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Validation Component


Phalcon\Filter\Validation is an independent validation component that validates an arbitrary set of data. This component can be used to implement validation rules on data objects that do not belong to a model or collection.

The following example shows its basic usage:


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Email;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf;

$validation = new Validation();

    new PresenceOf(
            'message' => 'The name is required',

    new PresenceOf(
            'message' => 'The e-mail is required',

    new Email(
            'message' => 'The e-mail is not valid',

$messages = $validation->validate($_POST);

if (count($messages)) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo $message, '<br>';

The loosely-coupled design of this component allows you to create your own validators along with the ones provided by the framework.


public function __construct(
    array $validators = []

public function add(
    mixed $field, 
    ValidatorInterface $validator
): ValidationInterface
Adds a validator to a field

public function appendMessage(
    MessageInterface $message
): ValidationInterface
Appends a message to the messages list

public function bind(
    object $entity, 
    array | object $$data
): ValidationInterface
Assigns the data to an entity. The entity is used to obtain the validation values

public function getEntity(): object
Returns the bound entity

public function getFilters(
    string $field = null
): mixed | null
Returns all the filters or a specific one

public function getLabel(
    string $field
): string
Get a label for the field

public function getMessages(): Messages
Returns the registered validators

public function getValidators(): array
Returns the validators added to the validation

public function getValue(
    string $field
): mixed | null
Gets a value to validate in the array/object data source

public function getValueByEntity(mixed $entity, string $field): mixed | null
Gets the value to validate in the object entity source

public function getValueByData(mixed $data, string $field): mixed | null
Gets the value to validate in the array/object data source

public function rule(
    mixed $field, 
    ValidatorInterface $validator
): ValidationInterface
Alias of add method

public function rules(
    mixed $field, 
    array $validators
): ValidationInterface
Adds the validators to a field

public function setEntity(
    object $entity
): void
Sets the bound entity

public function setFilters(
    string $field, 
    array | string $filters
): ValidationInterface
Add filters to the field

public function setLabels(
    array $labels
): void
Adds labels for fields

public function validate(
    array | object $data = null, 
    object $entity = null
): Messages
Validate a set of data according to a set of rules


Validation chains can be initialized in a direct manner by just adding validators to the Phalcon\Filter\Validation object. You can put your validations in a separate file for better code reuse and organization.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Email;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf;

class MyValidation extends Validation
    public function initialize()
            new PresenceOf(
                    'message' => 'The name is required',

            new PresenceOf(
                    'message' => 'The e-mail is required',

            new Email(
                    'message' => 'The e-mail is not valid',

Then initialize and use your own validator:


$validation = new MyValidation();

$messages = $validation->validate($_POST);

if (count($messages)) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo $message, '<br>';


Phalcon offers a set of built-in validators for this component:

Class Validates
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Alnum Alphanumeric character(s)
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Alpha Alphabet character(s).
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Between Between two values
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Callback Callback function
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Confirmation Identical field values
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\CreditCard Credit card number
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Date Date.
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Digit Numeric character(s).
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Email Email
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\ExclusionIn Not within value set
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File File
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\MimeType Mimetype File
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Resolution\Equal Equal resolution of File
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Resolution\Max Maximum resolution of File
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Resolution\Min Minimum resolution of File
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Size\Equal Equal File Size
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Size\Max Maximum File Size
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Size\Min Minimum File Size
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Identical Equal specific value
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\InclusionIn Within value set
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Ip IP
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Numericality Numeric Value
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf Not null or empty
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Regex Regex
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\StringLength Length
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\StringLength\Max Maximum Length
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\StringLength\Min Minimum Length
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness Unique in Model
Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Url URL


Check for alphanumeric character(s)


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Alnum;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Alnum(
            "message" => ":field must contain only alphanumeric characters",

    new Alnum(
            "message" => [
                "username" => "username must contain only alphanumeric characters",
                "name"     => "name must contain only alphanumeric characters",


Check for alphabetic character(s)


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Alpha;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Alpha(
            "message" => ":field must contain only letters",

    new Alpha(
            "message" => [
                "username" => "username must contain only letters",
                "name"     => "name must contain only letters",


