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Tag Factory


Phalcon\Html\TagFactory is a component that generates HTML tags. This component creates a new class locator with predefined HTML tag classes attached to it. Each tag class is lazy loaded for maximum performance. To instantiate the factory and retrieve a tag helper, you need to call newInstance() by passing a Phalcon\Html\Escaper object to it.

If you are using the Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault container for your application, the Phalcon\Html\TagFactory is already registered for you with the name tag.


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\TagFactory;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$factory = new TagFactory($escaper);
$helper  = $factory->newInstance('a');

use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;

$container = new FactoryDefault();

$helper = $container->tag->newInstance('a');

The registered names for respective helpers are:

Name Class
a Phalcon\Html\Helper\Anchor
base Phalcon\Html\Helper\Base
body Phalcon\Html\Helper\Body
button Phalcon\Html\Helper\Button
close Phalcon\Html\Helper\Close
doctype Phalcon\Html\Helper\Doctype
element Phalcon\Html\Helper\Element
form Phalcon\Html\Helper\Form
img Phalcon\Html\Helper\Img
inputCheckbox Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Checkbox
inputColor Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Color
inputDate Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Date
inputDateTime Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\DateTime
inputDateTimeLocal Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\DateTimeLocal
inputEmail Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Email
inputFile Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\File
inputHidden Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Hidden
inputImage Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Image
inputInput Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Input
inputMonth Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Month
inputNumeric Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Numeric
inputPassword Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Password
inputRadio Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Radio
inputRange Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Range
inputSearch Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Search
inputSelect Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Select
inputSubmit Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Submit
inputTel Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Tel
inputText Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Text
inputTextarea Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Textarea
inputTime Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Time
inputUrl Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Url
inputWeek Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Week
label Phalcon\Html\Helper\Label
link Phalcon\Html\Helper\Link
meta Phalcon\Html\Helper\Meta
ol Phalcon\Html\Helper\Ol
script Phalcon\Html\Helper\Script
style Phalcon\Html\Helper\Style
title Phalcon\Html\Helper\Title
ul Phalcon\Html\Helper\Ul

Method call

If you do not wish to call newInstance(), you can always use the method call that corresponds to the name of the helper. Some helpers accept a bool $raw parameter, which defines whether the input will be escaped or not. This is useful when creating anchor links with images.

public function a(
    string $href, 
    string $text, 
    array $attributes = [], 
    bool $raw = false
): string

public function base(
    string $href, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function body(
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function button(
    string $text, 
    array $attributes = [], 
    bool $raw = false
): string

public function close(
    string $tag, 
    bool $raw = false
): string

public function doctype(
    int $flag, 
    string $delimiter
): string

public function element(
    string $tag, 
    string $text, 
    array $attributes = [], 
    bool $raw = false
): string

public function form(
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function img(
    string $src, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputCheckbox(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputColor(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputDate(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputDateTime(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputDateTimeLocal(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputEmail(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputFile(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputHidden(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputImage(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputInput(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputMonth(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputNumeric(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputPassword(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputRadio(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputRange(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputSearch(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputSelect(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputSubmit(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputTel(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputText(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputTextarea(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputTime(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputUrl(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function inputWeek(
    string $name, 
    string $value = null, 
    array $attributes = []
): string

public function label(
    string $label, 
    array $attributes = [], 
    bool $raw = false
): string

public function link(
    string $indent = '    ', 
    string $delimiter = PHP_EOL
): string

public function meta(
    string $indent = '    ', 
    string $delimiter = PHP_EOL
): string

public function ol(
    string $text, 
    array $attributes = [], 
    bool $raw = false
): string

public function script(
    string $indent = '    ', 
    string $delimiter = PHP_EOL
): string

public function style(
    string $indent = '    ', 
    string $delimiter = PHP_EOL
): string

public function title(
    string $indent = '    ', 
    string $delimiter = PHP_EOL
): string

public function ul(
    string $text, 
    array $attributes = [], 
    bool $raw = false
): string

use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;

$container = new FactoryDefault();

$result = $container->tag->a('', 'Phalcon Website');

$image  = $container

$result = $container


All helpers that are used by the Phalcon\Html\TagFactory are located under the Phalcon\Html\Helper namespace. You can create each of these classes individually if you wish to, or you can use the tag factory as shown above.


