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Phalcon cache


All classes are prefixed with Phalcon

Cache\AbstractCache Abstract

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  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache
  • Uses

    • DateInterval
    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
    • Traversable
  • Extends

  • Implements

    • CacheInterface

This component offers caching capabilities for your application.


 * The adapter
 * @var AdapterInterface
protected $adapter;


public function __construct( AdapterInterface $adapter );

public function getAdapter(): AdapterInterface;
Returns the current adapter

protected function checkKey( string $key ): void;
Checks the key. If it contains invalid characters an exception is thrown

protected function checkKeys( mixed $keys ): void;
Checks the key. If it contains invalid characters an exception is thrown

protected function doClear(): bool;
Wipes clean the entire cache's keys.

protected function doDelete( string $key ): bool;
Delete an item from the cache by its unique key.

protected function doDeleteMultiple( mixed $keys ): bool;
Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation.

protected function doGet( string $key, mixed $defaultValue = null );
Fetches a value from the cache.

protected function doGetMultiple( mixed $keys, mixed $defaultValue = null );
Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys.

protected function doHas( string $key ): bool;
Determines whether an item is present in the cache.

protected function doSet( string $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl = null ): bool;
Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time.

protected function doSetMultiple( mixed $values, mixed $ttl = null ): bool;
Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL.

abstract protected function getExceptionClass(): string;
Returns the exception class that will be used for exceptions thrown

Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface Interface

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\AdapterInterface
  • Extends


  • Implements

Interface for Phalcon\Cache adapters


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Apcu
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • CacheAdapterInterface

Apcu adapter


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Libmemcached
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • CacheAdapterInterface

Libmemcached adapter


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Memory
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • CacheAdapterInterface

Memory adapter


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Redis
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • CacheAdapterInterface

Redis adapter


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Stream
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • CacheAdapterInterface

Stream adapter


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\Weak
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • CacheAdapterInterface
  • WeakCache implementation based on WeakReference */


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Cache\Exception\Exception
    • Phalcon\Factory\AbstractFactory
    • Phalcon\Storage\SerializerFactory
  • Extends


  • Implements

Factory to create Cache adapters


 * @var SerializerFactory
private $serializerFactory;


public function __construct( SerializerFactory $factory, array $services = [] );
AdapterFactory constructor.

public function newInstance( string $name, array $options = [] ): AdapterInterface;
Create a new instance of the adapter

protected function getExceptionClass(): string;

protected function getServices(): array;
Returns the available adapters


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache
  • Uses

    • DateInterval
    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  • Extends


  • Implements

This component offers caching capabilities for your application.


public function clear(): bool;
Wipes clean the entire cache's keys.

public function delete( string $key ): bool;
Delete an item from the cache by its unique key.

public function deleteMultiple( mixed $keys ): bool;
Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation.

public function get( string $key, mixed $defaultValue = null );
Fetches a value from the cache.

public function getMultiple( mixed $keys, mixed $defaultValue = null );
Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys.

public function has( string $key ): bool;
Determines whether an item is present in the cache.

public function set( string $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl = null ): bool;
Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time.

public function setMultiple( mixed $values, mixed $ttl = null ): bool;
Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL.

protected function getExceptionClass(): string;
Returns the exception class that will be used for exceptions thrown


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • Phalcon\Cache\Cache
    • Phalcon\Cache\Exception\Exception
    • Phalcon\Config\ConfigInterface
    • Phalcon\Factory\AbstractConfigFactory
  • Extends


  • Implements

Creates a new Cache class


 * @var AdapterFactory
protected $adapterFactory;


public function __construct( AdapterFactory $factory );

public function load( mixed $config ): CacheInterface;
Factory to create an instance from a Config object

public function newInstance( string $name, array $options = [] ): CacheInterface;
Constructs a new Cache instance.

protected function getExceptionClass(): string;

Cache\CacheInterface Interface

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache
  • Uses

    • DateInterval
    • Phalcon\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  • Extends

  • Implements

Interface for Phalcon\Cache\Cache


public function clear(): bool;
Wipes clean the entire cache's keys.

public function delete( string $key ): bool;
Delete an item from the cache by its unique key.

public function deleteMultiple( mixed $keys ): bool;
Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation.

public function get( string $key, mixed $defaultValue = null );
Fetches a value from the cache.

public function getMultiple( mixed $keys, mixed $defaultValue = null );
Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys.

public function has( string $key ): bool;
Determines whether an item is present in the cache.

public function set( string $key, mixed $value, mixed $ttl = null ): bool;
Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time.

public function setMultiple( mixed $values, mixed $ttl = null ): bool;
Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL.


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Exception
  • Uses

  • Extends


  • Implements

Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Cache will use this class


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Cache\Exception
  • Uses

  • Extends


  • Implements

Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Cache will use this class