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Phalcon session


All classes are prefixed with Phalcon

Session\Adapter\AbstractAdapter Abstract

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Storage\Adapter\AdapterInterface
    • SessionHandlerInterface
  • Extends

  • Implements

    • SessionHandlerInterface

This file is part of the Phalcon Framework.

(c) Phalcon Team

For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.


 * @var AdapterInterface
protected $adapter;


public function close(): bool;

public function destroy( mixed $id ): bool;

public function gc( int $max_lifetime ): int | false;
Garbage Collector

public function open( mixed $path, mixed $name ): bool;

public function read( mixed $id ): string;

public function write( mixed $id, mixed $data ): bool;

protected function getArrVal( array $collection, mixed $index, mixed $defaultValue = null ): mixed;
@todo Remove this when we get traits


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Storage\AdapterFactory
  • Extends


  • Implements



public function __construct( AdapterFactory $factory, array $options = [] );
Libmemcached constructor.


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session\Adapter
  • Uses

    • SessionHandlerInterface
  • Extends

  • Implements

    • SessionHandlerInterface


This is an "empty" or null adapter. It can be used for testing or any other purpose that no session needs to be invoked


use Phalcon\Session\Manager;
use Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Noop;

$session = new Manager();
$session->setAdapter(new Noop());


 * The connection of some adapters
 * @var null
protected $connection;

 * Session options
 * @var array
protected $options;

 * Session prefix
 * @var string
protected $prefix = ;

 * Time To Live
 * @var int
protected $ttl = 8600;


public function __construct( array $options = [] );

public function close(): bool;

public function destroy( mixed $id ): bool;

public function gc( int $max_lifetime ): int | false;
Garbage Collector

public function open( mixed $path, mixed $name ): bool;

public function read( mixed $id ): string;

public function write( mixed $id, mixed $data ): bool;

protected function getPrefixedName( mixed $name ): string;
Helper method to get the name prefixed


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Storage\AdapterFactory
  • Extends


  • Implements



public function __construct( AdapterFactory $factory, array $options = [] );


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session\Adapter
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Session\Exception
  • Extends


  • Implements


This is the file based adapter. It stores sessions in a file based system


use Phalcon\Session\Manager;
use Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Stream;

$session = new Manager();
$files = new Stream(
        'savePath' => '/tmp',

@property array $options @property string $prefix @property string $path


 * @var string
private $path = ;


public function __construct( array $options = [] );

public function destroy( mixed $id ): bool;

public function gc( int $max_lifetime ): int | false;
Garbage Collector

public function open( mixed $path, mixed $name ): bool;
Ignore the savePath and use local defined path

public function read( mixed $id ): string;
Reads data from the adapter

public function write( mixed $id, mixed $data ): bool;

protected function getArrVal( array $collection, mixed $index, mixed $defaultValue = null, string $cast = null ): mixed;
@todo Remove this when we get traits

protected function phpFileExists( string $filename );
protected function phpFileGetContents( string $filename );
protected function phpFilePutContents( string $filename, mixed $data, int $flags = int, mixed $context = null );
protected function phpFopen( string $filename, string $mode );

protected function phpIniGet( string $varname ): string;
Gets the value of a configuration option

protected function phpIsWritable( string $filename ): bool;
Tells whether the filename is writable


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Di\Di
    • Phalcon\Di\DiInterface
    • Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface
    • Phalcon\Session\ManagerInterface
    • Phalcon\Support\Collection
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • BagInterface
    • InjectionAwareInterface


This component helps to separate session data into "namespaces". Working by this way you can easily create groups of session variables into the application

$user = new \Phalcon\Session\Bag("user");

$user->name = "Kimbra Johnson";
$user->age  = 22;

@property DiInterface|null $container @property string $name @property ManagerInterface $session;


 * @var DiInterface|null
private $container;

 * Session Bag name
 * @var string
private $name;

 * @var ManagerInterface
private $session;


public function __construct( ManagerInterface $session, string $name );

public function clear(): void;
Destroys the session bag

public function getDI(): DiInterface;
Returns the DependencyInjector container

public function init( array $data = [] ): void;
Initialize internal array

public function remove( string $element ): void;
Removes a property from the internal bag

public function set( string $element, mixed $value ): void;
Sets a value in the session bag

public function setDI( DiInterface $container ): void;
Sets the DependencyInjector container

