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Class Phalcon\Http\Cookie

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Http | | Uses | Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware, Phalcon\Crypt\CryptInterface, Phalcon\Crypt\Mismatch, Phalcon\Filter\FilterInterface, Phalcon\Helper\Arr, Phalcon\Http\Response\Exception, Phalcon\Http\Cookie\CookieInterface, Phalcon\Http\Cookie\Exception, Phalcon\Session\ManagerInterface | | Extends | AbstractInjectionAware | | Implements | CookieInterface |

Provide OO wrappers to manage a HTTP cookie.


 * @var string
protected domain;

 * @var int
protected expire;

protected filter;

 * @var bool
protected httpOnly;

 * @var string
protected name;

 * @var array
protected options;

 * @var string
protected path;

 * @var bool
protected read = false;

 * @var bool
protected restored = false;

 * @var bool
protected secure;

 * The cookie's sign key.
 * @var string|null
protected signKey;

 * @var bool
protected useEncryption = false;

 * @var mixed
protected value;


public function __construct( string $name, mixed $value = null, int $expire = int, string $path = string, bool $secure = null, string $domain = null, bool $httpOnly = bool, array $options = [] );
Phalcon\Http\Cookie constructor.

public function __toString(): string;
Magic __toString method converts the cookie's value to string

public function delete();
Deletes the cookie by setting an expire time in the past

public function getDomain(): string;
Returns the domain that the cookie is available to

public function getExpiration(): string;
Returns the current expiration time

public function getHttpOnly(): bool;
Returns if the cookie is accessible only through the HTTP protocol

public function getName(): string;
Returns the current cookie's name

public function getOptions(): array;
Returns the current cookie's options

public function getPath(): string;
Returns the current cookie's path

public function getSecure(): bool;
Returns whether the cookie must only be sent when the connection is secure (HTTPS)

public function getValue( mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Returns the cookie's value.

public function isUsingEncryption(): bool;
Check if the cookie is using implicit encryption

public function restore(): CookieInterface;
Reads the cookie-related info from the SESSION to restore the cookie as it was set.

This method is automatically called internally so normally you don't need to call it.

public function send(): CookieInterface;
Sends the cookie to the HTTP client.

Stores the cookie definition in session.

public function setDomain( string $domain ): CookieInterface;
Sets the domain that the cookie is available to

public function setExpiration( int $expire ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's expiration time

public function setHttpOnly( bool $httpOnly ): CookieInterface;
Sets if the cookie is accessible only through the HTTP protocol

public function setOptions( array $options ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's options

public function setPath( string $path ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's path

public function setSecure( bool $secure ): CookieInterface;
Sets if the cookie must only be sent when the connection is secure (HTTPS)

public function setSignKey( string $signKey = null ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's sign key.

The `$signKey' MUST be at least 32 characters long and generated using a cryptographically secure pseudo random generator.

Use NULL to disable cookie signing.

@see \Phalcon\Security\Random @throws \Phalcon\Http\Cookie\Exception

public function setValue( mixed $value ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's value

public function useEncryption( bool $useEncryption ): CookieInterface;
Sets if the cookie must be encrypted/decrypted automatically

protected function assertSignKeyIsLongEnough( string $signKey ): void;
Assert the cookie's key is enough long.

@throws \Phalcon\Http\Cookie\Exception

Interface Phalcon\Http\Cookie\CookieInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Cookie |

Interface for Phalcon\Http\Cookie


public function delete();
Deletes the cookie

public function getDomain(): string;
Returns the domain that the cookie is available to

public function getExpiration(): string;
Returns the current expiration time

public function getHttpOnly(): bool;
Returns if the cookie is accessible only through the HTTP protocol

public function getName(): string;
Returns the current cookie's name

public function getOptions(): array;
Returns the current cookie's options

public function getPath(): string;
Returns the current cookie's path

public function getSecure(): bool;
Returns whether the cookie must only be sent when the connection is secure (HTTPS)

public function getValue( mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Returns the cookie's value.

public function isUsingEncryption(): bool;
Check if the cookie is using implicit encryption

public function send(): CookieInterface;
Sends the cookie to the HTTP client

public function setDomain( string $domain ): CookieInterface;
Sets the domain that the cookie is available to

public function setExpiration( int $expire ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's expiration time

public function setHttpOnly( bool $httpOnly ): CookieInterface;
Sets if the cookie is accessible only through the HTTP protocol

public function setOptions( array $options ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's options

public function setPath( string $path ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's expiration time

public function setSecure( bool $secure ): CookieInterface;
Sets if the cookie must only be sent when the connection is secure (HTTPS)

public function setValue( mixed $value ): CookieInterface;
Sets the cookie's value

public function useEncryption( bool $useEncryption ): CookieInterface;
Sets if the cookie must be encrypted/decrypted automatically

Class Phalcon\Http\Cookie\Exception

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Cookie | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |


Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Http\Cookie will use this class.

Abstract Class Phalcon\Http\Message\AbstractCommon

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException |

Common methods


final protected function checkStringParameter( mixed $element ): void;
Checks the element passed if it is a string

final protected function cloneInstance( mixed $element, string $property ): mixed;
Returns a new instance having set the parameter

final protected function processWith( mixed $element, string $property ): mixed;
Checks the element passed; assigns it to the property and returns a clone of the object back

Abstract Class Phalcon\Http\Message\AbstractMessage

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Collection, Phalcon\Collection\CollectionInterface, Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface | | Extends | AbstractCommon |

Message methods


 * Gets the body of the message.
 * @var StreamInterface
protected body;

 * @var Collection|CollectionInterface
protected headers;

 * Retrieves the HTTP protocol version as a string.
 * The string MUST contain only the HTTP version number (e.g., '1.1',
 * '1.0').
 * @return string HTTP protocol version.
 * @var string
protected protocolVersion = 1.1;

 * Retrieves the URI instance.
 * This method MUST return a UriInterface instance.
 * @see
 * @var UriInterface
protected uri;


public function getBody(): StreamInterface

public function getHeader( mixed $name ): array;
Retrieves a message header value by the given case-insensitive name.

This method returns an array of all the header values of the given case-insensitive header name.

If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST return an empty array.

public function getHeaderLine( mixed $name ): string;
Retrieves a comma-separated string of the values for a single header.

This method returns all of the header values of the given case-insensitive header name as a string concatenated together using a comma.

NOTE: Not all header values may be appropriately represented using comma concatenation. For such headers, use getHeader() instead and supply your own delimiter when concatenating.

If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST return an empty string.

public function getHeaders(): array;
Retrieves all message header values.

The keys represent the header name as it will be sent over the wire, and each value is an array of strings associated with the header.

// Represent the headers as a string
foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $name => $values) {
    echo $name . ': ' . implode(', ', $values);

// Emit headers iteratively:
foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $name => $values) {
    foreach ($values as $value) {
        header(sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value), false);

While header names are not case-sensitive, getHeaders() will preserve the exact case in which headers were originally specified.

public function getProtocolVersion(): string
public function getUri(): UriInterface

public function hasHeader( mixed $name ): bool;
Checks if a header exists by the given case-insensitive name.

public function withAddedHeader( mixed $name, mixed $value ): mixed;
Return an instance with the specified header appended with the given value.

Existing values for the specified header will be maintained. The new value(s) will be appended to the existing list. If the header did not exist previously, it will be added.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the new header and/or value.

public function withBody( StreamInterface $body ): mixed;
Return an instance with the specified message body.

The body MUST be a StreamInterface object.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return a new instance that has the new body stream.

public function withHeader( mixed $name, mixed $value ): mixed;
Return an instance with the provided value replacing the specified header.

