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Class Phalcon\Security

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| Namespace | Phalcon | | Uses | Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware, Phalcon\Http\RequestInterface, Phalcon\Security\Random, Phalcon\Security\Exception, Phalcon\Session\ManagerInterface | | Extends | AbstractInjectionAware |

This component provides a set of functions to improve the security in Phalcon applications

$login    = $this->request->getPost("login");
$password = $this->request->getPost("password");

$user = Users::findFirstByLogin($login);

if ($user) {
    if ($this->security->checkHash($password, $user->password)) {
        // The password is valid


const CRYPT_DEFAULT = 0;
const CRYPT_EXT_DES = 2;
const CRYPT_MD5 = 3;
const CRYPT_SHA256 = 8;
const CRYPT_SHA512 = 9;
const CRYPT_STD_DES = 1;


 * @var int|null
protected defaultHash;

 * @var int
protected numberBytes = 16;

 * @var Random
protected random;

 * @var string}null
protected requestToken;

 * @var string|null
protected token;

 * @var string|null
protected tokenKey;

 * @var string
protected tokenKeySessionId = $PHALCON/CSRF/KEY$;

 * @var string
protected tokenValueSessionId = $PHALCON/CSRF$;

 * @var int
protected workFactor = 10;

 * @var SessionInterface|null
private localSession;

 * @var RequestInterface|null
private localRequest;


public function __construct( SessionInterface $session = null, RequestInterface $request = null );
Phalcon\Security constructor

public function checkHash( string $password, string $passwordHash, int $maxPassLength = int ): bool;
Checks a plain text password and its hash version to check if the password matches

public function checkToken( mixed $tokenKey = null, mixed $tokenValue = null, bool $destroyIfValid = bool ): bool;
Check if the CSRF token sent in the request is the same that the current in session

public function computeHmac( string $data, string $key, string $algo, bool $raw = bool ): string;
Computes a HMAC

public function destroyToken(): Security;
Removes the value of the CSRF token and key from session

public function getDefaultHash(): int | null;
Returns the default hash

public function getRandom(): Random;
Returns a secure random number generator instance

public function getRandomBytes(): int;
Returns a number of bytes to be generated by the openssl pseudo random generator

public function getRequestToken(): string | null;
Returns the value of the CSRF token for the current request.

public function getSaltBytes( int $numberBytes = int ): string;
Generate a >22-length pseudo random string to be used as salt for passwords

public function getSessionToken(): string | null;
Returns the value of the CSRF token in session

public function getToken(): string;
Generates a pseudo random token value to be used as input's value in a CSRF check

public function getTokenKey(): string;
Generates a pseudo random token key to be used as input's name in a CSRF check

public function getWorkFactor(): int

public function hash( string $password, int $workFactor = int ): string;
Creates a password hash using bcrypt with a pseudo random salt

public function isLegacyHash( string $passwordHash ): bool;
Checks if a password hash is a valid bcrypt's hash

public function setDefaultHash( int $defaultHash ): Security;
Sets the default hash

public function setRandomBytes( int $randomBytes ): Security;
Sets a number of bytes to be generated by the openssl pseudo random generator

public function setWorkFactor( int $workFactor ): Security;
Sets the work factor

Class Phalcon\Security\Exception

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Security | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |


Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Security will use this class

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Builder

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT | | Uses | Phalcon\Collection, Phalcon\Collection\CollectionInterface, Phalcon\Helper\Base64, Phalcon\Helper\Json, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Exceptions\ValidatorException, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer\SignerInterface, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Enum, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Item, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Signature, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Token |

Class Builder

@property CollectionInterface $claims @property CollectionInterface $jose @property string $passphrase @property SignerInterface $signer



 * @var CollectionInterface
private claims;

 * @var CollectionInterface
private jose;

 * @var string
private passphrase;

 * @var SignerInterface
private signer;


public function __construct( SignerInterface $signer );
Builder constructor.

