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Abstract Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\AbstractElement

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | InvalidArgumentException, Phalcon\Forms\Form, Phalcon\Forms\Exception, Phalcon\Messages\MessageInterface, Phalcon\Messages\Messages, Phalcon\Tag, Phalcon\Validation\ValidatorInterface | | Implements | ElementInterface |

This is a base class for form elements


protected attributes;

protected filters;

protected form;

protected label;

protected messages;

protected name;

protected options;

 * @var array
protected validators;

protected value;


public function __construct( string $name, array $attributes = [] );
Phalcon\Forms\Element constructor

public function __toString(): string;
Magic method __toString renders the widget without attributes

public function addFilter( string $filter ): ElementInterface;
Adds a filter to current list of filters

public function addValidator( ValidatorInterface $validator ): ElementInterface;
Adds a validator to the element

public function addValidators( array $validators, bool $merge = bool ): ElementInterface;
Adds a group of validators

public function appendMessage( MessageInterface $message ): ElementInterface;
Appends a message to the internal message list

public function clear(): ElementInterface;
Clears element to its default value

public function getAttribute( string $attribute, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Returns the value of an attribute if present

public function getAttributes(): array;
Returns the default attributes for the element

public function getDefault(): mixed;
Returns the default value assigned to the element

public function getFilters();
Returns the element filters

public function getForm(): Form;
Returns the parent form to the element

public function getLabel(): string;
Returns the element label

public function getMessages(): Messages;
Returns the messages that belongs to the element The element needs to be attached to a form

public function getName(): string;
Returns the element name

public function getUserOption( string $option, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Returns the value of an option if present

public function getUserOptions(): array;
Returns the options for the element

public function getValidators(): ValidatorInterface[];
Returns the validators registered for the element

public function getValue(): mixed;
Returns the element's value

public function hasMessages(): bool;
Checks whether there are messages attached to the element

public function label( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Generate the HTML to label the element

public function prepareAttributes( array $attributes = [], bool $useChecked = bool ): array;
Returns an array of prepared attributes for Phalcon\Tag helpers according to the element parameters

public function setAttribute( string $attribute, mixed $value ): ElementInterface;
Sets a default attribute for the element

public function setAttributes( array $attributes ): ElementInterface;
Sets default attributes for the element

public function setDefault( mixed $value ): ElementInterface;
Sets a default value in case the form does not use an entity or there is no value available for the element in _POST

public function setFilters( mixed $filters ): ElementInterface;
Sets the element filters

public function setForm( Form $form ): ElementInterface;
Sets the parent form to the element

public function setLabel( string $label ): ElementInterface;
Sets the element label

public function setMessages( Messages $messages ): ElementInterface;
Sets the validation messages related to the element

public function setName( string $name ): ElementInterface;
Sets the element name

public function setUserOption( string $option, mixed $value ): ElementInterface;
Sets an option for the element

public function setUserOptions( array $options ): ElementInterface;
Sets options for the element

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Check

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |


Component INPUT[type=check] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning HTML

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Date

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |

Component INPUT[type=date] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning html

Interface Phalcon\Forms\Element\ElementInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Forms\Form, Phalcon\Messages\MessageInterface, Phalcon\Messages\Messages, Phalcon\Validation\ValidatorInterface |

Interface for Phalcon\Forms\Element classes


public function addFilter( string $filter ): ElementInterface;
Adds a filter to current list of filters

public function addValidator( ValidatorInterface $validator ): ElementInterface;
Adds a validator to the element

public function addValidators( array $validators, bool $merge = bool ): ElementInterface;
Adds a group of validators

public function appendMessage( MessageInterface $message ): ElementInterface;
Appends a message to the internal message list

public function clear(): ElementInterface;
Clears every element in the form to its default value

public function getAttribute( string $attribute, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Returns the value of an attribute if present

public function getAttributes(): array;
Returns the default attributes for the element

public function getDefault(): mixed;
Returns the default value assigned to the element

public function getFilters();
Returns the element's filters

public function getForm(): Form;
Returns the parent form to the element

public function getLabel(): string;
Returns the element's label

public function getMessages(): Messages;
Returns the messages that belongs to the element The element needs to be attached to a form

public function getName(): string;
Returns the element's name

public function getUserOption( string $option, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Returns the value of an option if present

public function getUserOptions(): array;
Returns the options for the element

public function getValidators(): ValidatorInterface[];
Returns the validators registered for the element

public function getValue(): mixed;
Returns the element's value

public function hasMessages(): bool;
Checks whether there are messages attached to the element

public function label(): string;
Generate the HTML to label the element

public function prepareAttributes( array $attributes = [], bool $useChecked = bool ): array;
Returns an array of prepared attributes for Phalcon\Tag helpers according to the element's parameters

public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget

public function setAttribute( string $attribute, mixed $value ): ElementInterface;
Sets a default attribute for the element

public function setAttributes( array $attributes ): ElementInterface;
Sets default attributes for the element

public function setDefault( mixed $value ): ElementInterface;
Sets a default value in case the form does not use an entity or there is no value available for the element in _POST

public function setFilters( mixed $filters ): ElementInterface;
Sets the element's filters

public function setForm( Form $form ): ElementInterface;
Sets the parent form to the element

public function setLabel( string $label ): ElementInterface;
Sets the element label

public function setMessages( Messages $messages ): ElementInterface;
Sets the validation messages related to the element

public function setName( string $name ): ElementInterface;
Sets the element's name

public function setUserOption( string $option, mixed $value ): ElementInterface;
Sets an option for the element

public function setUserOptions( array $options ): ElementInterface;
Sets options for the element