The code and output below has been formatted for readability


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Anchor creates a <a> (anchor) tag.

Parameter Description
string $href The href
string $text The text to display
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)
bool $raw = false Whether to escape or not the text

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Anchor;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Anchor($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('/myurl', 'click<>me', $options);
// <a href="/myurl" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">
//     click&lt;&gt;me
// </a>


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Base creates a <base> tag.

Parameter Description
string $href The href
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Base;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Base($escaper);
$options = [
    'target' => '_blank',

echo $helper('/myurl', $options);
// <base href="/myurl" 
//    target="_blank">


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Body creates a <body> tag.

Parameter Description
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Body;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Body($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper($options);
// <body id="my-id" class="my-class">


This helper creates only the opening <body> tag. You will need to use the Close helper to generate the closing </body> tag.


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Button creates a <button> tag.

Parameter Description
string $text The text to display
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)
bool $raw = false Whether to escape or not the text

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Button;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Button($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('click<>me', $options);
// <button 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">
//     click&lt;&gt;me
// </button>


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Close creates a closing tag.

Parameter Description
string $text The text to display
bool $raw = false Whether to escape or not the text

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Close;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Close($escaper);

echo $helper('form');
// </form>


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Doctype creates a <doctype> tag.

Parameter Description
int $flag The text to display
string $delimiter Whether to escape or not the text

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Doctype;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Doctype($escaper);

echo $helper(Doctype::XHTML11, '-:-');
// <!DOCTYPE html
//     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"-:-
//     "\">-:-


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Element creates a tag based on the passed name.

Parameter Description
string $tag The href
string $text The text to display
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)
bool $raw = false Whether to escape or not the text

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Element;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Element($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('address', 'click<>me', $options);
// <address 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">
//     click&lt;&gt;me
// </address>


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Form creates a <form> tag.

Parameter Description
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Form;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Form($escaper);
$options = [
    'class'   => 'my-class',
    'name'    => 'my-name',
    'id'      => 'my-id',
    'method'  => 'post',
    'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'

echo $helper($options);
// <form 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class"
//    method="post"
//    enctype="multipart/form-data">


This helper creates only the opening <form> tag. You will need to use the Close helper to generate the closing </form> tag.


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Img creates a <img> tag.

Parameter Description
string $src The image source
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Img;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Img($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('/my-url', $options);
// <img 
//    src="/my-url" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Checkbox][html-helper-checkbox] creates a <input type="checkbox"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)


public function label(array $attributes)
Sets the label for the checkbox


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Checkbox;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Checkbox($escaper);
$options = [
    'id'        => 'my-id',
    'unchecked' => 'no',
    'checked'   => 'yes',

$result = $helper('my-name', 'yes', $options);

echo $result;
// <hidden name="my_name" value="no">
// <label for="my_id">
//     <input type="checkbox"
//         id="my_id"
//         name="x_name"
//         value="yes"
//         checked="checked" />
//     some text
// </label>


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Color][html-helper-color] creates a <input type="color"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Color;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Color($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="color"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Date][html-helper-date] creates a <input type="date"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Date;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Date($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="date"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\DateTime][html-helper-datetime] creates a <input type="datetime"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\DateTime;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new DateTime($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="datetime"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\DateTimeLocal][html-helper-datetime-local] creates a <input type="datetime-local"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\DateTimeLocal;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new DateTimeLocal($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="datetime-local"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Email][html-helper-email] creates a <input type="email"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Email;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Email($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="email"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\File][html-helper-file] creates a <input type="file"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\File;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new File($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="file"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Hidden][html-helper-hidden] creates a <input type="hidden"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Hidden;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Hidden($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="hidden"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Image][html-helper-image] creates a <input type="image"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Image;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Image($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="image"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Month][html-helper-month] creates a <input type="month"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Month;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Month($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="month"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input][html-helper-input] creates a <input> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)


public function setType(string $type)
Sets the type of the input


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Input;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Input($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