public function getAudience();
public function getClaims(): array;
public function getContentType(): string | null;
public function getExpirationTime(): int | null;
public function getHeaders(): array;
public function getId(): string | null;
public function getIssuedAt(): int | null;
public function getIssuer(): string | null;
public function getNotBefore(): int | null;
public function getPassphrase(): string;
public function getSubject(): string | null;
public function getToken(): Token;
public function init(): Builder;

public function setAudience( mixed $audience ): Builder;
The "aud" (audience) claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for. Each principal intended to process the JWT MUST identify itself with a value in the audience claim. If the principal processing the claim does not identify itself with a value in the "aud" claim when this claim is present, then the JWT MUST be rejected. In the general case, the "aud" value is an array of case- sensitive strings, each containing a StringOrURI value. In the special case when the JWT has one audience, the "aud" value MAY be a single case-sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value. The interpretation of audience values is generally application specific. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.

public function setContentType( string $contentType ): Builder;
Sets the content type header 'cty'

public function setExpirationTime( int $timestamp ): Builder;
The "exp" (expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing. The processing of the "exp" claim requires that the current date/time MUST be before the expiration date/time listed in the "exp" claim. Implementers MAY provide for some small leeway, usually no more than a few minutes, to account for clock skew. Its value MUST be a number containing a NumericDate value. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.

public function setId( string $id ): Builder;
The "jti" (JWT ID) claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT. The identifier value MUST be assigned in a manner that ensures that there is a negligible probability that the same value will be accidentally assigned to a different data object; if the application uses multiple issuers, collisions MUST be prevented among values produced by different issuers as well. The "jti" claim can be used to prevent the JWT from being replayed. The "jti" value is a case- sensitive string. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.

public function setIssuedAt( int $timestamp ): Builder;
The "iat" (issued at) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was issued. This claim can be used to determine the age of the JWT. Its value MUST be a number containing a NumericDate value. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.

public function setIssuer( string $issuer ): Builder;
The "iss" (issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT. The processing of this claim is generally application specific. The "iss" value is a case-sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.

public function setNotBefore( int $timestamp ): Builder;
The "nbf" (not before) claim identifies the time before which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing. The processing of the "nbf" claim requires that the current date/time MUST be after or equal to the not-before date/time listed in the "nbf" claim. Implementers MAY provide for some small leeway, usually no more than a few minutes, to account for clock skew. Its value MUST be a number containing a NumericDate value. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.

public function setPassphrase( string $passphrase ): Builder;

public function setSubject( string $subject ): Builder;
The "sub" (subject) claim identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT. The claims in a JWT are normally statements about the subject. The subject value MUST either be scoped to be locally unique in the context of the issuer or be globally unique. The processing of this claim is generally application specific. The "sub" value is a case-sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Exceptions\UnsupportedAlgorithmException

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Exceptions | | Uses | Exception, Throwable | | Extends | Exception | | Implements | Throwable |

This file is part of the Phalcon Framework.

(c) Phalcon Team

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Exceptions\ValidatorException

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Exceptions | | Uses | Exception, Throwable | | Extends | Exception | | Implements | Throwable |

This file is part of the Phalcon Framework.

(c) Phalcon Team

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.

Abstract Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer\AbstractSigner

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer | | Implements | SignerInterface |

Class AbstractSigner

@property string $algo


 * @var string
protected algorithm;


public function getAlgorithm(): string

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer\Hmac

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer | | Uses | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Exceptions\UnsupportedAlgorithmException | | Extends | AbstractSigner |

Class Hmac


public function __construct( string $algo = string );
Hmac constructor.

public function getAlgHeader(): string;
Return the value that is used for the "alg" header

public function sign( string $payload, string $passphrase ): string;
Sign a payload using the passphrase

public function verify( string $source, string $payload, string $passphrase ): bool;
Verify a passed source with a payload and passphrase

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer\None

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer | | Implements | SignerInterface |

Class None


public function getAlgHeader(): string;
Return the value that is used for the "alg" header

public function getAlgorithm(): string;
Return the algorithm used

public function sign( string $payload, string $passphrase ): string;
Sign a payload using the passphrase

public function verify( string $source, string $payload, string $passphrase ): bool;
Verify a passed source with a payload and passphrase

Interface Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer\SignerInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer |

This file is part of the Phalcon Framework.