While header names are case-insensitive, the casing of the header will be preserved by this function, and returned from getHeaders().

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the new and/or updated header and value.

public function withProtocolVersion( mixed $version ): mixed;
Return an instance with the specified HTTP protocol version.

The version string MUST contain only the HTTP version number (e.g., '1.1', '1.0').

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the new protocol version.

public function withoutHeader( mixed $name ): mixed;
Return an instance without the specified header.

Header resolution MUST be done without case-sensitivity.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that removes the named header.

final protected function checkHeaderHost( CollectionInterface $collection ): CollectionInterface;
Ensure Host is the first header.


final protected function checkHeaderName( mixed $name ): void;
Check the name of the header. Throw exception if not valid


final protected function checkHeaderValue( mixed $value ): void;
Validates a header value

Most HTTP header field values are defined using common syntax components (token, quoted-string, and comment) separated by whitespace or specific delimiting characters. Delimiters are chosen from the set of US-ASCII visual characters not allowed in a token (DQUOTE and '(),/:;<=>?@[]{}').

token          = 1*tchar

tchar          = '!' / '#' / '$' / '%' / '&' / ''' / '*'
               / '+' / '-' / '.' / '^' / '_' / '`' / '|' / '~'
               / DIGIT / ALPHA
               ; any VCHAR, except delimiters

A string of text is parsed as a single value if it is quoted using double-quote marks.

quoted-string  = DQUOTE( qdtext / quoted-pair ) DQUOTE
qdtext         = HTAB / SP /%x21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / obs-text
obs-text       = %x80-FF

Comments can be included in some HTTP header fields by surrounding the comment text with parentheses. Comments are only allowed in fields containing 'comment' as part of their field value definition.

comment        = '('( ctext / quoted-pair / comment ) ')'
ctext          = HTAB / SP / %x21-27 / %x2A-5B / %x5D-7E / obs-text

The backslash octet ('\') can be used as a single-octet quoting mechanism within quoted-string and comment constructs. Recipients that process the value of a quoted-string MUST handle a quoted-pair as if it were replaced by the octet following the backslash.

quoted-pair    = '\' ( HTAB / SP / VCHAR / obs-text )

A sender SHOULD NOT generate a quoted-pair in a quoted-string except where necessary to quote DQUOTE and backslash octets occurring within that string. A sender SHOULD NOT generate a quoted-pair in a comment except where necessary to quote parentheses ['(' and ')'] and backslash octets occurring within that comment.


final protected function getHeaderValue( mixed $values ): array;
Returns the header values checked for validity

final protected function getUriHost( UriInterface $uri ): string;
Return the host and if applicable the port

final protected function populateHeaderCollection( array $headers ): CollectionInterface;
Populates the header collection

final protected function processBody( mixed $body = string, string $mode = string ): StreamInterface;
Set a valid stream

final protected function processHeaders( mixed $headers ): CollectionInterface;
Sets the headers

final protected function processProtocol( mixed $protocol = string ): string;
Checks the protocol

Abstract Class Phalcon\Http\Message\AbstractRequest

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface | | Extends | AbstractMessage |

Request methods


 * Retrieves the HTTP method of the request.
 * @var string
protected method = GET;

 * The request-target, if it has been provided or calculated.
 * @var null|string
protected requestTarget;

 * Retrieves the URI instance.
 * This method MUST return a UriInterface instance.
 * @see
 * @var UriInterface
protected uri;


public function getMethod(): string

public function getRequestTarget(): string;
Retrieves the message's request target.

Retrieves the message's request-target either as it will appear (for clients), as it appeared at request (for servers), or as it was specified for the instance (see withRequestTarget()).

In most cases, this will be the origin-form of the composed URI, unless a value was provided to the concrete implementation (see withRequestTarget() below).

public function getUri(): UriInterface

public function withMethod( mixed $method ): mixed;
Return an instance with the provided HTTP method.

While HTTP method names are typically all uppercase characters, HTTP method names are case-sensitive and thus implementations SHOULD NOT modify the given string.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the changed request method.

public function withRequestTarget( mixed $requestTarget ): mixed;
Return an instance with the specific request-target.

If the request needs a non-origin-form request-target — e.g., for specifying an absolute-form, authority-form, or asterisk-form — this method may be used to create an instance with the specified request-target, verbatim.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the changed request target.

@see (for the various request-target forms allowed in request messages)

public function withUri( UriInterface $uri, mixed $preserveHost = bool ): mixed;
Returns an instance with the provided URI.

This method MUST update the Host header of the returned request by default if the URI contains a host component. If the URI does not contain a host component, any pre-existing Host header MUST be carried over to the returned request.

You can opt-in to preserving the original state of the Host header by setting $preserveHost to true. When $preserveHost is set to true, this method interacts with the Host header in the following ways:

  • If the Host header is missing or empty, and the new URI contains a host component, this method MUST update the Host header in the returned request.
  • If the Host header is missing or empty, and the new URI does not contain a host component, this method MUST NOT update the Host header in the returned request.
  • If a Host header is present and non-empty, this method MUST NOT update the Host header in the returned request.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the new UriInterface instance.


final protected function processMethod( mixed $method = string ): string;
Check the method

final protected function processUri( mixed $uri ): UriInterface;
Sets a valid Uri

Class Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception | | Uses | Throwable | | Extends | \InvalidArgumentException | | Implements | Throwable |

This file is part of the Phalcon Framework.

(c) Phalcon Team

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\Request

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream\Input, Phalcon\Http\Message\AbstractRequest, Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface | | Extends | AbstractRequest | | Implements | RequestInterface |

PSR-7 Request


public function __construct( string $method = string, mixed $uri = null, mixed $body = string, mixed $headers = [] );
Request constructor.

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\RequestFactory

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface | | Implements | RequestFactoryInterface |

PSR-17 RequestFactory


public function createRequest( string $method, mixed $uri ): RequestInterface;
Create a new request.

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\Response

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Helper\Number, Phalcon\Http\Message\AbstractMessage, Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface | | Extends | AbstractMessage | | Implements | ResponseInterface |

PSR-7 Response


 * Gets the response reason phrase associated with the status code.
 * Because a reason phrase is not a required element in a response
 * status line, the reason phrase value MAY be empty. Implementations MAY
 * choose to return the default RFC 7231 recommended reason phrase (or
 * those
 * listed in the IANA HTTP Status Code Registry) for the response's
 * status code.
 * @see
 * @see
 * @var string
protected reasonPhrase = ;

 * Gets the response status code.
 * The status code is a 3-digit integer result code of the server's attempt
 * to understand and satisfy the request.
 * @var int
protected statusCode = 200;


public function __construct( mixed $body = string, int $code = int, array $headers = [] );
Response constructor.

public function getReasonPhrase(): string
public function getStatusCode(): int

public function withStatus( mixed $code, mixed $reasonPhrase = string ): Response;
Return an instance with the specified status code and, optionally, reason phrase.

If no reason phrase is specified, implementations MAY choose to default to the RFC 7231 or IANA recommended reason phrase for the response's status code.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated status and reason phrase.

@see @see

protected function getPhrases(): array;
Returns the list of status codes available

protected function processCode( mixed $code, mixed $phrase = string ): void;
Set a valid status code and phrase

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\ResponseFactory

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface | | Implements | ResponseFactoryInterface |

PSR-17 ResponseFactory


public function createResponse( int $code = int, string $reasonPhrase = string ): ResponseInterface;
Create a new response.

