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Websites and web applications are vulnerable to XSS attacks and although PHP provides escaping functionality, in some contexts it is not sufficient/appropriate. Phalcon\Html\Escaper provides contextual escaping and is written in Zephir, providing the minimal overhead when escaping different kinds of texts.

We designed this component based on the XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet created by the OWASP. Additionally, this component relies on mbstring to support almost any charset. To illustrate how this component works and why it is important, consider the following example:


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

$title = '</title><script>alert(1)</script>';
echo $escaper->html($title);
// &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;

$css = ';`(';
echo $escaper->css($css);
// &#x3c &#x2f style&#x3e

$fontName = 'Verdana\"</style>';
echo $escaper->css($fontName);
// Verdana\22 \3c \2f style\3e

$js = "';</script>Hello";
echo $escaper->js($js);
// \x27\x3b\x3c\2fscript\x3eHello


You can escape text prior to printing it to your views using html(). Without escaping you could potentially echo unsafe data in your HTML output.


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

$title = '</title><script>alert(1)</script>';
echo $escaper->html($title);
// &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;

HTML syntax:

<?php echo $this->escaper->html($title); ?>

Volt syntax:

{{ title | escape }}

HTML Attributes

Escaping attributes is different from escaping HTML content. The escaper works by changing every non-alphanumeric character to a safe format. It uses htmlspecialchars internally. This kind of escaping is intended escape excluding complex ones such as href or url. To escape attributes, you can use the attributes() method. This method has been renamed. The old method escapeHtmlAttr() will be removed in the future and emits a @deprecated warning.

The method also accepts an array as a parameter. The keys are the attribute names and the values are attribute values. If a value is boolean (true/false) then the attribute will have no value:

['disabled' => true] -> 'disabled`

The resulting string will have attribute pairs separated by a space.


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

$attr = '"><h1>Hello</table';
echo $escaper->attributes($attr);
// &#x22;&#x3e;&#x3c;h1&#x3e;Hello&#x3c;&#x2f;table

HTML syntax:

<?php echo $this->escaper->attributes($attr); ?>

Volt syntax:

{{ attr | escape_attr }}


url() can be used to escape attributes such as href or url. This method has been renamed. The old method escapeUrl() will be removed in the future and emits a @deprecated warning.


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

$url = '"><script>alert(1)</script><a href="#';
echo $escaper->attributes($url);
// %22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%281%29%3C%2Fscript%3E%3Ca%20href%3D%22%23

HTML syntax:

<?php echo $this->escaper->attributes($url); ?>


CSS identifiers/values can be escaped by using css(). This method has been renamed. The old method escapeCss() will be removed in the future and emits a @deprecated warning.


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

$css = '"><script>alert(1)</script><a href="#';
echo $escaper->css($css);
// \22 \3e \3c script\3e alert\28 1\29 \3c \2f script\3e \3c a\20 href\3d \22 \23 

HTML syntax:

<?php echo $this->escaper->css($css); ?>

Volt syntax:

{{ css | escape_css }}


Content printed into javascript code must be properly escaped. js() helps with this task. This method has been renamed. The old method escapeJs() will be removed in the future and emits a @deprecated warning.


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

$js = "'; alert(100); var x='";
echo $escaper->js($js);
// \x27; alert(100); var x\x3d\x27

HTML syntax:

<?php echo $this->escaper->js($js); ?>

Volt syntax:

{{ js | escape_js }}


Phalcon\Html\Escape also offers methods regarding the encoding of the text to be escaped.


Detects the character encoding of a string to be handled by an encoder. Special-handling for chr(172) and chr(128) to chr(159) which fail to be detected mb_detect_encoding. The method returns a string with the detected encoding or null


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

echo $escaper->detectEncoding('ḂḃĊċḊḋḞḟĠġṀṁ'); // UTF-8


Returns the internal encoding used by the escaper


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

echo $escaper->getEncoding();


Utility method that normalizes a string's encoding to UTF-32.


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();

echo $escaper->normalizeEncoding('ḂḃĊċḊḋḞḟĠġṀṁ');  


Sets the encoding to be used by the escaper


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();


echo $escaper->getEncoding(); // 'utf-8'


Sets the escaper to use double encoding or not (default true)


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();


setFlags(int $flags)

You can set the quote type to be used by the escaper. This method has been renamed. The old method setHtmlQuoteType() will be removed in the future and emits a @deprecated warning.

The passed variable is one of the constants that htmlspecialchars accepts: - ENT_COMPAT - ENT_QUOTES - ENT_NOQUOTES - ENT_IGNORE - ENT_SUBSTITUTE - ENT_DISALLOWED - ENT_HTML401 - ENT_XML1 - ENT_XHTML - ENT_HTML5


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$escaper = new Escaper();



Any exceptions thrown in the Escaper component will be of type Phalcon\Html\Escaper\Exception. It is thrown when the data supplied to the component is not valid. You can use these exceptions to selectively catch exceptions thrown only from this component.


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Escaper\Exception;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;

 * @property Escaper $escaper
class IndexController extends Controller
    public function index()
        try {
            echo $this->escaper->normalizeEncoding('ḂḃĊċḊḋḞḟĠġṀṁ');  
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            echo $ex->getMessage();

Dependency Injection

If you use the Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault container, the Phalcon\Html\Escaper is already registered for you with the name escaper.

An example of the registration of the service as well as accessing it is below:


use Phalcon\Di\Di;
use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;

$container = new Di();

    function () use  {
        return new Escaper();

You can now use the component in a controller (or a component that implements Phalcon\Di\Injectable)


namespace MyApp;

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;

 * Invoices controller
 * @property Escaper $escaper
class InvoicesController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()


    public function saveAction()
        echo $this->escaper->html('The post was correctly saved!');


Phalcon also offers the Phalcon\Html\Escaper\EscaperInterface which can be implemented in a custom class. The class can offer the escaper functionality you require.


namespace MyApp\Escaper;

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper\EscaperInterface;

class Custom extends EscaperInterface
    public function css(string $css): string;

    public function html(string $text): string;

    public function attributes(string $text): string;

    public function js(string $js): string;

    public function url(string $url): string;

    public function getEncoding(): string;

    public function setEncoding(string $encoding): void;

    public function setHtmlQuoteType(int $quoteType): void;