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Phalcon paginator


All classes are prefixed with Phalcon

Paginator\Adapter\AbstractAdapter Abstract

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Paginator\Exception
    • Phalcon\Paginator\Repository
    • Phalcon\Paginator\RepositoryInterface
  • Extends

  • Implements

    • AdapterInterface



 * Configuration of paginator
 * @var array
protected $config;

 * Number of rows to show in the paginator. By default is null
 * @var int|null
protected $limitRows;

 * Current page in paginate
 * @var int|null
protected $page;

 * Repository for pagination
 * @var RepositoryInterface
protected $repository;


public function __construct( array $config );
Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\AbstractAdapter constructor

public function getLimit(): int;
Get current rows limit

public function setCurrentPage( int $page ): AdapterInterface;
Set the current page number

public function setLimit( int $limit ): AdapterInterface;
Set current rows limit

public function setRepository( RepositoryInterface $repository ): AdapterInterface;
Sets current repository for pagination

protected function getRepository( array $properties = null ): RepositoryInterface;
Gets current repository for pagination

Paginator\Adapter\AdapterInterface Interface

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Paginator\RepositoryInterface
  • Extends

  • Implements


Interface for Phalcon\Paginator adapters


public function getLimit(): int;
Get current rows limit

public function paginate(): RepositoryInterface;
Returns a slice of the resultset to show in the pagination

public function setCurrentPage( int $page );
Set the current page number

public function setLimit( int $limit );
Set current rows limit


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface
    • Phalcon\Mvc\Model\ResultsetInterface
    • Phalcon\Paginator\Exception
    • Phalcon\Paginator\RepositoryInterface
  • Extends


  • Implements


This adapter allows to paginate data using a Phalcon\Mvc\Model resultset as a base.

use Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\Model;

$paginator = new Model(
        "model" => Robots::class,
        "limit" => 25,
        "page"  => $currentPage,

$paginator = new Model(
        "model" => Robots::class,
        "parameters" => [
             "columns" => "id, name"
        "limit" => 12,
        "page"  => $currentPage,

$paginator = new Model(
        "model" => Robots::class,
        "parameters" => [
             "type = :type:",
             "bind" => [
                 "type" => "mechanical"
             "order" => "name"
        "limit" => 16,
        "page"  => $currentPage,

$paginator = new Model(
        "model" => Robots::class,
        "parameters" => "(id % 2) = 0",
        "limit" => 8,
        "page"  => $currentPage,

$paginator = new Model(
        "model" => Robots::class,
        "parameters" => [ "(id % 2) = 0" ],
        "limit" => 8,
        "page"  => $currentPage,

$paginate = $paginator->paginate();


public function paginate(): RepositoryInterface;
Returns a slice of the resultset to show in the pagination


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Paginator\Exception
    • Phalcon\Paginator\RepositoryInterface
  • Extends


  • Implements


Pagination using a PHP array as source of data

use Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\NativeArray;

$paginator = new NativeArray(
        "data"  => [
            ["id" => 1, "name" => "Artichoke"],
            ["id" => 2, "name" => "Carrots"],
            ["id" => 3, "name" => "Beet"],
            ["id" => 4, "name" => "Lettuce"],
            ["id" => 5, "name" => ""],
        "limit" => 2,
        "page"  => $currentPage,


public function paginate(): RepositoryInterface;
Returns a slice of the resultset to show in the pagination


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Db\Enum
    • Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder
    • Phalcon\Paginator\Exception
    • Phalcon\Paginator\RepositoryInterface
  • Extends


  • Implements


Pagination using a PHQL query builder as source of data

use Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\QueryBuilder;

$builder = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()
                ->columns("id, name")

$paginator = new QueryBuilder(
        "builder" => $builder,
        "limit"   => 20,
        "page"    => 1,


 * Paginator's data
 * @var Builder
protected $builder;

 * Columns for count query if builder has having
 * @var array|string
protected $columns;


public function __construct( array $config );

public function getCurrentPage(): int;
Get the current page number

public function getQueryBuilder(): Builder;
Get query builder object

public function paginate(): RepositoryInterface;
Returns a slice of the resultset to show in the pagination

public function setQueryBuilder( Builder $builder ): QueryBuilder;
Set query builder object


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator
  • Uses

  • Extends


  • Implements


Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Paginator will use this class


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Factory\AbstractFactory
    • Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\AdapterInterface
  • Extends


  • Implements

This file is part of the Phalcon Framework.

(c) Phalcon Team

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.


public function __construct( array $services = [] );
AdapterFactory constructor.

public function load( mixed $config ): AdapterInterface;
Factory to create an instance from a Config object

use Phalcon\Paginator\PaginatorFactory;

$builder = $this
     ->columns("id, name")

$options = [
    "builder" => $builder,
    "limit"   => 20,
    "page"    => 1,
    "adapter" => "queryBuilder",

$paginator = (new PaginatorFactory())->load($options);

public function newInstance( string $name, array $options = [] ): AdapterInterface;
Create a new instance of the adapter

protected function getExceptionClass(): string;

protected function getServices(): array;
Returns the available adapters


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator
  • Uses

    • JsonSerializable
  • Extends

  • Implements

    • JsonSerializable
    • RepositoryInterface


Repository of current state Phalcon\Paginator\AdapterInterface::paginate()


 * @var array
protected $aliases;

 * @var array
protected $properties;


public function __get( string $property ): mixed | null;

public function getAliases(): array;

public function getCurrent(): int;

public function getFirst(): int;

public function getItems(): mixed;

public function getLast(): int;

public function getLimit(): int;

public function getNext(): int;

public function getPrevious(): int;

public function getTotalItems(): int;

public function jsonSerialize(): array;
See jsonSerialize

public function setAliases( array $aliases ): RepositoryInterface;

public function setProperties( array $properties ): RepositoryInterface;

protected function getProperty( string $property, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
Gets value of property by name

protected function getRealNameProperty( string $property ): string;
Resolve alias property name

Paginator\RepositoryInterface Interface

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Paginator
  • Uses

  • Extends

  • Implements


Interface for the repository of current state Phalcon\Paginator\AdapterInterface::paginate()


const PROPERTY_CURRENT_PAGE = current;
const PROPERTY_FIRST_PAGE = first;
const PROPERTY_ITEMS = items;
const PROPERTY_LAST_PAGE = last;
const PROPERTY_LIMIT = limit;
const PROPERTY_NEXT_PAGE = next;
const PROPERTY_PREVIOUS_PAGE = previous;
const PROPERTY_TOTAL_ITEMS = total_items;


public function getAliases(): array;
Gets the aliases for properties repository

public function getCurrent(): int;
Gets number of the current page

public function getFirst(): int;
Gets number of the first page

public function getItems(): mixed;
Gets the items on the current page

public function getLast(): int;
Gets number of the last page

public function getLimit(): int;
Gets current rows limit

public function getNext(): int;
Gets number of the next page

public function getPrevious(): int;
Gets number of the previous page

public function getTotalItems(): int;
Gets the total number of items

public function setAliases( array $aliases ): RepositoryInterface;
Sets the aliases for properties repository

public function setProperties( array $properties ): RepositoryInterface;
Sets values for properties of the repository