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The Phalcon\Image namespace exposes adapter that offer image manipulating functionality. These adapters are designed to allow multiple operations to be performed on the same image.


This component uses adapters that offer methods to manipulate images. You can easily create your own adapter using the Phalcon\Image\Adapter\AdapterInterface.

Class Description
Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd Requires the GD PHP extension
Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick Requires the ImageMagick PHP extension


Phalcon\Image\Enum holds constants for image resizing and flipping. The available constants are:


  • AUTO
  • NONE



Supported images (GD)



Each adapter offers getters to provide information about the component:

Method Description
getHeight(): int Returns the image height
getImage(): mixed Returns the image
getMime(): string Returns the image mime type
getRealpath(): string Returns the real path where the image is located
getType(): int Returns the image type (This is driver dependent)
getWidth(): int Returns the image width


Phalcon\Image\Adapters\Gd utilizes the GD PHP extension. In order for you to use this adapter, the extension has to be present in your system. The adapter offers all the methods described below in the operations section.


Phalcon\Image\Adapters\Imagick utilizes the ImageMagick PHP extension. In order for you to use this adapter, the extension has to be present in your system. The adapter offers all the methods described below in the operations section.



Sets the background color for the image. The available parameters are:

Parameter Description
string $color the color in hex format
int $opacity the opacity (optional - default 100)

use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$image->background('#000033', 70);



Blurs the image. The passed integer parameter specifies the radius for the blur operation. The range is between 0 (no effect) and 100 (very blurry):


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');




You can crop images programmatically. The crop() method accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description
int $width the width
int $height the height
int $offsetX the X offset (optional)
int $offsetY the Y offset (optional)

The following example crops 100px by 100px from the center of the image:


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$width   = 100;
$height  = 100;
$offsetX = ($image->getWidth() - $width) / 2;
$offsetY = ($image->getHeight() - $height) / 2;

$image->crop($width, $height, $offsetX, $offsetY);



You can flip an image horizontally or vertically. The flip() method accepts an integer, signifying the direction. You can use the constants for this operation:

  • Phalcon\Image\Enum::HORIZONTAL
  • Phalcon\Image\Enum::VERTICAL

use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;
use Phalcon\Image\Enum;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');




This method is only available in the Phalcon\Image\Imagick adapter. It uses the liquid rescaling method to rescale the image. The method accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description
int $width the new width
int $height the new height
int $deltaX How much the seam can traverse on x-axis. Passing 0 causes the seams to be straight. (optional - default 0)
int $rigidity Introduces a bias for non-straight seams. (optional - default 0)

use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$image->liquidRescale(500, 200, 3, 25);



Creates a composite image from two images. Accepts the first image as a parameter.


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$front = new Gd('front.jpg');
$back  = new Gd('back.jpg');




Adds pixelation to the image. The method accepts a single integer parameter. The higher the number, the more pixelated the image becomes:


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');




Adds reflection to the image. The method accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description
int $height the height
int $opacity the opacity (optional - default 100)
bool $fadeIn whether to fade in or not (optional - default false)

use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$image->reflection(100, 75, true);



Renders the image and returns it back as a binary string. The method accepts the following parameters:

Method Description
string $ext the extension (optional)
int $quality the quality of the image (optional - default 100)

use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

// ....

echo $image->render('jpg', 90);


Resizes the image based on the passed parameters. The method accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description
int $width the width (optional)
int $height the height (optional)
int $master constant signifying the resizing method (default AUTO)

Constants - Phalcon\Image\Enum::AUTO - Phalcon\Image\Enum::HEIGHT - Phalcon\Image\Enum::INVERSE - Phalcon\Image\Enum::NONE - Phalcon\Image\Enum::PRECISE - Phalcon\Image\Enum::TENSILE - Phalcon\Image\Enum::WIDTH

If any of the parameters are not correct, a Phalcon\Image\Exception will be thrown.


The width will automatically be generated to keep the proportions the same; if you specify a width, it will be ignored.


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;
use Phalcon\Image\Enum;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$image->resize(null, 300, Enum::HEIGHT);



Resizes and inverts the width and height passed


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;
use Phalcon\Image\Enum;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$image->resize(400, 200, Enum::INVERSE);



  • The NONE constant ignores the original image's ratio.
  • Neither width and height are required.
  • If a dimension is not specified, the original dimension will be used.
  • If the new proportions differ from the original proportions, the image may be distorted and stretched.

use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;
use Phalcon\Image\Enum;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$image->resize(400, 200, Enum::NONE);



  • Similar to the NONE constant, the TENSILE constant ignores the original image's ratio.
  • Both width and height are required.
  • If the new proportions differ from the original proportions, the image may be distorted and stretched.

use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;
use Phalcon\Image\Enum;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$image->resize(400, 200, Enum::TENSILE);



The height will automatically be generated to keep the proportions the same; if you specify a height, it will be ignored.


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;
use Phalcon\Image\Enum;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

$image->resize(300, null, Enum::WIDTH);



Rotates an image based on the given degrees. Positive numbers rotate the image clockwise while negative counterclockwise.

