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New Feature Request List

Votes Description
030 ORM: Many to Many behaviour - save related phalcon/phalcon#138
027 Queue: Add redis queue adapter to replace beanstalkd phalcon/phalcon#153
023 ODM: MongoDB Driver support phalcon/cphalcon#11156
022 Volt: Support for embedding blocks into other blocks phalcon/phalcon#133
020 Url: UPDATE query with JOIN in PHQL phalcon/phalcon#146
018 HTTP: Ability to handle the request via Psr ServerRequest phalcon/cphalcon#14390
018 HTTP: Rework the Phalcon HTTP stack phalcon/cphalcon#12485
018 Router: generate URL for route with hostName phalcon/phalcon#141
018 Forms: Embedded Forms phalcon/phalcon#134
016 Application: Phalcon Authentication phalcon/phalcon#162
016 Tag: HTML OPTION attributes by Phalcon\Tag::select() phalcon/phalcon#135
015 Volt: Volt with "Literal" tag phalcon/phalcon#136
014 Application: Use the same way to register modules Mvc/Cli/Micro
013 Db - add multi array insertion phalcon/cphalcon#14620
013 Router: Router enhancements and changes phalcon/phalcon#148
012 ORM: Prevent unnecessary database requests for relationships where key is NULL phalcon/cphalcon#14471
012 Validation: Add an option to cancel other validators only for the same field when the validator fails phalcon/cphalcon#1540
011 Db - Support MySQL 8 - phalcon/cphalcon#14719
011 Security: Don't change the CSRF token on every request phalcon/cphalcon#14413
010 Queue: Queue Service phalcon/phalcon#163
009 Security: different UUID versions phalcon/cphalcon#14955
009 Db: Postgres Arrays and array operators support phalcon/cphalcon#14579
009 ORM: Data Mapper Implementation phalcon/phalcon#166
009 Url: Url get() function enhancement request phalcon/phalcon#145
008 Http - Firewall
008 Security: Security Improvement phalcon/cphalcon#14456
007 Db - add support for Microsoft SQL Server phalcon/cphalcon#1184
007 Validation: Forms should transform "" to NULL unless explicitly told not to phalcon/phalcon#158
007 Form Elements: Add proper support to \Phalcon\Form for Radio button phalcon/phalcon#154
007 Application: Add module name to module class name format in Application::registerModules phalcon/cphalcon#12252
006 ROUTER: Initialize Router from Array
006 ORM: Global option for reusable in relationships phalcon/cphalcon#14788
006 Router: Nested route group phalcon/cphalcon#13904
006 Validation: PresenceOf and Regex validators phalcon/phalcon#157
005 DB: Add POINT column. Issue
005 Pagination: SQL Instrumental key pagination phalcon/cphalcon#14754 (using LIMIT instead of OFFSET)
005 Forms: beforeBind and afterBind for Form phalcon/cphalcon#14598
005 Config: Review logic of "Load services from config" phalcon/phalcon#176
005 ORM: Many-To-Many relation with composite PKs phalcon/cphalcon#13890
005 Storage: Phalcon JSON Flat-File CRUDS Support phalcon/cphalcon#13783
005 Volt: Volt output filters phalcon/phalcon#137
004 PHQL: Registering custom expressions in PHQL Dialects like PostgreSQL @@ Expression phalcon/cphalcon#14954
004 Assets Reintroduce Cssmin/Jsmin phalcon/cphalcon#14903
004 Forms: Forms: Multiple csrf phalcon/cphalcon#13922
004 ORM: ORM: add the ability to return a custom Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row class instance phalcon/phalcon#159
004 Dispatcher: Can't get module name from cli dispatcher phalcon/phalcon#152
004 Volt: volt strings do not know about escape sequences phalcon/phalcon#150
003 Application Micro: removeExtraSlashes should be false by default phalcon/cphalcon#14920
003 ORM: New chunk() method for Phalcon ORM phalcon/cphalcon#14005
003 Models: ReusableInterface phalcon/phalcon#155
002 VIEW: Add has method to View
002 Volt: Volt: Block functions phalcon/cphalcon#14436
002 ORM: When the model uses columns(), it should bind the original model instead of Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row phalcon/phalcon#167
002 Helper: BCMath wrapper phalcon/cphalcon#14008
002 CLI: Lock for cli component phalcon/cphalcon#14006
002 Volt: Volt PHP 7 strict type support phalcon/cphalcon#13978
002 Application: Make Micro Collection create handler instance with DI phalcon/cphalcon#13967
002 ORM: Cascade update in ORM phalcon/cphalcon#13804
001 Dispatcher: can we add controller filter like cakephp4 phalcon/cphalcon#14902
001 URL: Add a global suffix to URL phalcon/cphalcon#14806
001 Translate: Gettext query domain phalcon/cphalcon#14527
001 General: Classes should not have application defaults phalcon/cphalcon#14412
001 Volt: Volt extends from virable or from absolute path phalcon/phalcon#175
001 Events: When no Event "data" is supplied, do not pass the parameter phalcon/cphalcon#13965
001 Volt: Volt cache system phalcon/cphalcon#13926
001 Image: Add Gmagic adapter for Phalcon\Image phalcon/cphalcon#13884
001 Db: MySQL point field support missing phalcon/cphalcon#13670
001 DI: Make shared instances removable. phalcon/cphalcon#13285
001 DI: \Phalcon\Di add alias? phalcon/cphalcon#13042
001 Translate: SetLocale() not support multiple parameters phalcon/cphalcon#12202
001 Translate: Support 'context' in Gettext (msgctxt) phalcon/cphalcon#12201
000 Config: Introduce HJSON format phalcon/cphalcon#15696
000 Model: Add method to Mvc/Model/CriteriaInterface phalcon/cphalcon#14818
000 Model: Add the merge mode for the Model::skipAttributes() phalcon/cphalcon#14934
000 Link to docs in changelog -
000 Model: set properties in Phalcon\Mvc::refresh() phalcon/phalcon#174
000 Validator: add aspect ratios validation for Validator/Files phalcon/phalcon#173
000 HTTP Response: add setStreamToSend for response class phalcon/phalcon#268
000 Validator: validation :field should use translation pattern %field% phalcon/cphalcon#14308
000 Validator: regex for Validator/Files allowedTypes phalcon/phalcon#170
000 ORM: Query Builder duplicating JOIN clause phalcon/cphalcon#14214
000 ORM: suggest adding the alias method to the model phalcon/cphalcon#14185
000 Pagination: Dynamic Loop Counters When Using Pagination phalcon/cphalcon#14046
000 ORM: Map record to target model (Inheritance mapping) phalcon/cphalcon#14007
000 Volt: Remove Single Quotes From Volt Names phalcon/cphalcon#13942
000 Volt: Shorter Volt Filter Names or Optional Shorter Alias Names phalcon/cphalcon#13940
000 Translate: Proposal on adding a LocaleAwareInterface for Translate adapters (and interpolators) phalcon/cphalcon#13905
000 Dispatcher: setDefaultNamespace() Alias setNamespace() phalcon/cphalcon#13814
000 Db: Different types of messages in virtual foreign keys phalcon/cphalcon#13801
000 Session: Need the lock for redis session phalcon/phalcon#161
000 Validation: Why not to use ioc/factory style for validators like filters? phalcon/cphalcon#13567
000 View: View active render path not return to prev path after partial render phalcon/cphalcon#13554
000 Volt Compiler: Allow \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt to accept Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler in the constructor phalcon/phalcon#274