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Config Component


Nearly all applications require configuration data for it to operate correctly. The configuration can contain parameters and initial settings for the application like location of log files, database connection values, services registered etc. The Phalcon\Config\Config is designed to store this configuration data in an easy object-oriented way. The component can be instantiated using a PHP array directly or read configuration files from various formats as described further down in the adapters section. Phalcon\Config\Config extends the Phalcon\Support\Collection object and thus inheriting its functionality.


use Phalcon\Config\Config;

$config = new Config(
        'app' => [
            'baseUri'  => getenv('APP_BASE_URI'),
            'env'      => getenv('APP_ENV'),
            'name'     => getenv('APP_NAME'),
            'timezone' => getenv('APP_TIMEZONE'),
            'url'      => getenv('APP_URL'),
            'version'  => getenv('VERSION'),
            'time'     => microtime(true),

echo $config->get('app')->get('name');  // PHALCON
echo $config->app->name;                // PHALCON
echo $config->path('');         // PHALCON



We can easily create a Phalcon\Config\Config or any of the supporting adapter classes Phalcon\Config\Adapter\* by using the new keyword. However, Phalcon offers the Phalcon\Config\ConfigFactory class, so that developers can easily instantiate config objects. Calling newInstance with the name, fileName and a parameters array will return the new config object.

The allowed values for name, which correspond to a different adapter class are:

Name Adapter
grouped Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Grouped
ini Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini
json Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Json
php Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Php
yaml Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Yaml

The example below how to create a new PHP array based adapter:

Given a PHP configuration file /app/storage/config.php


return [
    'app' => [
        'baseUri'  => getenv('APP_BASE_URI'),
        'env'      => getenv('APP_ENV'),
        'name'     => getenv('APP_NAME'),
        'timezone' => getenv('APP_TIMEZONE'),
        'url'      => getenv('APP_URL'),
        'version'  => getenv('VERSION'),
        'time'     => microtime(true),

you can load it as follows:


use Phalcon\Config\ConfigFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.php';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$config = $factory->newInstance('php', $fileName);

As seen above, the third parameter for newInstance which is an array is not passed because it is not required. However, other adapter types use it, so you can supply it depending on the type of adapter you use. More information on what can be contained in the parameters array can be found in the adapters section.


The Config Factory also offers the load method, which accepts a string or an array as a parameter. If a string is passed, it is treated as the fileName of the file that we need to load. The extension of the file is what determines the adapter that will be used.


use Phalcon\Config\ConfigFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.php';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$config = $factory->load($fileName);

In the above example, the PHP adapter will be used (extension of the file) and the file will be loaded for you.

If an array is passed, then the adapter element is required to specify what adapter will be created. Additionally filePath is required to specify where the file to load is located. More information on what can be contained in the array cam be found in the adapters section.

Given an INI configuration file /app/storage/config.ini

adapter = ini
filePath = PATH_DATA"storage/config"
mode = 1

the load function will create an Ini config object:


use Phalcon\Config\ConfigFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.ini';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$config = $factory->load($fileName);


Any exceptions thrown in the Phalcon\Config\Config component will be of type Phalcon\Config\Exception. You can use this exception to selectively catch exceptions thrown only from this component.


use Phalcon\Config\Exception;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;

class IndexController extends Controller
    public function index()
        try {
            // Get some configuration values
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            echo $ex->getMessage();

Native Array

The Phalcon\Config\Config component accepts a PHP array in the constructor and loads it up.


use Phalcon\Config\Config;

$config = new Config(
        'app' => [
            'baseUri'  => getenv('APP_BASE_URI'),  // '/'
            'env'      => getenv('APP_ENV'),       // 3
            'name'     => getenv('APP_NAME'),      // 'PHALCON'
            'timezone' => getenv('APP_TIMEZONE'),  // 'UTC'
            'url'      => getenv('APP_URL'),       // '',
            'version'  => getenv('VERSION'),       // '0.1'
            'time'     => microtime(true),         // 