$result = $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);


echo $result;
// <input type="month"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Numeric][html-helper-numeric] creates a <input type="numeric"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Numeric;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Numeric($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="numeric"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Password][html-helper-password] creates a <input type="password"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Password;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Password($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="password"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Radio][html-helper-radio] creates a <input type="radio"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)


public function label(array $attributes)
Sets the label for the radio


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Radio;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Radio($escaper);
$options = [
    'id'        => 'my-id',
    'unchecked' => 'no',
    'checked'   => 'yes',

$result = $helper('my-name', 'yes', $options);

echo $result;
// <hidden name="my_name" value="no">
// <label for="my_id">
//     <input type="radio"
//         id="my_id"
//         name="x_name"
//         value="yes"
//         checked="checked" />
//     some text
// </label>


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Range][html-helper-range] creates a <input type="range"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Range;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Range($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="range"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Search][html-helper-search] creates a <input type="search"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Search;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Search($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="search"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Select][html-helper-select] creates a <select> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)


public function add(
    string $text,
    string $value = null,
    array $attributes = [],
    bool $raw = false
): Select
Add an element to the list

public function addPlaceholder(
    string $text,
    mixed $value = null,
    array $attributes = [],
    bool $raw = false
): Select
Add a placeholder to the element

public function optGroup(
    string $label = null,
    array $attributes = []
): Select
Create an option group

public function selected(string $selected): Select
Set the selected option


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Select;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Select($escaper);

$options = [
    'id' => 'carsList',

$result = $helper('    ', PHP_EOL, $options);
    ->add("Ferrari", "1", ["class" => "active"])
    ->add("Ford", "2")
    ->add("Dodge", "3")
    ->add("Toyota", "4")
            'class' => 'form-input',
        'Choose & Car...',

echo $result;
//    <select id="carsList">
//        <optgroup class="form-input" label="oneLabel">
//            <option value="0">Choose & Car...</option>
//            <option value="1" class="active">Ferrari</option>
//            <option value="2">Ford</option>
//            <option value="3" selected="selected">Dodge</option>
//            <option value="4">Toyota</option>
//        </optgroup>
//    </select>"


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Submit][html-helper-submit] creates a <input type="submit"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Submit;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Submit($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="submit"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Tel][html-helper-tel] creates a <input type="tel"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Tel;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Tel($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="tel"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Text][html-helper-text] creates a <input type="text"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Text;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Text($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="text"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\TextArea][html-helper-textarea] creates a <textarea> tags

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\TextArea;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new TextArea($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('click<>me', $options);
// <textarea 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">
//     click&lt;&gt;me
// </textarea>


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Time][html-helper-time] creates a <input type="time"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Time;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Time($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="time"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Url][html-helper-url] creates a <input type="url"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Url;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Url($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="url"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


[Phalcon\Html\Helper\Week][html-helper-week] creates a <input type="week"> tag.

Parameter Description
string $name The name
string $value The value
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Input\Week;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Week($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper('test-name', "test-value", $options);
// <input type="week"
//    value="test-value" 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Label creates a <label> tag.

Parameter Description
string $label The label
array $attributes = [] Additional attributes (key/value)
bool $raw = false Whether to escape or not the text

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Label;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Label($escaper);
$options = [
    'class' => 'my-class',
    'name'  => 'my-name',
    'id'    => 'my-id',

echo $helper($options);
// <label 
//    id="my-id" 
//    name="my-name" 
//    class="my-class">


This helper creates only the opening <label> tag. You will need to use the Close helper to generate the closing </label> tag.

Phalcon\Html\Helper\Link creates a <link> tag.

Parameter Description
string $indent The indent
string $delimiter The delimiter

use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Link;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Link($escaper);

$result = $helper();
    ->add('', ['rel' => 'prev'])
    ->add('', ['rel' => 'next'])

echo $result;
// <link rel="prev" href="" />
// <link rel="next" href="" />


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Meta creates a <meta> tag.

