Class Phalcon\Tag Source on GitHub
| Namespace | Phalcon | | Uses | Phalcon\Di\DiInterface, Phalcon\Escaper\EscaperInterface, Phalcon\Html\Link\Link, Phalcon\Html\Link\Serializer\Header, Phalcon\Helper\Str, Phalcon\Helper\Exception, Phalcon\Tag\Select, Phalcon\Tag\Exception, Phalcon\Url\UrlInterface |
Phalcon\Tag is designed to simplify building of HTML tags. It provides a set of helpers to generate HTML in a dynamic way. This component is a class that you can extend to add more helpers.
Constants const HTML32 = 1 ;
const HTML401_FRAMESET = 4 ;
const HTML401_STRICT = 2 ;
const HTML401_TRANSITIONAL = 3 ;
const HTML5 = 5 ;
const XHTML10_FRAMESET = 8 ;
const XHTML10_STRICT = 6 ;
const XHTML11 = 9 ;
const XHTML20 = 10 ;
const XHTML5 = 11 ;
Properties //
protected static autoEscape = true ;
* DI Container
protected static container ;
* Pre-assigned values for components
protected static displayValues ;
protected static documentAppendTitle ;
protected static documentPrependTitle ;
* HTML document title
protected static documentTitle ;
protected static documentTitleSeparator ;
protected static documentType = 11 ;
protected static escaperService ;
protected static urlService ;
public static function appendTitle ( mixed $title ) : void ;
Appends a text to current document title
public static function checkField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="check"] tag
public static function colorField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="color"] tag
public static function dateField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="date"] tag
public static function dateTimeField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="datetime"] tag
public static function dateTimeLocalField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="datetime-local"] tag
public static function displayTo ( string $id , mixed $value ) : void ;
Alias of Phalcon\Tag::setDefault()
public static function emailField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="email"] tag
public static function endForm () : string ;
Builds a HTML close FORM tag
public static function fileField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="file"] tag
public static function form ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML FORM tag
public static function friendlyTitle ( string $text , string $separator = string , bool $lowercase = bool , mixed $replace = null ) : string ;
Converts texts into URL-friendly titles
public static function getDI () : DiInterface ;
Internally gets the request dispatcher
public static function getDocType () : string ;
Get the document type declaration of content
public static function getEscaper ( array $params ) : EscaperInterface | null ;
Obtains the 'escaper' service if required
public static function getEscaperService () : EscaperInterface ;
Returns an Escaper service from the default DI
public static function getTitle ( bool $prepend = bool , bool $append = bool ) : string ;
Gets the current document title. The title will be automatically escaped.
public static function getTitleSeparator () : string ;
Gets the current document title separator
public static function getUrlService () : UrlInterface ;
Returns a URL service from the default DI
public static function getValue ( mixed $name , array $params = [] );
Every helper calls this function to check whether a component has a predefined value using Phalcon\Tag::setDefault() or value from $_POST
public static function hasValue ( mixed $name ) : bool ;
Check if a helper has a default value set using Phalcon\Tag::setDefault() or value from $_POST
public static function hiddenField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="hidden"] tag
public static function image ( mixed $parameters = null , bool $local = bool ) : string ;
Builds HTML IMG tags
public static function imageInput ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="image"] tag
public static function javascriptInclude ( mixed $parameters = null , bool $local = bool ) : string ;
Builds a SCRIPT[type="javascript"] tag
public static function linkTo ( mixed $parameters , mixed $text = null , mixed $local = bool ) : string ;
Builds a HTML A tag using framework conventions
public static function monthField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="month"] tag
public static function numericField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="number"] tag
public static function passwordField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="password"] tag
public static function preload ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Parses the preload element passed and sets the necessary link headers
public static function prependTitle ( mixed $title ) : void ;
Prepends a text to current document title
public static function radioField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="radio"] tag
public static function rangeField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="range"] tag
public static function renderAttributes ( string $code , array $attributes ) : string ;
Renders parameters keeping order in their HTML attributes
public static function renderTitle ( bool $prepend = bool , bool $append = bool ) : string ;
Renders the title with title tags. The title is automatically escaped
deprecated public static function resetInput () : void ;
Resets the request and internal values to avoid those fields will have any default value. @deprecated Will be removed in 4.0.0
public static function searchField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="search"] tag
public static function select ( mixed $parameters , mixed $data = null ) : string ;
Builds a HTML SELECT tag using a Phalcon\Mvc\Model resultset as options
public static function selectStatic ( mixed $parameters , mixed $data = null ) : string ;
Builds a HTML SELECT tag using a PHP array for options
public static function setAutoescape ( bool $autoescape ) : void ;
Set autoescape mode in generated HTML
public static function setDI ( DiInterface $container ) : void ;
Sets the dependency injector container.
public static function setDefault ( string $id , mixed $value ) : void ;
Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers
public static function setDefaults ( array $values , bool $merge = bool ) : void ;
Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers
public static function setDocType ( int $doctype ) : void ;
Set the document type of content
public static function setTitle ( string $title ) : void ;
Set the title of view content
public static function setTitleSeparator ( string $titleSeparator ) : void ;
Set the title separator of view content
public static function stylesheetLink ( mixed $parameters = null , bool $local = bool ) : string ;
Builds a LINK[rel="stylesheet"] tag
public static function submitButton ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="submit"] tag
public static function tagHtml ( string $tagName , mixed $parameters = null , bool $selfClose = bool , bool $onlyStart = bool , bool $useEol = bool ) : string ;
Builds a HTML tag
public static function tagHtmlClose ( string $tagName , bool $useEol = bool ) : string ;
Builds a HTML tag closing tag
public static function telField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="tel"] tag
public static function textArea ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML TEXTAREA tag @paraym array parameters = [ 'id' => '', 'name' => '', 'value' => '', 'class' => '' ]
public static function textField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="text"] tag
public static function timeField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="time"] tag
public static function urlField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="url"] tag
public static function weekField ( mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds a HTML input[type="week"] tag
static final protected function inputField ( string $type , mixed $parameters , bool $asValue = bool ) : string ;
Builds generic INPUT tags
static final protected function inputFieldChecked ( string $type , mixed $parameters ) : string ;
Builds INPUT tags that implements the checked attribute Class Phalcon\Tag\Exception Source on GitHub
| Namespace | Phalcon\Tag | | Extends | \Phalcon\Exception |
Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Tag will use this class
Abstract Class Phalcon\Tag\Select Source on GitHub
| Namespace | Phalcon\Tag | | Uses | Phalcon\Tag, Phalcon\Escaper\EscaperInterface, Phalcon\Mvc\Model\ResultsetInterface |
Generates a SELECT HTML tag using a static array of values or a Phalcon\Mvc\Model resultset
public static function selectField ( mixed $parameters , mixed $data = null ) : string ;
Generates a SELECT tag