You can retrieve the data from the object either using the key as a property (magic method):


echo $config->app->name; // PHALCON


You can also use the path() method with a delimiter, to pass a string that will contain the keys separated by the delimiter:


echo $config->path(''); // PHALCON

path() also accepts a defaultValue which, if set, will be returned if the element is not found or is not set in the config object. The last parameter of path() is the delimiter to be used for splitting the passed string (path) which also denotes the nesting level.


echo $config->path('app-name', 'default', '-');     // PHALCON
echo $config->path('app-unknown', 'default', '-');  // default

You can also use the getPathDelimiter() and setPathDelimiter() methods to get or set the delimiter that the component will use. The delimiter parameter in the path() method can then be used as an override if you like, for a special case, while the default delimiter is set using the getter and setter. The default delimiter is ..

You can also use functional programming in conjunction with path() to obtain configuration data:


use Phalcon\Di\Di;
use Phalcon\Config\Config;

 * @return mixed|Config
function config() {
    $args = func_get_args();
    $config = Di::getDefault()->getShared('config');

    if (empty($args)) {
       return $config;

    return call_user_func_array(
        [$config, 'path'],
and then you can use it:

echo config('app-name', 'default', '-');     // PHALCON
echo config('app-unknown', 'default', '-');  // default


Finally, you can use the get() method and chain it to traverse the nested objects:


echo $config
        ->get('name');  // PHALCON

Since Phalcon\Config\Config extends Phalcon\Support\Collection you can also pass a second parameter in the get() that will act as the default value returned, should the particular config element is not defined.


There are times that we might need to merge configuration data coming from two different config objects. For instance, we might have one config object that contains our base/default settings, while a second config object loads options that are specific to the system the application is running on (i.e. test, development, production etc.). The system specific data can come from a .env file and loaded with a DotEnv library.

In the above scenario, we will need to merge the second configuration object with the first one. merge() allows us to do this, merging the two config objects recursively.


use Phalcon\Config\Config;
use josegonzalez\Dotenv\Loader;

$baseConfig = new Config(
        'app' => [
            'baseUri'  => '/',
            'env'      => 3,
            'name'     => 'PHALCON',
            'timezone' => 'UTC',
            'url'      => '',
            'version'  => '0.1',

// .env
// APP_TIMEZONE='America/New_York'

$loader = (new josegonzalez\Dotenv\Loader('/app/.env'))

$envConfig= new Config(
        'app'     => [
            'baseUri'  => getenv('APP_BASE_URI'),  // '/'
            'env'      => getenv('APP_ENV'),       // 3
            'name'     => getenv('APP_NAME'),      // 'MYAPP'
            'timezone' => getenv('APP_TIMEZONE'),  // 'America/New_York'
            'url'      => getenv('APP_URL'),       // '',
            'version'  => getenv('VERSION'),       // '0.1'
            'time'     => microtime(true),         //
        'logging' => true,


echo $baseConfig
        ->get('name');  // MYAPP
echo $baseConfig
        ->get('timezone');  // America/New_York
echo $baseConfig
        ->get('time');  // 1562909409.6162

The merged object will be:

Phalcon\Config Object
    [app] => Phalcon\Config Object
            [baseUri]  => '/',
            [env]      => 3,
            [name]     => 'MYAPP',
            [timezone] => 'America/New_York',
            [url]      => '',
            [version]  => '0.1',
            [time]     => microtime(true),
    [logging] => true


Using has() you can determine if a particular key exists in the collection.


The component also supports set() which allows you to programmatically add or change loaded data.


The object can be serialized and saved in a file or a cache service using the serialize() method. The reverse can be achieved using the unserialize method

toArray / toJson

If you need to get the object back as an array toArray() and toJson() are available.

For additional information, you can check the [Phalcon\Support\Collection][support-collection] documentation.


Other than the base component Phalcon\Config\Config, which accepts a string (file name and path) or a native PHP array, there are several available adapters that can read different file types and load the configuration from them.

