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Phalcon registry


All classes are prefixed with Phalcon

Registry Final

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Support
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Collection
    • Traversable
  • Extends


  • Implements


A registry is a container for storing objects and values in the application space. By storing the value in a registry, the same object is always available throughout your application.

$registry = new \Phalcon\Registry();

// Set value
$registry->something = "something";
// or
$registry["something"] = "something";

// Get value
$value = $registry->something;
// or
$value = $registry["something"];

// Check if the key exists
$exists = isset($registry->something);
// or
$exists = isset($registry["something"]);

// Unset
// or

In addition to ArrayAccess, Phalcon\Registry also implements Countable (count($registry) will return the number of elements in the registry), Serializable and Iterator (you can iterate over the registry using a foreach loop) interfaces. For PHP 5.4 and higher, JsonSerializable interface is implemented.

Phalcon\Registry is very fast (it is typically faster than any userspace implementation of the registry); however, this comes at a price: Phalcon\Registry is a final class and cannot be inherited from.

Though Phalcon\Registry exposes methods like __get(), offsetGet(), count() etc, it is not recommended to invoke them manually (these methods exist mainly to match the interfaces the registry implements): $registry->__get("property") is several times slower than $registry->property.

Internally all the magic methods (and interfaces except JsonSerializable) are implemented using object handlers or similar techniques: this allows to bypass relatively slow method calls.


final public function __construct( array $data = null );

final public function __get( string $element ): mixed;
Magic getter to get an element from the collection

final public function __isset( string $element ): bool;
Magic isset to check whether an element exists or not

final public function __set( string $element, mixed $value ): void;
Magic setter to assign values to an element

final public function __unset( string $element ): void;
Magic unset to remove an element from the collection

final public function clear(): void;
Clears the internal collection

final public function count(): int;
Count elements of an object


final public function get( string $element, mixed $defaultValue = null, string $cast = null ): mixed;
Get the element from the collection

final public function getIterator(): Traversable;
Returns the iterator of the class

final public function has( string $element ): bool;
Determines whether an element is present in the collection.

final public function init( array $data = [] ): void;
Initialize internal array

final public function jsonSerialize(): array;
Specify data which should be serialized to JSON


final public function offsetExists( mixed $element ): bool;
Whether a offset exists


final public function offsetGet( mixed $element ): mixed;
Offset to retrieve


final public function offsetSet( mixed $element, mixed $value ): void;
Offset to set


final public function offsetUnset( mixed $element ): void;
Offset to unset


final public function remove( string $element ): void;
Delete the element from the collection

final public function serialize(): string;
String representation of object


final public function set( string $element, mixed $value ): void;
Set an element in the collection

final public function toArray(): array;
Returns the object in an array format

final public function toJson( int $options = int ): string;
Returns the object in a JSON format

The default string uses the following options for json_encode



final public function unserialize( mixed $serialized ): void;
Constructs the object
