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Abstract Class Phalcon\Dispatcher\AbstractDispatcher

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Dispatcher | | Uses | Exception, Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware, Phalcon\Dispatcher\Exception, Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface, Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface, Phalcon\Filter\FilterInterface, Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Binder, Phalcon\Mvc\Model\BinderInterface | | Extends | AbstractInjectionAware | | Implements | DispatcherInterface, EventsAwareInterface |

This is the base class for Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher and Phalcon\Cli\Dispatcher. This class can't be instantiated directly, you can use it to create your own dispatchers.


protected activeHandler;

 * @var array
protected activeMethodMap;

protected actionName;

 * @var string
protected actionSuffix = Action;

 * @var array
protected camelCaseMap;

 * @var string
protected defaultAction = ;

protected defaultNamespace;

protected defaultHandler;

 * @var array
protected handlerHashes;

protected handlerName;

 * @var string
protected handlerSuffix = ;

protected eventsManager;

 * @var bool
protected finished = false;

 * @var bool
protected forwarded = false;

 * @var bool
protected isControllerInitialize = false;

protected lastHandler;

protected modelBinder;

 * @var bool
protected modelBinding = false;

protected moduleName;

protected namespaceName;

 * @var array
protected params;

protected previousActionName;

protected previousHandlerName;

protected previousNamespaceName;

protected returnedValue;


public function callActionMethod( mixed $handler, string $actionMethod, array $params = [] );

public function dispatch(): mixed | bool;
Process the results of the router by calling into the appropriate controller action(s) including any routing data or injected parameters.

public function forward( array $forward ): void;
Forwards the execution flow to another controller/action.

        "controller" => "posts",
        "action"     => "index",

@throws \Phalcon\Exception

public function getActionName(): string;
Gets the latest dispatched action name

public function getActionSuffix(): string;
Gets the default action suffix

public function getActiveMethod(): string;
Returns the current method to be/executed in the dispatcher

public function getBoundModels(): array;
Returns bound models from binder instance

class UserController extends Controller
    public function showAction(User $user)
        // return array with $user
        $boundModels = $this->dispatcher->getBoundModels();

public function getDefaultNamespace(): string;
Returns the default namespace

public function getEventsManager(): ManagerInterface;
Returns the internal event manager

public function getHandlerClass(): string;
Possible class name that will be located to dispatch the request

public function getHandlerSuffix(): string;
Gets the default handler suffix

public function getModelBinder(): BinderInterface | null;
Gets model binder

public function getModuleName(): string;
Gets the module where the controller class is

public function getNamespaceName(): string;
Gets a namespace to be prepended to the current handler name

public function getParam( mixed $param, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Gets a param by its name or numeric index

public function getParams(): array;
Gets action params

public function getReturnedValue(): mixed;
Returns value returned by the latest dispatched action

public function hasParam( mixed $param ): bool;
Check if a param exists

public function isFinished(): bool;
Checks if the dispatch loop is finished or has more pendent controllers/tasks to dispatch

public function setActionName( string $actionName ): void;
Sets the action name to be dispatched

public function setActionSuffix( string $actionSuffix ): void;
Sets the default action suffix

public function setDefaultAction( string $actionName ): void;
Sets the default action name

public function setDefaultNamespace( string $namespaceName ): void;
Sets the default namespace

public function setEventsManager( ManagerInterface $eventsManager ): void;
Sets the events manager

public function setHandlerSuffix( string $handlerSuffix ): void;
Sets the default suffix for the handler

public function setModelBinder( BinderInterface $modelBinder, mixed $cache = null ): DispatcherInterface;
Enable model binding during dispatch

    function() {
        $dispatcher = new Dispatcher();

            new Binder(),

        return $dispatcher;

public function setModuleName( string $moduleName ): void;
Sets the module where the controller is (only informative)

public function setNamespaceName( string $namespaceName ): void;
Sets the namespace where the controller class is

public function setParam( mixed $param, mixed $value ): void;
Set a param by its name or numeric index

public function setParams( array $params ): void;
Sets action params to be dispatched

public function setReturnedValue( mixed $value ): void;
Sets the latest returned value by an action manually

public function wasForwarded(): bool;
Check if the current executed action was forwarded by another one

protected function resolveEmptyProperties(): void;
Set empty properties to their defaults (where defaults are available)

protected function toCamelCase( string $input ): string;

Interface Phalcon\Dispatcher\DispatcherInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Dispatcher |

Interface for Phalcon\Dispatcher\AbstractDispatcher


public function dispatch(): mixed | bool;
Dispatches a handle action taking into account the routing parameters

public function forward( array $forward ): void;
Forwards the execution flow to another controller/action

public function getActionName(): string;
Gets last dispatched action name

public function getActionSuffix(): string;
Gets the default action suffix

public function getHandlerSuffix(): string;
Gets the default handler suffix

public function getParam( mixed $param, mixed $filters = null ): mixed;
Gets a param by its name or numeric index

public function getParams(): array;
Gets action params

public function getReturnedValue(): mixed;
Returns value returned by the latest dispatched action

public function hasParam( mixed $param ): bool;
Check if a param exists

public function isFinished(): bool;
Checks if the dispatch loop is finished or has more pendent controllers/tasks to dispatch

public function setActionName( string $actionName ): void;
Sets the action name to be dispatched

public function setActionSuffix( string $actionSuffix ): void;
Sets the default action suffix

public function setDefaultAction( string $actionName ): void;
Sets the default action name

public function setDefaultNamespace( string $defaultNamespace ): void;
Sets the default namespace

public function setHandlerSuffix( string $handlerSuffix ): void;
Sets the default suffix for the handler

public function setModuleName( string $moduleName ): void;
Sets the module name which the application belongs to

public function setNamespaceName( string $namespaceName ): void;
Sets the namespace which the controller belongs to

public function setParam( mixed $param, mixed $value ): void;
Set a param by its name or numeric index

public function setParams( array $params ): void;
Sets action params to be dispatched

Class Phalcon\Dispatcher\Exception

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Dispatcher | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |

Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Dispatcher/* will use this class


const EXCEPTION_NO_DI = 0;