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\ServerRequest

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Collection, Phalcon\Collection\CollectionInterface, Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream\Input, Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface | | Extends | AbstractRequest | | Implements | ServerRequestInterface |

PSR-7 ServerRequest


 * @var Collection|CollectionInterface
protected attributes;

 * Retrieve cookies.
 * Retrieves cookies sent by the client to the server.
 * The data MUST be compatible with the structure of the $_COOKIE
 * superglobal.
 * @var array
protected cookieParams;

 * Retrieve any parameters provided in the request body.
 * If the request Content-Type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded
 * or multipart/form-data, and the request method is POST, this method MUST
 * return the contents of $_POST.
 * Otherwise, this method may return any results of deserializing
 * the request body content; as parsing returns structured content, the
 * potential types MUST be arrays or objects only. A null value indicates
 * the absence of body content.
 * @var mixed
protected parsedBody;

 * Retrieve query string arguments.
 * Retrieves the deserialized query string arguments, if any.
 * Note: the query params might not be in sync with the URI or server
 * params. If you need to ensure you are only getting the original
 * values, you may need to parse the query string from
 * `getUri()->getQuery()` or from the `QUERY_STRING` server param.
 * @var array
protected queryParams;

 * Retrieve server parameters.
 * Retrieves data related to the incoming request environment,
 * typically derived from PHP's $_SERVER superglobal. The data IS NOT
 * REQUIRED to originate from $_SERVER.
 * @var array
protected serverParams;

 * Retrieve normalized file upload data.
 * This method returns upload metadata in a normalized tree, with each leaf
 * an instance of Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface.
 * These values MAY be prepared from $_FILES or the message body during
 * instantiation, or MAY be injected via withUploadedFiles().
 * @var array
protected uploadedFiles;


public function __construct( string $method = string, mixed $uri = null, array $serverParams = [], mixed $body = string, mixed $headers = [], array $cookies = [], array $queryParams = [], array $uploadFiles = [], mixed $parsedBody = null, string $protocol = string );
ServerRequest constructor.

public function getAttribute( mixed $name, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Retrieve a single derived request attribute.

Retrieves a single derived request attribute as described in getAttributes(). If the attribute has not been previously set, returns the default value as provided.

This method obviates the need for a hasAttribute() method, as it allows specifying a default value to return if the attribute is not found.

public function getAttributes(): array;
Retrieve attributes derived from the request.

The request 'attributes' may be used to allow injection of any parameters derived from the request: e.g., the results of path match operations; the results of decrypting cookies; the results of deserializing non-form-encoded message bodies; etc. Attributes will be application and request specific, and CAN be mutable.

public function getCookieParams(): array
public function getParsedBody(): mixed
public function getQueryParams(): array
public function getServerParams(): array
public function getUploadedFiles(): array

public function withAttribute( mixed $name, mixed $value ): ServerRequest;
Return an instance with the specified derived request attribute.

This method allows setting a single derived request attribute as described in getAttributes().

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated attribute.

public function withCookieParams( array $cookies ): ServerRequest;
Return an instance with the specified cookies.

The data IS NOT REQUIRED to come from the $_COOKIE superglobal, but MUST be compatible with the structure of $_COOKIE. Typically, this data will be injected at instantiation.

This method MUST NOT update the related Cookie header of the request instance, nor related values in the server params.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated cookie values.

public function withParsedBody( mixed $data ): ServerRequest;
Return an instance with the specified body parameters.

These MAY be injected during instantiation.

If the request Content-Type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, and the request method is POST, use this method ONLY to inject the contents of $_POST.

The data IS NOT REQUIRED to come from $_POST, but MUST be the results of deserializing the request body content. Deserialization/parsing returns structured data, and, as such, this method ONLY accepts arrays or objects, or a null value if nothing was available to parse.

As an example, if content negotiation determines that the request data is a JSON payload, this method could be used to create a request instance with the deserialized parameters.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated body parameters.

public function withQueryParams( array $query ): ServerRequest;
Return an instance with the specified query string arguments.

These values SHOULD remain immutable over the course of the incoming request. They MAY be injected during instantiation, such as from PHP's $_GET superglobal, or MAY be derived from some other value such as the URI. In cases where the arguments are parsed from the URI, the data MUST be compatible with what PHP's parse_str() would return for purposes of how duplicate query parameters are handled, and how nested sets are handled.

Setting query string arguments MUST NOT change the URI stored by the request, nor the values in the server params.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated query string arguments.

public function withUploadedFiles( array $uploadedFiles ): ServerRequest;
Create a new instance with the specified uploaded files.

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the updated body parameters.

public function withoutAttribute( mixed $name ): ServerRequest;
Return an instance that removes the specified derived request attribute.

This method allows removing a single derived request attribute as described in getAttributes().

This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that removes the attribute.

Class Phalcon\Http\Message\ServerRequestFactory

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Collection, Phalcon\Collection\CollectionInterface, Phalcon\Helper\Arr, Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestFactoryInterface, Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface | | Implements | ServerRequestFactoryInterface |

PSR-17 ServerRequestFactory


public function createServerRequest( string $method, mixed $uri, array $serverParams = [] ): ServerRequestInterface;
Create a new server request.

Note that server-params are taken precisely as given - no parsing/processing of the given values is performed, and, in particular, no attempt is made to determine the HTTP method or URI, which must be provided explicitly.

public function load( array $server = null, array $get = null, array $post = null, array $cookies = null, array $files = null ): ServerRequest;
Create a request from the supplied superglobal values.

If any argument is not supplied, the corresponding superglobal value will be used.

protected function getHeaders();
Returns the apache_request_headers if it exists

Class Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Helper\Arr, Exception, Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface, RuntimeException | | Implements | StreamInterface |

PSR-7 Stream


 * @var resource | null
protected handle;

 * @var resource | string
protected stream;


public function __construct( mixed $stream, string $mode = string );
Stream constructor.

public function __destruct();
Closes the stream when the destructed.

public function __toString(): string;
Reads all data from the stream into a string, from the beginning to end.

This method MUST attempt to seek to the beginning of the stream before reading data and read the stream until the end is reached.

Warning: This could attempt to load a large amount of data into memory.

This method MUST NOT raise an exception in order to conform with PHP's string casting operations.


public function close(): void;
Closes the stream and any underlying resources.

public function detach(): resource | null;
Separates any underlying resources from the stream.

After the stream has been detached, the stream is in an unusable state.

public function eof(): bool;
Returns true if the stream is at the end of the stream.

public function getContents(): string;
Returns the remaining contents in a string

public function getMetadata( mixed $key = null );
Get stream metadata as an associative array or retrieve a specific key.

The keys returned are identical to the keys returned from PHP's stream_get_meta_data() function.

public function getSize(): null | int;
Get the size of the stream if known.

public function isReadable(): bool;
Returns whether or not the stream is readable.

public function isSeekable(): bool;
Returns whether or not the stream is seekable.

public function isWritable(): bool;
Returns whether or not the stream is writable.

public function read( mixed $length ): string;
Read data from the stream.

public function rewind(): void;
Seek to the beginning of the stream.

If the stream is not seekable, this method will raise an exception; otherwise, it will perform a seek(0).

public function seek( mixed $offset, mixed $whence = int ): void;
Seek to a position in the stream.

public function setStream( mixed $stream, string $mode = string ): void;
Sets the stream - existing instance

public function tell(): int;
Returns the current position of the file read/write pointer

public function write( mixed $data ): int;
Write data to the stream.