Validates that a value is between an inclusive range of two values. The validation passes if for a value L, the minimum is less or equal to L, and L is less or equal to the maximum. The boundaries are included in this validation. The formula is:

minimum <= value <= maximum

use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Between;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Between(
            "minimum" => 0,
            "maximum" => 100,
            "message" => "The price must be between 0 and 100",

    new Between(
            "minimum" => [
                "price"  => 0,
                "amount" => 0,
            "maximum" => [
                "price"  => 100,
                "amount" => 50,
            "message" => [
                "price"  => "The price must be between 0 and 100",
                "amount" => "The amount must be between 0 and 50",


By using Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Callback you can execute a custom function that must return boolean or a new validator class which will be used to validate the same field. By returning true validation will be successful, returning false will mean validation failed. When executing this validator Phalcon will pass data depending on what it is - if it's an entity (i.e. a model, a stdClass etc.) then the entity will be passed, otherwise data (i.e. an array like $_POST). There is an example:


use \Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use \Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Callback;
use \Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf;

$validation = new Validation();
    new Callback(
            'callback' => function ($data) {
                return $data['amount'] % 2 == 0;
            'message'  => 'Only even number of products are accepted'
    new Callback(
            'callback' => function ($data) {
                if ($data['amount'] % 2 == 0) {
                    return $data['amount'] != 2;

                return true;
            'message' => "You cannot buy 2 products"
    new Callback(
            'callback' => function ($data) {
                if ($data['amount'] >= 10) {
                    return new PresenceOf(
                            'message' => 'You must write why you need so big amount.'

                return true;

// Validator #1
$messages = $validation->validate(['amount' => 1]);
// Validator #2
$messages = $validation->validate(['amount' => 2]);
// Validator #3
$messages = $validation->validate(['amount' => 10]);

use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Callback;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Numericality;

$validator = new Validation();

    ["user", "admin"],
    new Callback(
            "message" => "User cannot belong to two groups",
            "callback" => function($data) {
                if (!empty($data->getUser()) && 
                    !empty($data->getAdmin())) {
                    return false;

                return true;

    new Callback(
            "callback" => function($data) {
                if (!empty($data->getProduct())) {
                    return new Numericality(
                            "message" => "Amount must be a number."


Checks that two values have the same value


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Confirmation;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Confirmation(
            "message" => "Password doesn't match confirmation",
            "with"    => "confirmPassword",

    new Confirmation(
            "message" => [
                "password" => "Password doesn't match confirmation",
                "email"    => "Email doesn't match confirmation",
            "with" => [
                "password" => "confirmPassword",
                "email"    => "confirmEmail",


Checks if a value has a valid credit card number


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\CreditCard;

$validator = new Validation();

    new CreditCard(
            "message" => "The credit card number is not valid",

    new CreditCard(
            "message" => [
                "creditCard"       => "The credit card number is not valid",
                "secondCreditCard" => "The second credit card number is not valid",


Checks if a value is a valid date


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Date as DateValidator;

$validator = new Validation();

    new DateValidator(
            "format"  => "d-m-Y",
            "message" => "The date is invalid",

    new DateValidator(
            "format" => [
                "date"        => "d-m-Y",
                "anotherDate" => "Y-m-d",
            "message" => [
                "date"        => "The date is invalid",
                "anotherDate" => "The another date is invalid",


Check for numeric character(s)


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Digit;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Digit(
            "message" => ":field must be numeric",

    new Digit(
            "message" => [
                "height" => "height must be numeric",
                "width"  => "width must be numeric",


Checks if a value has a correct e-mail format. If the data to be validated contains UTF-8 characters, you can set the allowUTF8 option to true to allow them.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Email;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Email(
            "message" => "The e-mail is not valid",

    new Email(
            "message" => [
                "email"        => "The e-mail is not valid",
                "anotherEmail" => "The another e-mail is not valid",

    new Email(
            "message" => "The e-mail is not valid",
            "allowUTF8" => true,


Check if a value is not included in a list of values


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\ExclusionIn;