(c) Phalcon Team

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.


public function getAlgHeader(): string;
Return the value that is used for the "alg" header

public function getAlgorithm(): string;
Return the algorithm used

public function sign( string $payload, string $passphrase ): string;
Sign a payload using the passphrase

public function verify( string $source, string $payload, string $passphrase ): bool;
Verify a passed source with a payload and passphrase

Abstract Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\AbstractItem

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token |

Class AbstractItem

@property array $data


 * @var array
protected data;


public function getEncoded(): string;

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Enum

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token |

Class Enum



const ALGO            = 'alg';
const AUDIENCE        = 'aud';
const CONTENT_TYPE    = 'cty';
const EXPIRATION_TIME = 'exp';
const ID              = 'jti';
const ISSUED_AT       = 'iat';
const ISSUER          = 'iss';
const NOT_BEFORE      = 'nbf';
const SUBJECT         = 'sub';
const TYPE            = 'typ';

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Item

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token | | Extends | AbstractItem |

Class Item


public function __construct( array $payload, string $encoded );
Item constructor.

public function get( string $name, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed | null;
public function getPayload(): array;
public function has( string $name ): bool;

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Parser

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token | | Uses | InvalidArgumentException, Phalcon\Helper\Arr, Phalcon\Helper\Base64, Phalcon\Helper\Json |

Class Parser


public function parse( string $token ): Token;
Parse a token and return it

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Signature

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token | | Extends | AbstractItem |

Class Item


public function __construct( string $hash = string, string $encoded = string );
Signature constructor.

public function getHash(): string;

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Token

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token |

Class Token

@property Item $claims @property Item $headers @property Signature $signature



 * @var Item
private claims;

 * @var Item
private headers;

 * @var Signature
private signature;


public function __construct( Item $headers, Item $claims, Signature $signature );
Token constructor.

public function getClaims(): Item
public function getHeaders(): Item
public function getPayload(): string;
public function getSignature(): Signature
public function getToken(): string;

Class Phalcon\Security\JWT\Validator

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security\JWT | | Uses | Phalcon\Security\JWT\Exceptions\ValidatorException, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Signer\SignerInterface, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Enum, Phalcon\Security\JWT\Token\Token |

Class Validator

@property int $timeShift @property Token $token


 * @var int
private timeShift = 0;

 * @var Token
private token;


public function __construct( Token $token, int $timeShift = int );
Validator constructor.

public function setToken( Token $token ): Validator;
public function validateAudience( string $audience ): Validator;
public function validateExpiration( int $timestamp ): Validator;
public function validateId( string $id ): Validator;
public function validateIssuedAt( int $timestamp ): Validator;
public function validateIssuer( string $issuer ): Validator;
public function validateNotBefore( int $timestamp ): Validator;
public function validateSignature( SignerInterface $signer, string $passphrase ): Validator;

Class Phalcon\Security\Random

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Security |


Secure random number generator class.

Provides secure random number generator which is suitable for generating session key in HTTP cookies, etc.

Phalcon\Security\Random could be mainly useful for:

  • Key generation (e.g. generation of complicated keys)
  • Generating random passwords for new user accounts
  • Encryption systems
$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

// Random binary string
$bytes = $random->bytes();

// Random hex string
echo $random->hex(10); // a29f470508d5ccb8e289
echo $random->hex(10); // 533c2f08d5eee750e64a
echo $random->hex(11); // f362ef96cb9ffef150c9cd
echo $random->hex(12); // 95469d667475125208be45c4
echo $random->hex(13); // 05475e8af4a34f8f743ab48761

// Random base62 string
echo $random->base62(); // z0RkwHfh8ErDM1xw

// Random base64 string
echo $random->base64(12); // XfIN81jGGuKkcE1E
echo $random->base64(12); // 3rcq39QzGK9fUqh8
echo $random->base64();   // DRcfbngL/iOo9hGGvy1TcQ==
echo $random->base64(16); // SvdhPcIHDZFad838Bb0Swg==

// Random URL-safe base64 string
echo $random->base64Safe();           // PcV6jGbJ6vfVw7hfKIFDGA
echo $random->base64Safe();           // GD8JojhzSTrqX7Q8J6uug
echo $random->base64Safe(8);          // mGyy0evy3ok
echo $random->base64Safe(null, true); // DRrAgOFkS4rvRiVHFefcQ==