Class Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream\Input

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream | | Extends | Stream |

Describes a data stream from "php://input"

Typically, an instance will wrap a PHP stream; this interface provides a wrapper around the most common operations, including serialization of the entire stream to a string.


 * @var string
private data = ;

 * @var bool
private eof = false;


public function __construct();
Input constructor.

public function __toString(): string;
Reads all data from the stream into a string, from the beginning to end.

This method MUST attempt to seek to the beginning of the stream before reading data and read the stream until the end is reached.

Warning: This could attempt to load a large amount of data into memory.

This method MUST NOT raise an exception in order to conform with PHP's string casting operations.


public function getContents( int $length = int ): string;
Returns the remaining contents in a string

@throws RuntimeException if unable to read. @throws RuntimeException if error occurs while reading.

public function isWritable(): bool;
Returns whether or not the stream is writeable.

public function read( mixed $length ): string;
Read data from the stream.

Class Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream\Memory

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream | | Extends | Stream |

Describes a data stream from "php://memory"

Typically, an instance will wrap a PHP stream; this interface provides a wrapper around the most common operations, including serialization of the entire stream to a string.


public function __construct( mixed $mode = string );

Class Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream\Temp

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Message\Stream | | Extends | Stream |

Describes a data stream from "php://temp"

Typically, an instance will wrap a PHP stream; this interface provides a wrapper around the most common operations, including serialization of the entire stream to a string.


public function __construct( mixed $mode = string );

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\StreamFactory

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface, Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface | | Implements | StreamFactoryInterface |

PSR-17 StreamFactory


public function createStream( string $content = string ): StreamInterface;
Create a new stream from a string.

The stream SHOULD be created with a temporary resource.

public function createStreamFromFile( string $filename, string $mode = string ): StreamInterface;
Create a stream from an existing file.

The file MUST be opened using the given mode, which may be any mode supported by the fopen function.

The $filename MAY be any string supported by fopen().

public function createStreamFromResource( mixed $phpResource ): StreamInterface;
Create a new stream from an existing resource.

The stream MUST be readable and may be writable.

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\UploadedFile

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Helper\Number, Phalcon\Helper\Arr, Phalcon\Helper\Str, Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface, RuntimeException | | Implements | UploadedFileInterface |

PSR-7 UploadedFile


 * If the file has already been moved, we hold that status here
 * @var bool
private alreadyMoved = false;

 * Retrieve the filename sent by the client.
 * Do not trust the value returned by this method. A client could send
 * a malicious filename with the intention to corrupt or hack your
 * application.
 * Implementations SHOULD return the value stored in the 'name' key of
 * the file in the $_FILES array.
 * @var string | null
private clientFilename;

 * Retrieve the media type sent by the client.
 * Do not trust the value returned by this method. A client could send
 * a malicious media type with the intention to corrupt or hack your
 * application.
 * Implementations SHOULD return the value stored in the 'type' key of
 * the file in the $_FILES array.
 * @var string | null
private clientMediaType;

 * Retrieve the error associated with the uploaded file.
 * The return value MUST be one of PHP's UPLOAD_ERR_XXX constants.
 * If the file was uploaded successfully, this method MUST return
 * Implementations SHOULD return the value stored in the 'error' key of
 * the file in the $_FILES array.
 * @see
 * @var int
private error = 0;

 * If the stream is a string (file name) we store it here
 * @var string
private fileName = ;

 * Retrieve the file size.
 * Implementations SHOULD return the value stored in the 'size' key of
 * the file in the $_FILES array if available, as PHP calculates this based
 * on the actual size transmitted.
 * @var int | null
private size;

 * Holds the stream/string for the uploaded file
 * @var StreamInterface|string|null
private stream;


public function __construct( mixed $stream, int $size = null, int $error = int, string $clientFilename = null, string $clientMediaType = null );
UploadedFile constructor.

public function getClientFilename(): string | null
public function getClientMediaType(): string | null
public function getError(): int
public function getSize(): int | null

public function getStream(): mixed;
Retrieve a stream representing the uploaded file.

This method MUST return a StreamInterface instance, representing the uploaded file. The purpose of this method is to allow utilizing native PHP stream functionality to manipulate the file upload, such as stream_copy_to_stream() (though the result will need to be decorated in a native PHP stream wrapper to work with such functions).

If the moveTo() method has been called previously, this method MUST raise an exception.

public function moveTo( mixed $targetPath ): void;
Move the uploaded file to a new location.

Use this method as an alternative to move_uploaded_file(). This method is guaranteed to work in both SAPI and non-SAPI environments. Implementations must determine which environment they are in, and use the appropriate method (move_uploaded_file(), rename(), or a stream operation) to perform the operation.

$targetPath may be an absolute path, or a relative path. If it is a relative path, resolution should be the same as used by PHP's rename() function.

The original file or stream MUST be removed on completion.

If this method is called more than once, any subsequent calls MUST raise an exception.

When used in an SAPI environment where $_FILES is populated, when writing files via moveTo(), is_uploaded_file() and move_uploaded_file() SHOULD be used to ensure permissions and upload status are verified correctly.

If you wish to move to a stream, use getStream(), as SAPI operations cannot guarantee writing to stream destinations.

@see @see

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\UploadedFileFactory

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileFactoryInterface | | Implements | UploadedFileFactoryInterface |

PSR-17 UploadedFileFactory


public function createUploadedFile( StreamInterface $stream, int $size = null, int $error = int, string $clientFilename = null, string $clientMediaType = null ): UploadedFileInterface;
Create a new uploaded file.

If a size is not provided it will be determined by checking the size of the stream.

@link @link

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\Uri

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Phalcon\Helper\Arr, Phalcon\Helper\Str, Phalcon\Http\Message\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface | | Extends | AbstractCommon | | Implements | UriInterface |

PSR-7 Uri


 * Returns the fragment of the URL
 * @return string
protected fragment = ;

 * Retrieve the host component of the URI.
 * If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
 * The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
 * Section 3.2.2.
 * @see
 * @return string
protected host = ;

 * @var string
protected pass = ;

 * Returns the path of the URL
 * @return string
protected path = ;

 * Retrieve the port component of the URI.
 * If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
 * this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard
 * port used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
 * If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
 * a null value.
 * If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
 * the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
 * @return int|null
protected port;

 * Returns the query of the URL
 * @return string
protected query = ;

 * Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
 * If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
 * The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
 * Section 3.1.
 * The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
 * added.
 * @see
 * @return string
protected scheme = https;

 * @var string
protected user = ;


public function __construct( string $uri = string );
Uri constructor.

public function __toString(): string;
Return the string representation as a URI reference.

Depending on which components of the URI are present, the resulting string is either a full URI or relative reference according to RFC 3986, Section 4.1. The method concatenates the various components of the URI, using the appropriate delimiters

public function getAuthority(): string;
Retrieve the authority component of the URI.

public function getFragment()
public function getHost()
public function getPath()
public function getPort()
public function getQuery()
public function getScheme()

public function getUserInfo(): string;
Retrieve the user information component of the URI.

If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty string.

If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value; additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.

The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST NOT be added.

public function withFragment( mixed $fragment ): Uri;
Return an instance with the specified URI fragment.

This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified URI fragment.

Users can provide both encoded and decoded fragment characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getFragment().

An empty fragment value is equivalent to removing the fragment.

public function withHost( mixed $host ): Uri;
Return an instance with the specified host.

This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified host.

An empty host value is equivalent to removing the host.

public function withPath( mixed $path ): Uri;
Return an instance with the specified path.

This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified path.

The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all three syntaxes.

