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Model Validation


Phalcon\Mvc\Model provides several events to validate data and implement business rules.


namespace MyApp\Models;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness;

class Customers extends Model
    public function validation()
        $validator = new Validation();

            new Uniqueness(
                    'message' => 'The customer email must be unique',

        return $this->validate($validator);

Data Integrity

Data integrity is essential in every application. You can implement validators in your models to introduce another layer of validation so that you can ensure that data is stored in your database that enforce your business rules.

The special validation event allows us to call built-in validators on the record. Phalcon exposes additional built-in validators that can be used at this stage of validation. All validators available are under the Phalcon\Validation namespace.


namespace MyApp\Models;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\InclusionIn;

class Invoices extends Model
    public function validation()
        $validator = new Validation();

            new InclusionIn(
                    'domain'  => [
                    'message' => 'The invoice must be ' .
                                 'either paid or unpaid',

            new Uniqueness(
                    'message' => 'The invoice number must be unique',

        return $this->validate($validator);

The above example performs a validation using the built-in validator Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\InclusionIn. It checks the value of the field inv_status_flag in a domain list. If the value is not included in the method then the validator will fail and return false.


For more information on validators, see the Validation documentation


Phalcon\Mvc\Model utilizes the Phalcon\Messages\Messages collection to store any validation messages that have been generated during the validation process.

Each message is an instance of Phalcon\Messages\Message and the set of messages generated can be retrieved with the getMessages() method. Each message provides additional information such as the field name that generated the message or the message type:


if (false === $invoice->save()) {
    $messages = $invoice->getMessages();

    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo 'Message: ', $message->getMessage();
        echo 'Field: ', $message->getField();
        echo 'Type: ', $message->getType();

Phalcon\Mvc\Model can generate the following types of validation messages:

Type Generated when
ConstraintViolation A field, part of a virtual foreign key, is trying to insert/update a value that does not exist in the referenced model
InvalidCreateAttempt Trying to create a record that already exists
InvalidUpdateAttempt Trying to update a record that does not exist
InvalidValue A validator failed because of an invalid value
PresenceOf A field with a non null attribute on the database is trying to insert/update a null value

The getMessages() method can be overridden in a model to replace/translate the default messages generated automatically by the ORM:


namespace MyApp\Models;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;

class Invoices extends Model
    public function getMessages()
        $messages = [];

        foreach (parent::getMessages() as $message) {
            switch ($message->getType()) {
                case 'InvalidCreateAttempt':
                    $messages[] = 'The record cannot be created '
                                . 'because it already exists';

                case 'InvalidUpdateAttempt':
                    $messages[] = "The record cannot be updated '
                                . 'because it doesn't exist";

                case 'PresenceOf':
                    $messages[] = 'The field ' 
                                . $message->getField() 
                                . ' is mandatory';

        return $messages;

Failed Events

Additional events are available when the data validation process finds any inconsistencies:

Operation Name Explanation
Insert or Update notSaved Triggered when the INSERT or UPDATE operation fails for any reason
Insert, Delete or Update onValidationFails Triggered when any data manipulation operation fails


The validation document explains in detail how you can create your own validators. You can use such validators and reuse them among several models. A validator also can be as simple as:


namespace MyApp\Models;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Message;

class Invoices extends Model
    public function validation()
        if ('Unpaid' === $this->inv_type_flag) {
            $message = new Message(
                'Unpaid invoices are not allowed',


            return false;

        return true;