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Abstract Class Phalcon\Session\Adapter\AbstractAdapter

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Session\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\AdapterInterface, SessionHandlerInterface | | Implements | SessionHandlerInterface |

This file is part of the Phalcon.

(c) Phalcon Team

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.


 * @var AdapterInterface
protected adapter;


public function close(): bool;

public function destroy( mixed $id ): bool;

public function gc( mixed $maxlifetime ): bool;
Garbage Collector

public function open( mixed $savePath, mixed $sessionName ): bool;

public function read( mixed $id ): string;

public function write( mixed $id, mixed $data ): bool;

Class Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Libmemcached

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Session\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Storage\AdapterFactory, Phalcon\Helper\Arr | | Extends | AbstractAdapter |



public function __construct( AdapterFactory $factory, array $options = [] );

Class Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Noop

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Session\Adapter | | Uses | SessionHandlerInterface | | Implements | SessionHandlerInterface |


This is an "empty" or null adapter. It can be used for testing or any other purpose that no session needs to be invoked


use Phalcon\Session\Manager;
use Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Noop;

$session = new Manager();
$session->setAdapter(new Noop());


 * The connection of some adapters
protected connection;

 * Session options
 * @var array
protected options;

 * Session prefix
 * @var string
protected prefix = ;

 * Time To Live
 * @var int
protected ttl = 8600;


public function __construct( array $options = [] );

public function close(): bool;

public function destroy( mixed $id ): bool;

public function gc( mixed $maxlifetime ): bool;
Garbage Collector

public function open( mixed $savePath, mixed $sessionName ): bool;

public function read( mixed $id ): string;

public function write( mixed $id, mixed $data ): bool;

protected function getPrefixedName( mixed $name ): string;
Helper method to get the name prefixed

Class Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Redis

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Session\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Storage\AdapterFactory, Phalcon\Helper\Arr | | Extends | AbstractAdapter |



public function __construct( AdapterFactory $factory, array $options = [] );

Class Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Stream

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Session\Adapter | | Uses | Phalcon\Helper\Str, Phalcon\Session\Exception | | Extends | Noop |


This is the file based adapter. It stores sessions in a file based system


use Phalcon\Session\Manager;
use Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Stream;

$session = new Manager();
$files = new Stream(
        'savePath' => '/tmp',


 * @var string
private path = ;


public function __construct( array $options = [] );

public function destroy( mixed $id ): bool;
public function gc( mixed $maxlifetime ): bool;

public function open( mixed $savePath, mixed $sessionName ): bool;
Ignore the savePath and use local defined path

public function read( mixed $id ): string;
public function write( mixed $id, mixed $data ): bool;

Class Phalcon\Session\Bag

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Session | | Uses | Phalcon\Collection, Phalcon\Di, Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface | | Extends | Collection | | Implements | InjectionAwareInterface |


This component helps to separate session data into "namespaces". Working by this way you can easily create groups of session variables into the application

$user = new \Phalcon\Session\Bag("user");

$user->name = "Kimbra Johnson";
$user->age  = 22;


private container;

private name;

private session;


public function __construct( string $name );
Phalcon\Session\Bag constructor

public function clear(): void;
Destroys the session bag

public function getDI(): DiInterface;
Returns the DependencyInjector container

public function init( array $data = [] ): void;
Initialize internal array

public function remove( string $element ): void;
Removes a property from the internal bag

public function set( string $element, mixed $value ): void;
Sets a value in the session bag

public function setDI( DiInterface $container ): void;
Sets the DependencyInjector container

Class Phalcon\Session\Exception

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Session | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |


Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Session will use this class

Class Phalcon\Session\Manager

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| Namespace | Phalcon\Session | | Uses | InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException, SessionHandlerInterface, Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware, Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Helper\Arr | | Extends | AbstractInjectionAware | | Implements | ManagerInterface |


Session manager class


 * @var SessionHandlerInterface|null
private adapter;

 * @var string
private name = ;

 * @var array
private options;

 * @var string
private uniqueId = ;


public function __construct( array $options = [] );
Manager constructor.

public function __get( string $key ): mixed;
Alias: Gets a session variable from an application context

public function __isset( string $key ): bool;
Alias: Check whether a session variable is set in an application context

public function __set( string $key, mixed $value ): void;
Alias: Sets a session variable in an application context

public function __unset( string $key ): void;
Alias: Removes a session variable from an application context

public function destroy(): void;
Destroy/end a session

public function exists(): bool;
Check whether the session has been started

public function get( string $key, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $remove = bool ): mixed;
Gets a session variable from an application context

public function getAdapter(): SessionHandlerInterface;
Returns the stored session adapter

public function getId(): string;
Returns the session id

public function getName(): string;
Returns the name of the session

public function getOptions(): array;
Get internal options

public function has( string $key ): bool;
Check whether a session variable is set in an application context

public function regenerateId( mixed $deleteOldSession = bool ): ManagerInterface;
Regenerates the session id using the adapter.

public function remove( string $key ): void;
Removes a session variable from an application context

public function set( string $key, mixed $value ): void;
Sets a session variable in an application context

public function setAdapter( SessionHandlerInterface $adapter ): ManagerInterface;
Set the adapter for the session

public function setId( string $id ): ManagerInterface;
Set session Id

public function setName( string $name ): ManagerInterface;
Set the session name. Throw exception if the session has started and do not allow poop names

public function setOptions( array $options ): void;
Sets session's options

public function start(): bool;
Starts the session (if headers are already sent the session will not be started)

public function status(): int;
Returns the status of the current session.

Interface Phalcon\Session\ManagerInterface

Source on GitHub

| Namespace | Phalcon\Session | | Uses | InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException, SessionHandlerInterface |


Interface for the Phalcon\Session\Manager


const SESSION_NONE = 1;


public function __get( string $key ): mixed;
Alias: Gets a session variable from an application context

public function __isset( string $key ): bool;
Alias: Check whether a session variable is set in an application context

public function __set( string $key, mixed $value ): void;
Alias: Sets a session variable in an application context

public function __unset( string $key ): void;
Alias: Removes a session variable from an application context

public function destroy(): void;
Destroy/end a session

public function exists(): bool;
Check whether the session has been started

public function get( string $key, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $remove = bool ): mixed;
Gets a session variable from an application context

public function getAdapter(): SessionHandlerInterface;
Returns the stored session adapter

public function getId(): string;
Returns the session id

public function getName(): string;
Returns the name of the session

public function getOptions(): array;
Get internal options

public function has( string $key ): bool;
Check whether a session variable is set in an application context

public function regenerateId( mixed $deleteOldSession = bool ): ManagerInterface;
Regenerates the session id using the adapter.

public function remove( string $key ): void;
Removes a session variable from an application context

public function set( string $key, mixed $value ): void;
Sets a session variable in an application context

public function setAdapter( SessionHandlerInterface $adapter ): ManagerInterface;
Set the adapter for the session

public function setId( string $id ): ManagerInterface;
Set session Id

public function setName( string $name ): ManagerInterface;
Set the session name. Throw exception if the session has started and do not allow poop names

@throws InvalidArgumentException

public function setOptions( array $options ): void;
Sets session's options

public function start(): bool;
Starts the session (if headers are already sent the session will not be started)

public function status(): int;
Returns the status of the current session.