// Random UUID
echo $random->uuid(); // db082997-2572-4e2c-a046-5eefe97b1235
echo $random->uuid(); // da2aa0e2-b4d0-4e3c-99f5-f5ef62c57fe2
echo $random->uuid(); // 75e6b628-c562-4117-bb76-61c4153455a9
echo $random->uuid(); // dc446df1-0848-4d05-b501-4af3c220c13d

// Random number between 0 and $len
echo $random->number(256); // 84
echo $random->number(256); // 79
echo $random->number(100); // 29
echo $random->number(300); // 40

// Random base58 string
echo $random->base58();   // 4kUgL2pdQMSCQtjE
echo $random->base58();   // Umjxqf7ZPwh765yR
echo $random->base58(24); // qoXcgmw4A9dys26HaNEdCRj9
echo $random->base58(7);  // 774SJD3vgP

This class partially borrows SecureRandom library from Ruby



public function base58( int $len = null ): string;
Generates a random base58 string

If $len is not specified, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future. The result may contain alphanumeric characters except 0, O, I and l.

It is similar to Phalcon\Security\Random::base64() but has been modified to avoid both non-alphanumeric characters and letters which might look ambiguous when printed.

$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

echo $random->base58(); // 4kUgL2pdQMSCQtjE

@see \Phalcon\Security\Random:base64 @link @throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available or unexpected partial read

public function base62( int $len = null ): string;
Generates a random base62 string

If $len is not specified, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future.

It is similar to Phalcon\Security\Random::base58() but has been modified to provide the largest value that can safely be used in URLs without needing to take extra characters into consideration because it is [A-Za-z0-9].

$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

echo $random->base62(); // z0RkwHfh8ErDM1xw

@see \Phalcon\Security\Random:base58 @throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available or unexpected partial read

public function base64( int $len = null ): string;
Generates a random base64 string

If $len is not specified, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future. The length of the result string is usually greater of $len. Size formula: 4($len / 3) rounded up to a multiple of 4.

$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

echo $random->base64(12); // 3rcq39QzGK9fUqh8

@throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available or unexpected partial read

public function base64Safe( int $len = null, bool $padding = bool ): string;
Generates a random URL-safe base64 string

If $len is not specified, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future. The length of the result string is usually greater of $len.

By default, padding is not generated because "=" may be used as a URL delimiter. The result may contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "-" and "_". "=" is also used if $padding is true. See RFC 3548 for the definition of URL-safe base64.

$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

echo $random->base64Safe(); // GD8JojhzSTrqX7Q8J6uug

@link @throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available or unexpected partial read

public function bytes( int $len = int ): string;
Generates a random binary string

The Random::bytes method returns a string and accepts as input an int representing the length in bytes to be returned.

If $len is not specified, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future. The result may contain any byte: "x00" - "xFF".

$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

$bytes = $random->bytes();
// Possible output: string(32) "00f6c04b144b41fad6a59111c126e1ee"

@throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available or unexpected partial read

public function hex( int $len = null ): string;
Generates a random hex string

If $len is not specified, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future. The length of the result string is usually greater of $len.

$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

echo $random->hex(10); // a29f470508d5ccb8e289

@throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available or unexpected partial read

public function number( int $len ): int;
Generates a random number between 0 and $len

Returns an integer: 0 <= result <= $len.

$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

echo $random->number(16); // 8
@throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available, unexpected partial read or $len <= 0

public function uuid(): string;
Generates a v4 random UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier)

The version 4 UUID is purely random (except the version). It doesn't contain meaningful information such as MAC address, time, etc. See RFC 4122 for details of UUID.

This algorithm sets the version number (4 bits) as well as two reserved bits. All other bits (the remaining 122 bits) are set using a random or pseudorandom data source. Version 4 UUIDs have the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where x is any hexadecimal digit and y is one of 8, 9, A, or B (e.g., f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479).

$random = new \Phalcon\Security\Random();

echo $random->uuid(); // 1378c906-64bb-4f81-a8d6-4ae1bfcdec22

@link @throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available or unexpected partial read

protected function base( string $alphabet, int $base, mixed $n = null ): string;
Generates a random string based on the number ($base) of characters ($alphabet).

If $n is not specified, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future.

@throws Exception If secure random number generator is not available or unexpected partial read