Parameter Description
string $indent The indent
string $delimiter The delimiter


public function add(array $attributes = []): Meta
Add an element to the list

public function addHttp(string $httpEquiv, string $content): Meta
Adds a HTTP meta tag

public function addName(string name, string content) -> <Meta>
Adds a name meta tag

public function addProperty(string name, string content) -> <Meta>
Adds a property meta tag


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Meta;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Meta($escaper);

$result = $helper();

            "charset" => 'utf-8',
    ->addHttp("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=edge")
    ->addName("generator", "Phalcon")
    ->addProperty("org:url", "")

echo $result;
//    <meta charset="utf-8">
//    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
//    <meta name="generator" content="Phalcon">
//    <meta property="org:url" content="">


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Ol creates a <ol> tag.

Parameter Description
string $indent The indent
string $delimiter The delimiter


public function add(
    string $text,
    array $attributes = [],
    bool $raw = false
): Ol
Add an element to the list


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Ol;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Ol($escaper);
$options = [
    'id' => 'carsList',

$result = $helper('    ', PHP_EOL, $options);

    ->add("Ferrari", "1", ["class" => "active"])
    ->add("Ford", "2")
    ->add("Dodge", "3")
    ->add("Toyota", "4")

echo $result;
// <ol id="carsList">
//     <li class="active">Ferrari</li>
//     <li>> Ford</li>
//     <li>> Dodge</li>
//     <li>> Toyota</li>
// </ol>


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Script creates a <script> tag.

Parameter Description
string $indent The indent
string $delimiter The delimiter


public function add(
    string $url,
    array $attributes = []
): Script
Add a URL to the list


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Script;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Script($escaper);

$result = $helper();

    ->add('/js/print.js', ['ie' => 'active'])

echo $result;
//    <script type="application/javascript" 
//            src="/js/custom.js"></script>
//    <script type="application/javascript" 
//            src="/js/print.js" ie="active"></script>


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Script creates a <link> tag.

Parameter Description
string $indent The indent
string $delimiter The delimiter


public function add(
    string $url,
    array $attributes = []
): Script
Add a URL to the list


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Script;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Script($escaper);

$result = $helper();

    ->add('print.css', ['media' => 'print'])

echo $result;
//    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
//        href="custom.css" media="screen" />
//    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
//        href="print.css" media="print" />


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Title creates a <title> tag.

Parameter Description
string $indent The indent
string $delimiter The delimiter


public function append(
    string $text, 
    bool $raw = false
): Title
Appends text to current document title

public function get(): string
Returns the title

public function set(
    string $text, 
    bool $raw = false
)): Title
Sets the title

public function setSeparator(
    string $separator, 
    bool $raw = false
)): Title
Sets the separator

public function prepend(
    string $text, 
    bool $raw = false
): Title
Prepends text to current document title


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Ul;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Ul($escaper);
$options = [
    'id' => 'carsList',

$result = $helper();

    ->setSeparator(' | ')
    ->append('< Ferrari', true)
    ->prepend('Ford <')

echo $result->get();
// &lt; Dodge &gt;

echo $result;
// <title>Ford > | &lt; Dodge &gt; | < Ferrari</title>


Phalcon\Html\Helper\Ul creates a <ul> tag.

Parameter Description
string $indent The indent
string $delimiter The delimiter


public function add(
    string $text,
    array $attributes = [],
    bool $raw = false
): Ol
Add an element to the list


use Phalcon\Html\Escaper;
use Phalcon\Html\Helper\Ul;

$escaper = new Escaper();
$helper  = new Ul($escaper);
$options = [
    'id' => 'carsList',

$result = $helper('    ', PHP_EOL, $options);

    ->add("Ferrari", "1", ["class" => "active"])
    ->add("Ford", "2")
    ->add("Dodge", "3")
    ->add("Toyota", "4")

echo $result;
// <ul id="carsList">
//     <li class="active">Ferrari</li>
//     <li>> Ford</li>
//     <li>> Dodge</li>
//     <li>> Toyota</li>
// </ul>