The following example rotates an image by 90 degrees clockwise


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');




After manipulating your image, you will most likely want to save it. If you wish to just get the result of the manipulations back as a string, you can use the render() method.

The save() method accepts the filename and quality as parameters:

Property Description
string $file the target file name (optional)
int $quality the quality of the image (optional - default -1)

If a file name is not specified, the manipulated image will overwrite the original image.


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');



When specifying a file name, the manipulated image will be saved with that name, leaving the original image unchanged.


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');



You can also change the format of the image using a different extension. This functionality depends on the adapter you are working with.


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');



When saving as a JPEG, you can also specify the quality as the second parameter:


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');


$image->save('rotate-image.jpg', 90);


Sharpens the image. The passed integer parameter specifies the amount for the sharpen operation. The range is between 0 (no effect) and 100 (very sharp):


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');




You can add text to your image by calling text(). The available parameters are:

Property Description
string $text the text
int|false $offsetX the X offset, false to disable
int|false $offsetY the Y offset, false to disable
int $opacity the opacity of the text (optional - default 100)
string $color the color for the text (optional - default "000000")
int $size the size of the font for the text (optional - default 12)
string $fontfile the font file to be used for the text (optional)

use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$image = new Gd('image.jpg');

    'Phalcon Framework',



Adds a watermark to an image. The available parameters are:

Property Description
AdapterInterface $watermark the image to use for the watermark
int $offsetX the X offset (optional)
int $offsetY the Y offset (optional)
int $opacity the opacity of the image (optional - default 100)

The following example puts the watermark in the top left corner of the image:


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$watermark = new Gd('watermark.jpg');
$image     = new Gd('image.jpg');

$offsetX = 10;
$offsetY = 10;
$opacity = 70;



You can also manipulate the watermarked image before applying it to the main image. In the following example we resize, rotate and sharpen the watermark and put it in the bottom right corner with a 10px margin:


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;

$watermark = new Gd('watermark.jpg');
$image     = new Gd('image.jpg');

$watermark->resize(100, 100);

$offsetX = ($image->getWidth() - $watermark->getWidth() - 10);
$offsetY = ($image->getHeight() - $watermark->getHeight() - 10);

$opacity = 70;





The Phalcon\Image\ImageFactory offers an easy way to create image adapter objects. There are two adapters already preset for you:

Calling newInstance() with the relevant key as well as parameters will return the relevant adapter. The factory always returns a new instance of Phalcon\Image\Adapter\AdapterInterface.


use Phalcon\Image\ImageFactory;

$factory = new ImageFactory();

$image = $factory->newInstance('gd', 'image.jpg');

The available parameters for newInstance() are:

Property Description
string $name the name of the adapter
string $file the file name
int $width the width of the image (optional)
int $height the height of the image (optional)


The Image Factory also offers the load method, which accepts a configuration object. This object can be an array or a Phalcon\Config\Config object, with directives that are used to set up the image adapter. The object requires the adapter element, as well as the file element. width and height can also be set as options.


use Phalcon\Image\ImageFactory;

$factory = new ImageFactory();
$options = [
    'adapter' => 'gd',
    'file'    => 'image.jpg',
    'width'   => 400,
    'height'  => 200,

$image = $factory->load($options);


Any exceptions thrown in the Image components will be of type Phalcon\Image\Exception. You can use this exception to selectively catch exceptions thrown only from this component.


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd;
use Phalcon\Image\Exception;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;

class IndexController extends Controller
    public function index()
        try {
            $image = new Gd('image.jpg');

        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            echo $ex->getMessage();


The Phalcon\Image\Adapter\AdapterInterface interface must be implemented in order to create your own image adapters or extend the existing ones. You can then easily add it to the Phalcon\Image\ImageFactory.


use Phalcon\Image\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Phalcon\Image\Enum;

class MyImageAdapter implements AdapterInterface
     * Manipulate the background
    public function background(
        string $color, 
        int $opacity = 100

     * Blur the image
    public function blur(int $radius);

     * Crop the image
    public function crop(
        int $width, 
        int $height, 
        int $offsetX = null, 
        int $offsetY = null

     * Flip the image
    public function flip(int $direction);

     * Add a mask to the image
    public function mask(AdapterInterface $watermark);

     * Pixelate the image
    public function pixelate(int $amount);

     * Add a reflection to the image
    public function reflection(
        int $height, 
        int $opacity = 100, 
        bool $fadeIn = false

     * Render the image
    public function render(
        string $ext = null, 
        int $quality = 100

     * Resize the image
    public function resize(
        int $width = null, 
        int $height = null, 
        int $master = Enum::AUTO

     * Rotate the image
    public function rotate(int degrees);

     * Save the image
    public function save(string $file = null, int $quality = 100);

     * Sharpen the image
    public function sharpen(int $amount);

     * Add text to the image
    public function text(
        string $text, 
        int $offsetX = 0, 
        int $offsetY = 0, 
        int $opacity = 100, 
        string $color = "000000", 
        int $size = 12, 
        string $fontfile = null

     * Add a watermark to the image
    public function watermark(
        AdapterInterface $watermark, 
        int $offsetX = 0, 
        int $offsetY = 0, 
        int $opacity = 100