If an HTTP path is intended to be host-relative rather than path-relative then it must begin with a slash ("/"). HTTP paths not starting with a slash are assumed to be relative to some base path known to the application or consumer.

Users can provide both encoded and decoded path characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getPath().

public function withPort( mixed $port ): Uri;
Return an instance with the specified port.

This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified port.

Implementations MUST raise an exception for ports outside the established TCP and UDP port ranges.

A null value provided for the port is equivalent to removing the port information.

public function withQuery( mixed $query ): Uri;
Return an instance with the specified query string.

This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified query string.

Users can provide both encoded and decoded query characters. Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getQuery().

An empty query string value is equivalent to removing the query string.

public function withScheme( mixed $scheme ): Uri;
Return an instance with the specified scheme.

This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return an instance that contains the specified scheme.

Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.

An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.

public function withUserInfo( mixed $user, mixed $password = null ): Uri;
Return an instance with the specified user information.

Final Class Phalcon\Http\Message\UriFactory

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Message | | Uses | Psr\Http\Message\UriFactoryInterface, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface | | Implements | UriFactoryInterface |

PSR-17 UriFactory


public function createUri( string $uri = string ): UriInterface;
Returns a Locator object with all the helpers defined in anonynous functions

Class Phalcon\Http\Request

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http | | Uses | Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware, Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface, Phalcon\Filter\FilterInterface, Phalcon\Helper\Json, Phalcon\Http\Request\File, Phalcon\Http\Request\FileInterface, Phalcon\Http\Request\Exception, UnexpectedValueException, stdClass | | Extends | AbstractInjectionAware | | Implements | RequestInterface |

Encapsulates request information for easy and secure access from application controllers.

The request object is a simple value object that is passed between the dispatcher and controller classes. It packages the HTTP request environment.

use Phalcon\Http\Request;

$request = new Request();

if ($request->isPost() && $request->isAjax()) {
    echo "Request was made using POST and AJAX";

// Retrieve SERVER variables


// An array of languages the client accepts


private filterService;

 * @var bool
private httpMethodParameterOverride = false;

 * @var array
private queryFilters;

private putCache;

private rawBody;

 * @var bool
private strictHostCheck = false;


public function get( string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Gets a variable from the $_REQUEST superglobal applying filters if needed. If no parameters are given the $_REQUEST superglobal is returned

// Returns value from $_REQUEST["user_email"] without sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->get("user_email");

// Returns value from $_REQUEST["user_email"] with sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->get("user_email", "email");

public function getAcceptableContent(): array;
Gets an array with mime/types and their quality accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]

public function getBasicAuth(): array | null;
Gets auth info accepted by the browser/client from $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]

public function getBestAccept(): string;
Gets best mime/type accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]

public function getBestCharset(): string;
Gets best charset accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"]

public function getBestLanguage(): string;
Gets best language accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]

public function getClientAddress( bool $trustForwardedHeader = bool ): string | bool;
Gets most possible client IPv4 Address. This method searches in $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] and optionally in $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]

public function getClientCharsets(): array;
Gets a charsets array and their quality accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"]

public function getContentType(): string | null;
Gets content type which request has been made

public function getDigestAuth(): array;
Gets auth info accepted by the browser/client from $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_DIGEST"]

public function getFilteredPost( string $name = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Retrieves a post value always sanitized with the preset filters

public function getFilteredPut( string $name = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Retrieves a put value always sanitized with the preset filters

public function getFilteredQuery( string $name = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Retrieves a query/get value always sanitized with the preset filters

public function getHTTPReferer(): string;
Gets web page that refers active request. ie:

final public function getHeader( string $header ): string;
Gets HTTP header from request data

public function getHeaders(): array;
Returns the available headers in the request

$_SERVER = [ "PHP_AUTH_USER" => "phalcon", "PHP_AUTH_PW" => "secret", ];

$headers = $request->getHeaders();

echo $headers["Authorization"]; // Basic cGhhbGNvbjpzZWNyZXQ=

public function getHttpHost(): string;
Gets host name used by the request.

Request::getHttpHost trying to find host name in following order:


Optionally Request::getHttpHost validates and clean host name. The Request::$strictHostCheck can be used to validate host name.

Note: validation and cleaning have a negative performance impact because they use regular expressions.

use Phalcon\Http\Request;

$request = new Request;

$request->getHttpHost(); //

$request->getHttpHost(); //

$request->getHttpHost(); // UnexpectedValueException

$request->getHttpHost(); //
public function getHttpMethodParameterOverride(): bool

public function getJsonRawBody( bool $associative = bool ): \stdClass | array | bool;
Gets decoded JSON HTTP raw request body

public function getLanguages(): array;
Gets languages array and their quality accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]

final public function getMethod(): string;
Gets HTTP method which request has been made

If the X-HTTP-Method-Override header is set, and if the method is a POST, then it is used to determine the "real" intended HTTP method.

The _method request parameter can also be used to determine the HTTP method, but only if setHttpMethodParameterOverride(true) has been called.

The method is always an uppercased string.

public function getPort(): int;
Gets information about the port on which the request is made.

public function getPost( string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Gets a variable from the $_POST superglobal applying filters if needed If no parameters are given the $_POST superglobal is returned

// Returns value from $_POST["user_email"] without sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->getPost("user_email");

// Returns value from $_POST["user_email"] with sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->getPost("user_email", "email");

public function getPreferredIsoLocaleVariant(): string;
Gets the preferred ISO locale variant.

Gets the preferred locale accepted by the client from the "Accept-Language" request HTTP header and returns the base part of it i.e. en instead of en-US.

Note: This method relies on the $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] header.


public function getPut( string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Gets a variable from put request

// Returns value from $_PUT["user_email"] without sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->getPut("user_email");

// Returns value from $_PUT["user_email"] with sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->getPut("user_email", "email");

public function getQuery( string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Gets variable from $_GET superglobal applying filters if needed If no parameters are given the $_GET superglobal is returned

// Returns value from $_GET["id"] without sanitizing
$id = $request->getQuery("id");

// Returns value from $_GET["id"] with sanitizing
$id = $request->getQuery("id", "int");

// Returns value from $_GET["id"] with a default value
$id = $request->getQuery("id", null, 150);

public function getRawBody(): string;
Gets HTTP raw request body

public function getScheme(): string;
Gets HTTP schema (http/https)

public function getServer( string $name ): string | null;
Gets variable from $_SERVER superglobal

public function getServerAddress(): string;
Gets active server address IP

public function getServerName(): string;
Gets active server name

final public function getURI( bool $onlyPath = bool ): string;
Gets HTTP URI which request has been made to

// Returns /some/path?with=queryParams
$uri = $request->getURI();