The available adapters are:

Class Description
Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Grouped Loads different configuration files based on identical or different adapters.
Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini Loads configuration from INI files. Internally the adapter uses the PHP function parse_ini_file.
Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Json Loads configuration from JSON files. Requires the PHP json extension to be present in the system.
Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Php Loads configuration from PHP multidimensional arrays. This adapter offers the best performance.
Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Yaml Loads configuration from YAML files. Requires the PHP yaml extension to be present in the system.


The Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Grouped adapter allows you to create a Phalcon\Config\Config object from multiple sources without having to create each object separately from its source and then merge them together. It accepts an array configuration with the necessary data as well as the defaultAdapter which is set to php by default.

The first parameter of the constructor (arrayConfig) is a multidimensional array which requires the following options

  • adapter - the adapter to be used
  • filePath - the path of the configuration file

use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Grouped;

$options = [
        'adapter'  => 'php',
        'filePath' => '/apps/storage/config.php',
        'adapter'  => 'ini',
        'filePath' => '/apps/storage/database.ini',
        'mode'     => INI_SCANNER_NORMAL,
        'adapter'  => 'json',
        'filePath' => '/apps/storage/override.json',

$config = new Grouped($options);

The keys set for each array element (representing one configuration file) mirror the constructor parameters of each adapter. More information regarding the parameters required or optional can be found in the relevant section describing each adapter.

You can also use array as the adapter value. If you choose to do so, you will need to use config as the second key, with values that represent the actual values of the configuration you want to load.


use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Grouped;

$options = [
        'adapter'  => 'php',
        'filePath' => '/apps/storage/config.php',
        'adapter'  => 'array',
        'config'   => [
            'app' => [
                'baseUri'  => '/',
                'env'      => 3,
                'name'     => 'PHALCON',
                'timezone' => 'UTC',
                'url'      => '',
                'version'  => '0.1',

$config = new Grouped($options);

Finally, you can also use a Phalcon\Config\Config object, as an option to your grouped object.


use Phalcon\Config\Config;
use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Grouped;

$baseConfig = new Config(
        'app' => [
            'baseUri'  => '/',
            'env'      => 3,
            'name'     => 'PHALCON',

$options = [
        'adapter'  => 'array',
        'config'   => [
            'app' => [
                'timezone' => 'UTC',
                'url'      => '',
                'version'  => '0.1',

$config = new Grouped($options);


Ini files are a common way to store configuration data. Phalcon\Config\Ini uses the optimized PHP function parse_ini_file to read these files. Each section represents a top level element. Sub elements are split into nested collections if the keys have the . separator. By default, the scanning method of the ini file is INI_SCANNER_RAW. It can however be overridden by passing a different mode in the constructor as the second parameter.

adapter  = Mysql
host     = localhost
username = scott
password = cheetah
dbname   = test_db

adapter  = ini
filePath = PATH_DATA"storage/config"
mode = 1

metadata.adapter  = 'Memory'

You can read the file as follows:


use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini;

$fileName = '/apps/storage/config.ini';
$mode     =  INI_SCANNER_NORMAL;
$config   = new Ini($fileName, $mode);

echo $config
        ->get('host');       // localhost
echo $config
        ->get('adapter');    // Memory

Whenever you want to use the Phalcon\Config\ConfigFactory component, you can set the mode as a parameter.


use Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.ini';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$options = [
    'adapter'  => 'ini',
    'filePath' => $fileName,
    'mode'     => INI_SCANNER_NORMAL, 

$config = $factory->load($options);

or when using the newInstance() instead:


use Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.ini';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$params = [
    'mode' => INI_SCANNER_NORMAL, 

$config = $factory->newinstance('ini', $fileName, $params);



Requires PHP's json extension to be present in the system

JSON is a very popular format, especially when transporting data from your application to the front end or when sending back responses from an API. It can also be used as a storage for configuration data. Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Json uses json_decode() internally to convert a JSON file to a PHP native array and parse it accordingly.