$validator = new Validation();

    new ExclusionIn(
            "message" => "The status must not be A or B",
            "domain"  => [

    new ExclusionIn(
            "message" => [
                "status" => "The status must not be A or B",
                "type"   => "The type must not be 1 or "
            "domain" => [
                "status" => [
                "type"   => [1, 2],


Checks if a value has a correct file


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File;

$validator = new Validation();

    new File(
            "maxSize"              => "2M",
            "messageSize"          => ":field exceeds the max size (:size)",
            "allowedTypes"         => [
            "messageType"          => "Allowed file types are :types",
            "maxResolution"        => "800x600",
            "messageMaxResolution" => "Max resolution of :field is :resolution",

    new File(
            "maxSize" => [
                "file"        => "2M",
                "anotherFile" => "4M",
            "messageSize" => [
                "file"        => "file exceeds the max size 2M",
                "anotherFile" => "anotherFile exceeds the max size 4M",
            "allowedTypes" => [
                "file"        => [
                "anotherFile" => [
            "messageType" => [
                "file"        => "Allowed file types are image/jpeg and image/png",
                "anotherFile" => "Allowed file types are image/gif and image/bmp",
            "maxResolution" => [
                "file"        => "800x600",
                "anotherFile" => "1024x768",
            "messageMaxResolution" => [
                "file"        => "Max resolution of file is 800x600",
                "anotherFile" => "Max resolution of file is 1024x768",

File MimeType

Checks if a value has a correct file mime type


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\MimeType;

$validator = new Validation();

    new MimeType(
            "types" => [
            "message" => "Allowed file types are :types"

    new MimeType(
            "types" => [
                "file"        => [
                "anotherFile" => [
            "message" => [
                "file"        => "Allowed file types are image/jpeg and image/png",
                "anotherFile" => "Allowed file types are image/gif and image/bmp",

File Resolution Equal

Check if a file has the right resolution


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Resolution\Equal;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Equal(
            "resolution" => "800x600",
            "message"    => "The resolution of the field :field has to be equal :resolution",

    new Equal(
            "resolution" => [
                "file"        => "800x600",
                "anotherFile" => "1024x768",
            "message" => [
                "file"        => "Equal resolution of file has to be 800x600",
                "anotherFile" => "Equal resolution of file has to be 1024x768",

File Resolution Max

Check if a file has the right resolution


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Resolution\Max;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Max(
            "resolution"      => "800x600",
            "message"  => "Max resolution of :field is :resolution",
            "included" => true,

    new Max(
            "resolution" => [
                "file"        => "800x600",
                "anotherFile" => "1024x768",
            "included" => [
                "file"        => false,
                "anotherFile" => true,
            "message" => [
                "file"        => "Max resolution of file is 800x600",
                "anotherFile" => "Max resolution of file is 1024x768",

File Resolution Min

Check if a file has the right resolution


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Resolution\Min;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Min(
            "resolution" => "800x600",
            "message"    => "Min resolution of :field is :resolution",
            "included"   => true,

    new Min(
            "resolution" => [
                "file"        => "800x600",
                "anotherFile" => "1024x768",
            "included" => [
                "file"        => false,
                "anotherFile" => true,
            "message" => [
                "file"        => "Min resolution of file is 800x600",
                "anotherFile" => "Min resolution of file is 1024x768",

File Size Equal

Checks if a value has a correct file


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Size;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Equal(
            "size"     => "2M",
            "included" => true,
            "message"  => ":field exceeds the size (:size)",

    new Equal(
            "size" => [
                "file"        => "2M",
                "anotherFile" => "4M",
            "included" => [
                "file"        => false,
                "anotherFile" => true,
            "message" => [
                "file"        => "file does not have the correct size",
                "anotherFile" => "anotherFile wrong size (4MB)",

File Size Max

Checks if a value has a correct file


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Size;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Max(
            "size"     => "2M",
            "included" => true,
            "message"  => ":field exceeds the max size (:size)",

    new Max(
            "size" => [
                "file"        => "2M",
                "anotherFile" => "4M",
            "included" => [
                "file"        => false,
                "anotherFile" => true,
            "message" => [
                "file"        => "file exceeds the max size 2M",
                "anotherFile" => "anotherFile exceeds the max size 4M",