// Returns /some/path
$uri = $request->getURI(true);

public function getUploadedFiles( bool $onlySuccessful = bool, bool $namedKeys = bool ): FileInterface[];
Gets attached files as Phalcon\Http\Request\File instances

public function getUserAgent(): string;
Gets HTTP user agent used to made the request

public function has( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether $_REQUEST superglobal has certain index

public function hasFiles(): bool;
Returns if the request has files or not

final public function hasHeader( string $header ): bool;
Checks whether headers has certain index

public function hasPost( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether $_POST superglobal has certain index

public function hasPut( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether the PUT data has certain index

public function hasQuery( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether $_GET superglobal has certain index

final public function hasServer( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether $_SERVER superglobal has certain index

public function isAjax(): bool;
Checks whether request has been made using ajax

public function isConnect(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is CONNECT. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="CONNECT"

public function isDelete(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is DELETE. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="DELETE"

public function isGet(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is GET. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="GET"

public function isHead(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is HEAD. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="HEAD"

public function isMethod( mixed $methods, bool $strict = bool ): bool;
Check if HTTP method match any of the passed methods When strict is true it checks if validated methods are real HTTP methods

public function isOptions(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is OPTIONS. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="OPTIONS"

public function isPatch(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is PATCH. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="PATCH"

public function isPost(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is POST. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="POST"

public function isPurge(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is PURGE (Squid and Varnish support). if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="PURGE"

public function isPut(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is PUT. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="PUT"

public function isSecure(): bool;
Checks whether request has been made using any secure layer

public function isSoap(): bool;
Checks whether request has been made using SOAP

public function isStrictHostCheck(): bool;
Checks if the Request::getHttpHost method will be use strict validation of host name or not

public function isTrace(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is TRACE. if _SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]==="TRACE"

public function isValidHttpMethod( string $method ): bool;
Checks if a method is a valid HTTP method

public function numFiles( bool $onlySuccessful = bool ): long;
Returns the number of files available

public function setHttpMethodParameterOverride( bool $httpMethodParameterOverride )

public function setParameterFilters( string $name, array $filters = [], array $scope = [] ): RequestInterface;
Sets automatic sanitizers/filters for a particular field and for particular methods

public function setStrictHostCheck( bool $flag = bool ): RequestInterface;
Sets if the Request::getHttpHost method must be use strict validation of host name or not

final protected function getBestQuality( array $qualityParts, string $name ): string;
Process a request header and return the one with best quality

final protected function getHelper( array $source, string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Helper to get data from superglobals, applying filters if needed. If no parameters are given the superglobal is returned.

final protected function getQualityHeader( string $serverIndex, string $name ): array;
Process a request header and return an array of values with their qualities

final protected function hasFileHelper( mixed $data, bool $onlySuccessful ): long;
Recursively counts file in an array of files

protected function resolveAuthorizationHeaders(): array;
Resolve authorization headers.

final protected function smoothFiles( array $names, array $types, array $tmp_names, array $sizes, array $errors, string $prefix ): array;
Smooth out $_FILES to have plain array with all files uploaded

Class Phalcon\Http\Request\Exception

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Request | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |


Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Http\Request will use this class

Class Phalcon\Http\Request\File

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Request | | Uses | Phalcon\Helper\Arr | | Implements | FileInterface |


Provides OO wrappers to the $_FILES superglobal

use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;

class PostsController extends Controller
    public function uploadAction()
        // Check if the user has uploaded files
        if ($this->request->hasFiles() == true) {
            // Print the real file names and their sizes
            foreach ($this->request->getUploadedFiles() as $file) {
                echo $file->getName(), " ", $file->getSize(), "\n";


 * @var string|null
protected error;

 * @var string
protected extension;

 * @var string|null
protected key;

protected name;

protected realType;

protected size;

protected tmp;

protected type;


public function __construct( array $file, mixed $key = null );
Phalcon\Http\Request\File constructor

public function getError(): string|null
public function getExtension(): string
public function getKey(): string|null

public function getName(): string;
Returns the real name of the uploaded file

public function getRealType(): string;
Gets the real mime type of the upload file using finfo

public function getSize(): int;
Returns the file size of the uploaded file

public function getTempName(): string;
Returns the temporary name of the uploaded file

public function getType(): string;
Returns the mime type reported by the browser This mime type is not completely secure, use getRealType() instead

public function isUploadedFile(): bool;
Checks whether the file has been uploaded via Post.

public function moveTo( string $destination ): bool;
Moves the temporary file to a destination within the application

Interface Phalcon\Http\Request\FileInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Request |


Interface for Phalcon\Http\Request\File


public function getError(): string | null;
Returns the error if any

public function getName(): string;
Returns the real name of the uploaded file

public function getRealType(): string;
Gets the real mime type of the upload file using finfo

public function getSize(): int;
Returns the file size of the uploaded file

public function getTempName(): string;
Returns the temporal name of the uploaded file

public function getType(): string;
Returns the mime type reported by the browser This mime type is not completely secure, use getRealType() instead

public function moveTo( string $destination ): bool;
Move the temporary file to a destination

Interface Phalcon\Http\RequestInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Request\FileInterface, stdClass |

Interface for Phalcon\Http\Request


public function get( string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Gets a variable from the $_REQUEST superglobal applying filters if needed. If no parameters are given the $_REQUEST superglobal is returned

// Returns value from $_REQUEST["user_email"] without sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->get("user_email");

// Returns value from $_REQUEST["user_email"] with sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->get("user_email", "email");

public function getAcceptableContent(): array;
Gets an array with mime/types and their quality accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]

public function getBasicAuth(): array | null;
Gets auth info accepted by the browser/client from $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]

public function getBestAccept(): string;
Gets best mime/type accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]

public function getBestCharset(): string;
Gets best charset accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"]

public function getBestLanguage(): string;
Gets best language accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]

public function getClientAddress( bool $trustForwardedHeader = bool ): string | bool;
Gets most possible client IPv4 Address. This method searches in $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] and optionally in $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]

public function getClientCharsets(): array;
Gets a charsets array and their quality accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"]

public function getContentType(): string | null;
Gets content type which request has been made

public function getDigestAuth(): array;
Gets auth info accepted by the browser/client from $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_DIGEST"]

public function getHTTPReferer(): string;
Gets web page that refers active request. ie:

public function getHeader( string $header ): string;
Gets HTTP header from request data

public function getHeaders(): array;
Returns the available headers in the request

$_SERVER = [
    "PHP_AUTH_USER" => "phalcon",
    "PHP_AUTH_PW"   => "secret",

$headers = $request->getHeaders();

echo $headers["Authorization"]; // Basic cGhhbGNvbjpzZWNyZXQ=

public function getHttpHost(): string;
Gets host name used by the request.

Request::getHttpHost trying to find host name in following order:


Optionally Request::getHttpHost validates and clean host name. The Request::$_strictHostCheck can be used to validate host name.

Note: validation and cleaning have a negative performance impact because they use regular expressions.

use Phalcon\Http\Request;

$request = new Request;

$request->getHttpHost(); //

$request->getHttpHost(); //

$request->getHttpHost(); // UnexpectedValueException

$request->getHttpHost(); //

public function getJsonRawBody( bool $associative = bool ): stdClass | array | bool;
Gets decoded JSON HTTP raw request body

public function getLanguages(): array;
Gets languages array and their quality accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]

public function getMethod(): string;
Gets HTTP method which request has been made

If the X-HTTP-Method-Override header is set, and if the method is a POST, then it is used to determine the "real" intended HTTP method.

The _method request parameter can also be used to determine the HTTP method, but only if setHttpMethodParameterOverride(true) has been called.