    "database": {
        "adapter": "Mysql",
        "host": "localhost",
        "username": "scott",
        "password": "cheetah",
        "dbname": "test_db"  
    "models": {
        "metadata": {
            "adapter": "Memory"

You can read the file as follows:


use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Json;

$fileName = '/apps/storage/config.json';
$config   = new Json($fileName);

echo $config
        ->get('host');       // localhost
echo $config
        ->get('adapter');    // Memory

Whenever you want to use the Phalcon\Config\ConfigFactory component, you will just need to pass the name of the file.


use Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.json';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$options = [
    'adapter'  => 'json',
    'filePath' => $fileName,

$config = $factory->load($options);

or when using the newInstance() instead:


use Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.json';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$config = $factory->newinstance('json', $fileName);


The Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Php adapter reads a PHP file that returns an array and loads it in the Phalcon\Config\Config object. You can store your configuration as a PHP array in a file and return the array back. The adapter will read it and parse it accordingly.


return [ 
    'database' => [
        'adapter'  => 'Mysql',
        'host'     => 'localhost',
        'username' => 'scott',
        'password' => 'cheetah',
        'dbname'   => 'test_db',  
    'models'   => [
        'metadata' => [
            'adapter' => 'Memory',

You can read the file as follows:


use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Php;

$fileName = '/apps/storage/config.php';
$config   = new Php($fileName);

echo $config
        ->get('host');       // localhost
echo $config
        ->get('adapter');    // Memory

Whenever you want to use the Phalcon\Config\ConfigFactory component, you will just need to pass the name of the file.


use Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.php';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$options = [
    'adapter'  => 'php',
    'filePath' => $fileName,

$config = $factory->load($options);

or when using the newInstance() instead:


use Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory;

$fileName = '/app/storage/config.php';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();

$config = $factory->newinstance('php', $fileName);



Requires PHP's yaml extension to be present in the system

Another common file format is YAML. Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Yaml requires the yaml PHP extension to be present in your system. It uses the PHP function yaml_parse_file to read these files. The adapter reads a yaml file supplied as the first parameter of the constructor, but also accepts a second parameter callbacks as an array. The callbacks supplies content handlers for YAML nodes. It is an associative array of tag => callable mappings.

  baseUri: /     
  env: 3         
  name: PHALCON        
  timezone: UTC    
  version: 0.1
  time: 1562960897.712697          
    adapter: Memory
      name: stream
      name: redis

You can read the file as follows:


use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Yaml;

define("APPROOT", dirname(__DIR__));

$fileName  = '/apps/storage/config.yml';
$callbacks = [
    "!approot" => function($value) {
        return APPROOT . $value;
$config    = new Yaml($fileName, $callbacks);

echo $config
        ->get('host');       // localhost
echo $config
        ->get('adapter');    // Memory

Whenever you want to use the Phalcon\Config\ConfigFactory component, you can set the mode as a parameter.


use Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory;

define("APPROOT", dirname(__DIR__));

$fileName = '/apps/storage/config.yml';
$factory  = new ConfigFactory();
$options  = [
    'adapter'  => 'yaml',
    'filePath'  => $fileName,
    'callbacks' => [
        "!approot" => function($value) {
            return APPROOT . $value;

$config = $factory->load($options);

or when using the newInstance() instead:


use Phalcon\Cache\CacheFactory;

define("APPROOT", dirname(__DIR__));

$fileName  = '/app/storage/config.yaml';
$factory   = new ConfigFactory();
$callbacks = [
    "!approot" => function($value) {
        return APPROOT . $value;

$config = $factory->newinstance('yaml', $fileName, $callbacks);

Custom Adapters

There are more adapters available for Config in the Phalcon Incubator

Dependency Injection

As with most Phalcon components, you can store the Phalcon\Config\Config object in your Phalcon\Di\Di container. By doing so, you will be able to access your configuration object from controllers, models, views and any component that implements Injectable.

An example of the registration of the service as well as accessing it is below:


use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;
use Phalcon\Config\Config;

// Create a container
$container = new FactoryDefault();

    function () {
        $configData = require 'config/config.php';

        return new Config($configData);

The component is now available in your controllers using the config key


use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;
use Phalcon\Config\Config;

 * @property Config $config
class MyController extends Controller
    private function getDatabaseName()
        return $this->config->database->dbname;

Also in your views (Volt syntax)

{{ config.database.dbname }}