File Size Min

Checks if a value has a correct file


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\File\Size;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Min(
            "size"     => "2M",
            "included" => true,
            "message"  => ":field exceeds the min size (:size)",

    new Min(
            "size" => [
                "file"        => "2M",
                "anotherFile" => "4M",
            "included" => [
                "file"        => false,
                "anotherFile" => true,
            "message" => [
                "file"        => "file exceeds the min size 2M",
                "anotherFile" => "anotherFile exceeds the min size 4M",


Checks if a value is identical to other


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Identical;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Identical(
            "accepted" => "yes",
            "message" => "Terms and conditions must be accepted",

    new Identical(
            "accepted" => [
                "terms"        => "yes",
                "otherTerms" => "yes",
            "message" => [
                "terms"        => "Terms and conditions must be accepted",
                "otherTerms" => "Other terms must be accepted",


Check if a value is included in a list of values


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\InclusionIn;

$validator = new Validation();

    new InclusionIn(
            "message" => "The status must be A or B",
            "domain"  => ["A", "B"],

    new InclusionIn(
            "message" => [
                "status" => "The status must be A or B",
                "type"   => "The status must be 1 or 2",
            "domain" => [
                "status" => ["A", "B"],
                "type"   => [1, 2],


Check for IP addresses


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Ip;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Ip(
            "message"       => ":field must contain only ip addresses",
            // v6 and v4. The same if not specified
            "version"       => IP::VERSION_4 | Ip::VERSION_6, 
            // False if not specified. Ignored for v6
            "allowReserved" => false,
            // False if not specified
            "allowPrivate"  => false,
            "allowEmpty"    => false,

    new Ip(
            "message" => [
                "source_address"      => "source_address must be a valid IP address",
                "destination_address" => "destination_address must be a valid IP address",
            "version" => [
                 "source_address"      => Ip::VERSION_4 | Ip::VERSION_6,
                 "destination_address" => Ip::VERSION_4,
            "allowReserved" => [
                 "source_address"      => false,
                 "destination_address" => true,
            "allowPrivate" => [
                 "source_address"      => false,
                 "destination_address" => true,
            "allowEmpty" => [
                 "source_address"      => false,
                 "destination_address" => true,


Check for a valid numeric value


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Numericality;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Numericality(
            "message" => ":field is not numeric",

    new Numericality(
            "message" => [
                "price"  => "price is not numeric",
                "amount" => "amount is not numeric",


Validates whether a field is present


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf;

$validation = new Validation();

    new PresenceOf(
            'message' => 'The name is required',


Validates a field based on a regex pattern.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Regex;

$validation = new Validation();

    new Regex(
            'message' => 'The telephone is required',
            'pattern' => '/\+1 [0-9]+/',


Validates that a string has the specified maximum and minimum constraints. The validation passes if for a string length L, the minimum is less or equal to L and L is less or equal to the maximum. The boundaries are included in this validation. The formula is:

minimum <= string length <= maximum

This validator works like a container.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\StringLength;

$validator = new Validation();

    new StringLength(
            "max"             => 50,
            "min"             => 2,
            "messageMaximum"  => "Name too long",
            "messageMinimum"  => "Only initials please",
            "includedMaximum" => true,
            "includedMinimum" => false,

    new StringLength(
            "max" => [
                "name_last"  => 50,
                "name_first" => 40,
            "min" => [
                "name_last"  => 2,
                "name_first" => 4,
            "messageMaximum" => [
                "name_last"  => "Last name too short",
                "name_first" => "First name too short",
            "messageMinimum" => [
                "name_last"  => "Last name too long",
                "name_first" => "First name too long",
            "includedMaximum" => [
                "name_last"  => false,
                "name_first" => true,
            "includedMinimum" => [
                "name_last"  => false,
                "name_first" => true,