The method is always an uppercased string.

public function getPort(): int;
Gets information about the port on which the request is made

public function getPost( string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Gets a variable from the $_POST superglobal applying filters if needed If no parameters are given the $_POST superglobal is returned

// Returns value from $_POST["user_email"] without sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->getPost("user_email");

// Returns value from $_POST["user_email"] with sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->getPost("user_email", "email");

public function getPut( string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Gets a variable from put request

// Returns value from $_PUT["user_email"] without sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->getPut("user_email");

// Returns value from $_PUT["user_email"] with sanitizing
$userEmail = $request->getPut("user_email", "email");

public function getQuery( string $name = null, mixed $filters = null, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $notAllowEmpty = bool, bool $noRecursive = bool ): mixed;
Gets variable from $_GET superglobal applying filters if needed If no parameters are given the $_GET superglobal is returned

// Returns value from $_GET["id"] without sanitizing
$id = $request->getQuery("id");

// Returns value from $_GET["id"] with sanitizing
$id = $request->getQuery("id", "int");

// Returns value from $_GET["id"] with a default value
$id = $request->getQuery("id", null, 150);

public function getRawBody(): string;
Gets HTTP raw request body

public function getScheme(): string;
Gets HTTP schema (http/https)

public function getServer( string $name ): string | null;
Gets variable from $_SERVER superglobal

public function getServerAddress(): string;
Gets active server address IP

public function getServerName(): string;
Gets active server name

public function getURI( bool $onlyPath = bool ): string;
Gets HTTP URI which request has been made to

// Returns /some/path?with=queryParams
$uri = $request->getURI();

// Returns /some/path
$uri = $request->getURI(true);

public function getUploadedFiles( bool $onlySuccessful = bool, bool $namedKeys = bool ): FileInterface[];
Gets attached files as Phalcon\Http\Request\FileInterface compatible instances

public function getUserAgent(): string;
Gets HTTP user agent used to made the request

public function has( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether $_REQUEST superglobal has certain index

public function hasFiles(): bool;
Checks whether request include attached files

public function hasHeader( string $header ): bool;
Checks whether headers has certain index

public function hasPost( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether $_POST superglobal has certain index

public function hasPut( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether the PUT data has certain index

public function hasQuery( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether $_GET superglobal has certain index

public function hasServer( string $name ): bool;
Checks whether $_SERVER superglobal has certain index

public function isAjax(): bool;
Checks whether request has been made using ajax. Checks if $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] === "XMLHttpRequest"

public function isConnect(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is CONNECT. if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "CONNECT"

public function isDelete(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is DELETE. if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "DELETE"

public function isGet(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is GET. if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "GET"

public function isHead(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is HEAD. if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "HEAD"

public function isMethod( mixed $methods, bool $strict = bool ): bool;
Check if HTTP method match any of the passed methods

public function isOptions(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is OPTIONS. if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "OPTIONS"

public function isPost(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is POST. if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST"

public function isPurge(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is PURGE (Squid and Varnish support). if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "PURGE"

public function isPut(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is PUT. if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "PUT"

public function isSecure(): bool;
Checks whether request has been made using any secure layer

public function isSoap(): bool;
Checks whether request has been made using SOAP

public function isTrace(): bool;
Checks whether HTTP method is TRACE. if $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "TRACE"

public function numFiles( bool $onlySuccessful = bool ): long;
Returns the number of files available

Class Phalcon\Http\Response

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http | | Uses | DateTime, DateTimeZone, Phalcon\Di, Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Helper\Fs, Phalcon\Helper\Json, Phalcon\Http\Response\Exception, Phalcon\Http\Response\HeadersInterface, Phalcon\Http\Response\CookiesInterface, Phalcon\Url\UrlInterface, Phalcon\Mvc\ViewInterface, Phalcon\Http\Response\Headers, Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface, Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface, Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface | | Implements | ResponseInterface, InjectionAwareInterface, EventsAwareInterface |

Part of the HTTP cycle is return responses to the clients. Phalcon\HTTP\Response is the Phalcon component responsible to achieve this task. HTTP responses are usually composed by headers and body.

$response = new \Phalcon\Http\Response();

$response->setStatusCode(200, "OK");



protected container;

protected content;

protected cookies;

protected eventsManager;

protected file;

protected headers;

 * @var bool
protected sent = false;

protected statusCodes;


public function __construct( string $content = null, mixed $code = null, mixed $status = null );
Phalcon\Http\Response constructor

public function appendContent( mixed $content ): ResponseInterface;
Appends a string to the HTTP response body

public function getContent(): string;
Gets the HTTP response body

public function getCookies(): CookiesInterface;
Returns cookies set by the user

public function getDI(): DiInterface;
Returns the internal dependency injector

public function getEventsManager(): ManagerInterface;
Returns the internal event manager

public function getHeaders(): HeadersInterface;
Returns headers set by the user

public function getReasonPhrase(): string | null;
Returns the reason phrase

echo $response->getReasonPhrase();

public function getStatusCode(): int | null;
Returns the status code

echo $response->getStatusCode();

public function hasHeader( string $name ): bool;
Checks if a header exists


public function isSent(): bool;
Check if the response is already sent

public function redirect( mixed $location = null, bool $externalRedirect = bool, int $statusCode = int ): ResponseInterface;
Redirect by HTTP to another action or URL

// Using a string redirect (internal/external)
$response->redirect("", true);
$response->redirect("", true, 301);

// Making a redirection based on a named route
        "for"        => "index-lang",
        "lang"       => "jp",
        "controller" => "index",

public function removeHeader( string $name ): ResponseInterface;
Remove a header in the response


public function resetHeaders(): ResponseInterface;
Resets all the established headers

public function send(): ResponseInterface;
Prints out HTTP response to the client

public function sendCookies(): ResponseInterface;
Sends cookies to the client

public function sendHeaders(): ResponseInterface | bool;
Sends headers to the client

public function setCache( int $minutes ): ResponseInterface;
Sets Cache headers to use HTTP cache


public function setContent( string $content ): ResponseInterface;
Sets HTTP response body


public function setContentLength( int $contentLength ): ResponseInterface;
Sets the response content-length


public function setContentType( string $contentType, mixed $charset = null ): ResponseInterface;
Sets the response content-type mime, optionally the charset

$response->setContentType("text/plain", "UTF-8");

public function setCookies( CookiesInterface $cookies ): ResponseInterface;
Sets a cookies bag for the response externally

public function setDI( DiInterface $container ): void;
Sets the dependency injector

public function setEtag( string $etag ): ResponseInterface;
Set a custom ETag


public function setEventsManager( ManagerInterface $eventsManager ): void;
Sets the events manager

public function setExpires( DateTime $datetime ): ResponseInterface;
Sets an Expires header in the response that allows to use the HTTP cache

    new DateTime()

public function setFileToSend( string $filePath, mixed $attachmentName = null, mixed $attachment = bool ): ResponseInterface;
Sets an attached file to be sent at the end of the request

public function setHeader( string $name, mixed $value ): ResponseInterface;
Overwrites a header in the response

$response->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");

public function setHeaders( HeadersInterface $headers ): ResponseInterface;
Sets a headers bag for the response externally

public function setJsonContent( mixed $content, int $jsonOptions = int, int $depth = int ): ResponseInterface;
Sets HTTP response body. The parameter is automatically converted to JSON and also sets default header: Content-Type: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"

        "status" => "OK",

public function setLastModified( DateTime $datetime ): ResponseInterface;
Sets Last-Modified header

    new DateTime()

public function setNotModified(): ResponseInterface;
Sends a Not-Modified response

public function setRawHeader( string $header ): ResponseInterface;
Send a raw header to the response

$response->setRawHeader("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");

public function setStatusCode( int $code, string $message = null ): ResponseInterface;
Sets the HTTP response code

$response->setStatusCode(404, "Not Found");

Class Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Response | | Uses | Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware, Phalcon\Http\Cookie\Exception, Phalcon\Http\Cookie\CookieInterface | | Extends | AbstractInjectionAware | | Implements | CookiesInterface |


This class is a bag to manage the cookies.

