_4 = 4;
const PADDING_PKCS7 = 2;
const PADDING_SPACE = 6;
const PADDING_ZERO = 5;


 * @var string
protected authTag;

 * @var string
protected authData = ;

 * @var int
protected authTagLength = 16;

 * @var string
protected key = ;

 * @var int
protected padding = 0;

 * @var string
protected cipher = aes-256-cfb;

 * Available cipher methods.
 * @var array
protected availableCiphers;

 * The cipher iv length.
 * @var int
protected ivLength = 16;

 * The name of hashing algorithm.
 * @var string
protected hashAlgo = sha256;

 * Whether calculating message digest enabled or not.
 * @var bool
protected useSigning = true;


public function __construct( string $cipher = string, bool $useSigning = bool );
Phalcon\Crypt constructor.

public function decrypt( string $text, string $key = null ): string;
Decrypts an encrypted text.

$encrypted = $crypt->decrypt(

public function decryptBase64( string $text, mixed $key = null, bool $safe = bool ): string;
Decrypt a text that is coded as a base64 string.

@throws \Phalcon\Crypt\Mismatch

public function encrypt( string $text, string $key = null ): string;
Encrypts a text.

$encrypted = $crypt->encrypt(
    "Top secret",

public function encryptBase64( string $text, mixed $key = null, bool $safe = bool ): string;
Encrypts a text returning the result as a base64 string.

public function getAuthData(): string
public function getAuthTag(): string
public function getAuthTagLength(): int

public function getAvailableCiphers(): array;
Returns a list of available ciphers.

public function getAvailableHashAlgos(): array;
Return a list of registered hashing algorithms suitable for hash_hmac.

public function getCipher(): string;
Returns the current cipher

public function getHashAlgo(): string;
Get the name of hashing algorithm.

public function getKey(): string;
Returns the encryption key

public function setAuthData( string $data ): CryptInterface;
public function setAuthTag( string $tag ): CryptInterface;
public function setAuthTagLength( int $length ): CryptInterface;

public function setCipher( string $cipher ): CryptInterface;
Sets the cipher algorithm for data encryption and decryption.

The `aes-256-gcm' is the preferable cipher, but it is not usable until the openssl library is upgraded, which is available in PHP 7.1.

The `aes-256-ctr' is arguably the best choice for cipher algorithm for current openssl library version.

public function setHashAlgo( string $hashAlgo ): CryptInterface;
Set the name of hashing algorithm.

@throws \Phalcon\Crypt\Exception

public function setKey( string $key ): CryptInterface;
Sets the encryption key.

The `$key' should have been previously generated in a cryptographically safe way.

Bad key: "le password"

Better (but still unsafe): "#1dj8$=dp?.ak//j1V$~%*0X"

Good key: "T4\xb1\x8d\xa9\x98\x05\\x8c\xbe\x1d\x07&[\x99\x18\xa4~Lc1\xbeW\xb3"

public function setPadding( int $scheme ): CryptInterface;
Changes the padding scheme used.

public function useSigning( bool $useSigning ): CryptInterface;
Sets if the calculating message digest must used.

protected function assertCipherIsAvailable( string $cipher ): void;
Assert the cipher is available.

protected function assertHashAlgorithmAvailable( string $hashAlgo ): void;
Assert the hash algorithm is available.

protected function cryptPadText( string $text, string $mode, int $blockSize, int $paddingType ): string;
Pads texts before encryption. See cryptopad

protected function cryptUnpadText( string $text, string $mode, int $blockSize, int $paddingType );
Removes a padding from a text.

If the function detects that the text was not padded, it will return it unmodified.

protected function getIvLength( string $cipher ): int;
Initialize available cipher algorithms.

protected function initializeAvailableCiphers(): void;
Initialize available cipher algorithms.

Interface Phalcon\Crypt\CryptInterface

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Crypt |

Interface for Phalcon\Crypt


public function decrypt( string $text, string $key = null ): string;
Decrypts a text

public function decryptBase64( string $text, mixed $key = null ): string;
Decrypt a text that is coded as a base64 string

public function encrypt( string $text, string $key = null ): string;
Encrypts a text

public function encryptBase64( string $text, mixed $key = null ): string;
Encrypts a text returning the result as a base64 string

public function getAuthData(): string;
Returns authentication data

public function getAuthTag(): string;
Returns the authentication tag

public function getAuthTagLength(): int;
Returns the authentication tag length

public function getAvailableCiphers(): array;
Returns a list of available cyphers

public function getCipher(): string;
Returns the current cipher

public function getKey(): string;
Returns the encryption key

public function setAuthData( string $data ): CryptInterface;
Sets authentication data

public function setAuthTag( string $tag ): CryptInterface;
Sets the authentication tag

public function setAuthTagLength( int $length ): CryptInterface;
Sets the authentication tag length

public function setCipher( string $cipher ): CryptInterface;
Sets the cipher algorithm

public function setKey( string $key ): CryptInterface;
Sets the encryption key

public function setPadding( int $scheme ): CryptInterface;
Changes the padding scheme used.

Class Phalcon\Crypt\Exception

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Crypt | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |

Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Crypt use this class

Class Phalcon\Crypt\Mismatch

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Crypt | | Extends | Exception |

Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Crypt will use this class.