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Email

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |


Component INPUT[type=email] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning HTML

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\File

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |

Component INPUT[type=file] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning HTML

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Hidden

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |


Component INPUT[type=hidden] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning HTML

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Numeric

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |


Component INPUT[type=number] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning HTML

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Password

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |


Component INPUT[type=password] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning HTML

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Radio

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |


Component INPUT[type=radio] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning HTML

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Select

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag\Select | | Extends | AbstractElement |


Component SELECT (choice) for forms


protected optionsValues;


public function __construct( string $name, mixed $options = null, mixed $attributes = null );
Phalcon\Forms\Element constructor

public function addOption( mixed $option ): ElementInterface;
Adds an option to the current options

public function getOptions();
Returns the choices' options

public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget returning HTML

public function setOptions( mixed $options ): ElementInterface;
Set the choice's options

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Submit

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |

Component INPUT[type=submit] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |


Component INPUT[type=text] for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget

Class Phalcon\Forms\Element\TextArea

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms\Element | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | AbstractElement |

Component TEXTAREA for forms


public function render( array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders the element widget

Class Phalcon\Forms\Exception

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |

Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Forms will use this class

Class Phalcon\Forms\Form

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms | | Uses | Countable, Iterator, Phalcon\Di\Injectable, Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Filter\FilterInterface, Phalcon\Forms\Element\ElementInterface, Phalcon\Html\Attributes, Phalcon\Html\Attributes\AttributesInterface, Phalcon\Messages\Messages, Phalcon\Tag, Phalcon\Validation, Phalcon\Validation\ValidationInterface | | Extends | Injectable | | Implements | Countable, Iterator, AttributesInterface |

This component allows to build forms using an object-oriented interface


 * @var Attributes | null
protected attributes;

protected data;

protected elements;

protected elementsIndexed;

protected entity;

protected messages;

protected position;

protected options;

protected validation;


public function __construct( mixed $entity = null, array $userOptions = [] );
Phalcon\Forms\Form constructor

public function add( ElementInterface $element, string $position = null, bool $type = null ): Form;
Adds an element to the form

public function bind( array $data, mixed $entity, mixed $whitelist = null ): Form;
Binds data to the entity

public function clear( mixed $fields = null ): Form;
Clears every element in the form to its default value

public function count(): int;
Returns the number of elements in the form

public function current(): ElementInterface | bool;
Returns the current element in the iterator

public function get( string $name ): ElementInterface;
Returns an element added to the form by its name

public function getAction(): string;
Returns the form's action

public function getAttributes(): Attributes;
Get Form attributes collection

public function getElements(): ElementInterface[];
Returns the form elements added to the form

public function getEntity();
Returns the entity related to the model

public function getLabel( string $name ): string;
Returns a label for an element

public function getMessages(): Messages | array;
Returns the messages generated in the validation.

if ($form->isValid($_POST) == false) {
    $messages = $form->getMessages();

    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo $message, "<br>";

public function getMessagesFor( string $name ): Messages;
Returns the messages generated for a specific element

public function getUserOption( string $option, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Returns the value of an option if present

public function getUserOptions(): array;
Returns the options for the element

public function getValidation()

public function getValue( string $name ): mixed | null;
Gets a value from the internal related entity or from the default value

public function has( string $name ): bool;
Check if the form contains an element

public function hasMessagesFor( string $name ): bool;
Check if messages were generated for a specific element

public function isValid( mixed $data = null, mixed $entity = null ): bool;
Validates the form

public function key(): int;
Returns the current position/key in the iterator

public function label( string $name, array $attributes = null ): string;
Generate the label of an element added to the form including HTML

public function next(): void;
Moves the internal iteration pointer to the next position

public function remove( string $name ): bool;
Removes an element from the form

public function render( string $name, array $attributes = [] ): string;
Renders a specific item in the form

public function rewind(): void;
Rewinds the internal iterator

public function setAction( string $action ): Form;
Sets the form's action

public function setAttributes( Attributes $attributes ): AttributesInterface;
Set form attributes collection

public function setEntity( mixed $entity ): Form;
Sets the entity related to the model

public function setUserOption( string $option, mixed $value ): Form;
Sets an option for the form

public function setUserOptions( array $options ): Form;
Sets options for the element

public function setValidation( $validation )

public function valid(): bool;
Check if the current element in the iterator is valid

Class Phalcon\Forms\Manager

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Forms |

Forms Manager


protected forms;


public function create( string $name, mixed $entity = null ): Form;
Creates a form registering it in the forms manager

public function get( string $name ): Form;
Returns a form by its name

public function has( string $name ): bool;
Checks if a form is registered in the forms manager

public function set( string $name, Form $form ): Manager;
Registers a form in the Forms Manager