StringLength Max

Validates that a string has the specified maximum constraints. The validation passes if for a string length L it is less or equal to the maximum. The formula is:

string length <= maximum

use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\StringLength\Max;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Max(
            "max"      => 50,
            "message"  => "Last name too long",
            "included" => true

    new Max(
            "max" => [
                "name_last"  => 50,
                "name_first" => 40,
            "message" => [
                "name_last"  => "Last name too long",
                "name_first" => "First name too long",
            "included" => [
                "name_last"  => false,
                "name_first" => true,

StringLength Min

Validates that a string has the specified minimum constraints. The validation passes if for a string length L it is more or equal to the minimum. The formula is:

minimum <= string length 

use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\StringLength\Min;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Min(
            "min"     => 2,
            "message" => "Only initials please",
            "included" => true

    new Min(
            "min" => [
                "name_last"  => 2,
                "name_first" => 4,
            "message" => [
                "name_last"  => "Last name too short",
                "name_first" => "First name too short",
            "included" => [
                "name_last"  => false,
                "name_first" => true,


Check that a field is unique in the related table


use MyApp\Models\Customers;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Uniqueness(
            "model"   => new Customers(),
            "message" => ":field must be unique",

Different attributes from the field:


    new Uniqueness(
            "model"     => new Invoices(),
            "attribute" => "nick",

In the model:


    new Uniqueness()

Combination of fields in the model:


    new Uniqueness()

It is possible to convert values before validation. This is useful in situations where values need to be converted for the database lookup:


    new Uniqueness(
            "convert" => function (array $values) {
                $values["cst_email"] = trim($values["cst_email"]);

                return $values;

Using except for fields (SQL operation "value NOT IN (except)")

Single field


    new Uniqueness(
            "except" => ""
Multiple fields with keys (each except will be applied to the value defined by the key)

    ["cst_email", "cst_phone"],
    new Uniqueness(
            "except" => [
                "cst_email" => "",
                "cst_phone" => "82918304-3843",
Multiple fields without keys (each except will be applied to all values recursively)

    ["cst_email", "cmp_email"],
    new Uniqueness(
            "except" => [
Multiple fields with single except (except will be applied to all values recursively)

    ["cst_email", "cmp_email"],
    new Uniqueness(
            "except" => "",


Checks if a value has a url format


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Url;

$validator = new Validation();

    new Url(
            "message" => ":field must be a URL",

    new Url(
            "message" => [
                "url"      => "url must be a url",
                "homepage" => "homepage must be a url",

You can also pass the flags option in the array, defining FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED or FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIRED if necessary.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Url;

$validation = new Validation();

    new Url(
            'options' => FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED

$messages = $validation->validate(
        'url' => '',

    new Url(
            'options' => FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIRED

$messages = $validation->validate(
        'url' => 'https://',

    new Url(
            'options' => [
                'flags' => [

$messages = $validation->validate(
        'url' => 'phalcon',

Custom Validators

You can create your own validators by implementing the Phalcon\Filter\Validation\ValidatorInterface or Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\CompositeInterface. You can also extend the Phalcon\Filter\Validation\AbstractCombinedFieldsValidator, Phalcon\Filter\Validation\AbstractValidator or Phalcon\Filter\Validation\AbstractValidatorComposite.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\AbstractValidator;

class IpValidator extends AbstractValidator
     * Adding the default template error message
     * @param array $options
    public function __construct(array $options = [])
        $this->template = 'The IP :ip_address is not valid';


     * Executes the validation
     * @param Validation $validation
     * @param string     $field
     * @return boolean
    public function validate(Validation $validation, $field)
        $value = $validation->getValue($field);

        if (!filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 | FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
            $replacements = [':ip_address' => $value];

                $this->messageFactory($validation, $field, $replacements)

            return false;

        return true;

It is important that validators return a valid boolean value indicating if the validation was successful or not.


Phalcon\Filter\Validation utilizes the Phalcon\Messages\Messages collection, providing a flexible way to output or store the validation messages generated during the validation processes.