Session\BagInterface Interface

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session
  • Uses

  • Extends

  • Implements


Interface for Phalcon\Session\Bag


public function __get( string $element ): mixed;
public function __isset( string $element ): bool;
public function __set( string $element, mixed $value ): void;
public function __unset( string $element ): void;
public function clear(): void;
public function get( string $element, mixed $defaultValue = null, string $cast = null ): mixed;
public function has( string $element ): bool;
public function init( array $data = [] ): void;
public function remove( string $element ): void;
public function set( string $element, mixed $value ): void;


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session
  • Uses

  • Extends


  • Implements


Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Session will use this class


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session
  • Uses

    • InvalidArgumentException
    • Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware
    • Phalcon\Di\DiInterface
    • Phalcon\Support\Helper\Arr\Get
    • RuntimeException
    • SessionHandlerInterface
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • ManagerInterface

@property SessionHandlerInterface|null $adapter @property string $name @property array $options @property string $uniqueId


 * @var SessionHandlerInterface|null
private $adapter;

 * @var string
private $name = ;

 * @var array
private $options;

 * @var string
private $uniqueId = ;


public function __construct( array $options = [] );
Manager constructor.

public function __get( string $key ): mixed;
Alias: Gets a session variable from an application context

public function __isset( string $key ): bool;
Alias: Check whether a session variable is set in an application context

public function __set( string $key, mixed $value ): void;
Alias: Sets a session variable in an application context

public function __unset( string $key ): void;
Alias: Removes a session variable from an application context

public function destroy(): void;
Destroy/end a session

public function exists(): bool;
Check whether the session has been started

public function get( string $key, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $remove = bool ): mixed;
Gets a session variable from an application context

public function getAdapter(): SessionHandlerInterface;
Returns the stored session adapter

public function getId(): string;
Returns the session id

public function getName(): string;
Returns the name of the session

public function getOptions(): array;
Get internal options

public function has( string $key ): bool;
Check whether a session variable is set in an application context

public function regenerateId( bool $deleteOldSession = bool ): ManagerInterface;
Regenerates the session id using the adapter.

public function remove( string $key ): void;
Removes a session variable from an application context

public function set( string $key, mixed $value ): void;
Sets a session variable in an application context

public function setAdapter( SessionHandlerInterface $adapter ): ManagerInterface;
Set the adapter for the session

public function setId( string $sessionId ): ManagerInterface;
Set session Id

public function setName( string $name ): ManagerInterface;
Set the session name. Throw exception if the session has started and do not allow poop names

public function setOptions( array $options ): void;
Sets session's options

public function start(): bool;
Starts the session (if headers are already sent the session will not be started)

public function status(): int;
Returns the status of the current session.

protected function phpHeadersSent(): bool;
Checks if or where headers have been sent

Session\ManagerInterface Interface

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Session
  • Uses

    • InvalidArgumentException
    • RuntimeException
    • SessionHandlerInterface
  • Extends

  • Implements


Interface for the Phalcon\Session\Manager


const SESSION_NONE = 1;


public function __get( string $key ): mixed;
Alias: Gets a session variable from an application context

public function __isset( string $key ): bool;
Alias: Check whether a session variable is set in an application context

public function __set( string $key, mixed $value ): void;
Alias: Sets a session variable in an application context

public function __unset( string $key ): void;
Alias: Removes a session variable from an application context

public function destroy(): void;
Destroy/end a session

public function exists(): bool;
Check whether the session has been started

public function get( string $key, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $remove = bool ): mixed;
Gets a session variable from an application context

public function getAdapter(): SessionHandlerInterface;
Returns the stored session adapter

public function getId(): string;
Returns the session id

public function getName(): string;
Returns the name of the session

public function getOptions(): array;
Get internal options

public function has( string $key ): bool;
Check whether a session variable is set in an application context

public function regenerateId( bool $deleteOldSession = bool ): ManagerInterface;
Regenerates the session id using the adapter.

public function remove( string $key ): void;
Removes a session variable from an application context

public function set( string $key, mixed $value ): void;
Sets a session variable in an application context

public function setAdapter( SessionHandlerInterface $adapter ): ManagerInterface;
Set the adapter for the session

public function setId( string $sessionId ): ManagerInterface;
Set session Id

public function setName( string $name ): ManagerInterface;
Set the session name. Throw exception if the session has started and do not allow poop names

@throws InvalidArgumentException

public function setOptions( array $options ): void;
Sets session's options

public function start(): bool;
Starts the session (if headers are already sent the session will not be started)

public function status(): int;
Returns the status of the current session.