A cookies bag is automatically registered as part of the 'response' service in the DI. By default, cookies are automatically encrypted before being sent to the client and are decrypted when retrieved from the user. To set sign key used to generate a message authentication code use Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies::setSignKey().

use Phalcon\Di;
use Phalcon\Crypt;
use Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies;

$di = new Di();

    function () {
        $crypt = new Crypt();

        // The `$key' should have been previously generated in a cryptographically safe way.
        $key = "T4\xb1\x8d\xa9\x98\x05\\\x8c\xbe\x1d\x07&[\x99\x18\xa4~Lc1\xbeW\xb3";


        return $crypt;

    function () {
        $cookies = new Cookies();

        // The `$key' MUST be at least 32 characters long and generated using a
        // cryptographically secure pseudo random generator.
        $key = "#1dj8$=dp?.ak//j1V$~%*0XaK\xb1\x8d\xa9\x98\x054t7w!z%C*F-Jk\x98\x05\\\x5c";


        return $cookies;


protected cookies;

protected registered = false;

 * The cookie's sign key.
 * @var string|null
protected signKey;

protected useEncryption = true;


public function __construct( bool $useEncryption = bool, string $signKey = null );
Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies constructor

public function delete( string $name ): bool;
Deletes a cookie by its name This method does not removes cookies from the _COOKIE superglobal

public function get( string $name ): CookieInterface;
Gets a cookie from the bag

public function getCookies(): array;
Gets all cookies from the bag

public function has( string $name ): bool;
Check if a cookie is defined in the bag or exists in the _COOKIE superglobal

public function isUsingEncryption(): bool;
Returns if the bag is automatically encrypting/decrypting cookies

public function reset(): CookiesInterface;
Reset set cookies

public function send(): bool;
Sends the cookies to the client Cookies aren't sent if headers are sent in the current request

public function set( string $name, mixed $value = null, int $expire = int, string $path = string, bool $secure = null, string $domain = null, bool $httpOnly = null, array $options = [] ): CookiesInterface;
Sets a cookie to be sent at the end of the request.

This method overrides any cookie set before with the same name.

use Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies;

$now = new DateTimeImmutable();
$tomorrow = $now->modify('tomorrow');

$cookies = new Cookies();
    json_encode(['user_id' => 1]),
    (int) $tomorrow->format('U'),

public function setSignKey( string $signKey = null ): CookiesInterface;
Sets the cookie's sign key.

The `$signKey' MUST be at least 32 characters long and generated using a cryptographically secure pseudo random generator.

Use NULL to disable cookie signing.

@see \Phalcon\Security\Random

public function useEncryption( bool $useEncryption ): CookiesInterface;
Set if cookies in the bag must be automatically encrypted/decrypted

Interface Phalcon\Http\Response\CookiesInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Response | | Uses | Phalcon\Http\Cookie\CookieInterface |


Interface for Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies


public function delete( string $name ): bool;
Deletes a cookie by its name This method does not removes cookies from the _COOKIE superglobal

public function get( string $name ): CookieInterface;
Gets a cookie from the bag

public function has( string $name ): bool;
Check if a cookie is defined in the bag or exists in the _COOKIE superglobal

public function isUsingEncryption(): bool;
Returns if the bag is automatically encrypting/decrypting cookies

public function reset(): CookiesInterface;
Reset set cookies

public function send(): bool;
Sends the cookies to the client

public function set( string $name, mixed $value = null, int $expire = int, string $path = string, bool $secure = null, string $domain = null, bool $httpOnly = null, array $options = [] ): CookiesInterface;
Sets a cookie to be sent at the end of the request

public function useEncryption( bool $useEncryption ): CookiesInterface;
Set if cookies in the bag must be automatically encrypted/decrypted

Class Phalcon\Http\Response\Exception

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Response | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |


Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Http\Response will use this class.

Class Phalcon\Http\Response\Headers

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Response | | Implements | HeadersInterface |


This class is a bag to manage the response headers


protected headers;


public function get( string $name ): string | bool;
Gets a header value from the internal bag

public function has( string $name ): bool;
Checks if a header exists

public function remove( string $header ): HeadersInterface;
Removes a header to be sent at the end of the request

public function reset();
Reset set headers

public function send(): bool;
Sends the headers to the client

public function set( string $name, string $value ): HeadersInterface;
Sets a header to be sent at the end of the request

public function setRaw( string $header ): HeadersInterface;
Sets a raw header to be sent at the end of the request

public function toArray(): array;
Returns the current headers as an array

Interface Phalcon\Http\Response\HeadersInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Response |


Interface for Phalcon\Http\Response\Headers compatible bags


public function get( string $name ): string | bool;
Gets a header value from the internal bag

public function has( string $name ): bool;
Checks if a header exists

public function reset();
Reset set headers

public function send(): bool;
Sends the headers to the client

public function set( string $name, string $value );
Sets a header to be sent at the end of the request

public function setRaw( string $header );
Sets a raw header to be sent at the end of the request

Interface Phalcon\Http\ResponseInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http | | Uses | DateTime, Phalcon\Http\Response\HeadersInterface |


Interface for Phalcon\Http\Response


public function appendContent( mixed $content ): ResponseInterface;
Appends a string to the HTTP response body

public function getContent(): string;
Gets the HTTP response body

public function getHeaders(): HeadersInterface;
Returns headers set by the user

public function getStatusCode(): int | null;
Returns the status code

public function hasHeader( string $name ): bool;
Checks if a header exists

public function isSent(): bool;
Checks if the response was already sent

public function redirect( mixed $location = null, bool $externalRedirect = bool, int $statusCode = int ): ResponseInterface;
Redirect by HTTP to another action or URL

public function resetHeaders(): ResponseInterface;
Resets all the established headers

public function send(): ResponseInterface;
Prints out HTTP response to the client

public function sendCookies(): ResponseInterface;
Sends cookies to the client

public function sendHeaders(): ResponseInterface | bool;
Sends headers to the client

public function setContent( string $content ): ResponseInterface;
Sets HTTP response body

public function setContentLength( int $contentLength ): ResponseInterface;
Sets the response content-length

public function setContentType( string $contentType, mixed $charset = null ): ResponseInterface;
Sets the response content-type mime, optionally the charset

public function setExpires( DateTime $datetime ): ResponseInterface;
Sets output expire time header

public function setFileToSend( string $filePath, mixed $attachmentName = null ): ResponseInterface;
Sets an attached file to be sent at the end of the request

public function setHeader( string $name, mixed $value ): ResponseInterface;
Overwrites a header in the response

public function setJsonContent( mixed $content ): ResponseInterface;
Sets HTTP response body. The parameter is automatically converted to JSON

        "status" => "OK",

public function setNotModified(): ResponseInterface;
Sends a Not-Modified response

public function setRawHeader( string $header ): ResponseInterface;
Send a raw header to the response

public function setStatusCode( int $code, string $message = null ): ResponseInterface;
Sets the HTTP response code

Abstract Class Phalcon\Http\Server\AbstractMiddleware

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Server | | Uses | Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface | | Implements | MiddlewareInterface |

Participant in processing a server request and response.

An HTTP middleware component participates in processing an HTTP message: by acting on the request, generating the response, or forwarding the request to a subsequent middleware and possibly acting on its response.


abstract public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ): ResponseInterface;
Process an incoming server request.

Processes an incoming server request in order to produce a response. If unable to produce the response itself, it may delegate to the provided request handler to do so.

Abstract Class Phalcon\Http\Server\AbstractRequestHandler

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Http\Server | | Uses | Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface | | Implements | RequestHandlerInterface |

Handles a server request and produces a response.

An HTTP request handler process an HTTP request in order to produce an HTTP response.


abstract public function handle( ServerRequestInterface $request ): ResponseInterface;
Handles a request and produces a response.

May call other collaborating code to generate the response.