Each message consists of an instance of the class Phalcon\Messages\Message. The set of messages generated can be retrieved with the getMessages() method. Each message provides extended information such as the field that generated the message or the message type:


$messages = $validation->validate();

if (count($messages)) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo 'Message: ', $message->getMessage(), "\n";
        echo 'Field: ', $message->getField(), "\n";
        echo 'Type: ', $message->getType(), "\n";

You can pass a message parameter to change/translate the default message in each validator. You can also use the placeholder :field in the message to be replaced by the label of the field:


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Email;

    new Email(
            'message' => 'The e-mail is not valid',

By default, the getMessages() method returns all the messages generated during validation. You can filter messages for a specific field using the filter() method:


$messages = $validation->validate();

if (count($messages)) {
    $filteredMessages = $messages->filter('name');

    foreach ($filteredMessages as $message) {
        echo $message;

Filtering of Data

Data can be filtered prior to the validation ensuring that malicious or incorrect data is not validated.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;

$validation = new Validation();

    new PresenceOf(
            'message' => 'The name is required',

    new PresenceOf(
            'message' => 'The email is required',

$validation->setFilters('name', 'trim');
$validation->setFilters('email', 'trim');

Filtering and sanitizing are performed using the filter component. You can add more filters to this component or use the built-in ones.


When validations are organized in classes, you can implement the beforeValidation() and afterValidation() methods to perform additional checks, filters, clean-up, etc. If the beforeValidation() method returns false the validation is automatically canceled:


use Phalcon\Http\Request;
use Phalcon\Messages\Message;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;

 * @property Request $request
class LoginValidation extends Validation
    public function initialize()
        // ...

    public function beforeValidation($data, $entity, $messages)
        if ($this->request->getHttpHost() !== '') {
                new Message(
                    'Only users can log on in the admin domain'

            return false;

        return true;

    public function afterValidation($data, $entity, $messages)
        // ... Add additional messages or perform more validations

Cancelling Validations

By default, all validators assigned to a field are tested regardless if one of them has failed or not. You can change this behavior by telling the validation component which validator may stop the validation:


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Regex;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf;

$validation = new Validation();

    new PresenceOf(
            'message'      => 'The telephone is required',
            'cancelOnFail' => true,

    new Regex(
            'message' => 'The telephone is required',
            'pattern' => '/\+44 [0-9]+/',

    new StringLength(
            'messageMinimum' => 'The telephone is too short',
            'min'            => 2,

The first validator has the option cancelOnFail with a value of true, therefore if that validator fails the remaining validators in the chain are not executed.

If you are creating custom validators you can dynamically stop the validation chain by setting the cancelOnFail option:


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator;
use Phalcon\Messages\Message;

class MyValidator extends Validator
    public function validate(Validation $validator, $attribute)
        // If the attribute value is `name` we must stop the chain
        if ($attribute === 'name') {
            $validator->setOption('cancelOnFail', true);

        // ...

Empty Values

You can pass the option allowEmpty to any of the built-in validators to ignore empty values.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Regex;

$validation = new Validation();

    new Regex(
            'message'    => 'The telephone is required',
            'pattern'    => '/\+1 [0-9]+/',
            'allowEmpty' => true,

The allowEmpty option can also be an array of field names. The fields matching the elements of the array will validate true if they have empty values.

Recursive Validation

You can also run Validation instances within another via the afterValidation() method. In this example, validating the CompanyValidation instance will also check the PhoneValidation instance:


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;

class CompanyValidation extends Validation
     * @var PhoneValidation
    protected $phoneValidation;

    public function initialize()
        $this->phoneValidation = new PhoneValidation();

    public function afterValidation($data, $entity, $messages)
        $phoneValidationMessages = $this->phoneValidation->validate(



Any exceptions thrown in the Phalcon\Filter\Validation namespace will be of type Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Exception or Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\Exception. You can use this exception to selectively catch exceptions thrown only from this component.


use Phalcon\Filter\Validation;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Exception;
use Phalcon\Filter\Validation\Validator\InclusionIn;

try {
    $validator = new Validation();

        new InclusionIn(
                "message" => "The status must be A or B",
                "domain"  => false,
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();